🔄📈📉 Change Rules and Moment Matters: How to Stay in the Moment 🔖🕰️🔂

The Mindful Universe with SoundEagle

The Mindful Universe with SoundEagle

Moment Matters

A spiritual outlook with a minimalist perspective on life that is conducive to happiness is often predicated on living in the present moment through mindful awareness emancipated from the vagaries of the subconscious and the itinerants of the mind.

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Testimonial: Dr Bob Rich 3 May 2020 at 1:01 PM
Sound Eagle, I have read your learned dissertation. It is more a book than a blog post. 🙂
As you know, I am in basic agreement with your thesis, so will award you a Ph.D. in presentology.

🔖 Stay in the Moment‍‍ 🔂

A Meditation on Life: Delayed Gratification

In pondering the meaning of life, (im)mortality, purpose and time, Frank J Peter expresses his longing for living in the moment versus the uncertainty of the future in his post entitled “A Meditation on Life: Delayed Gratification”:

Wouldn’t it be nice if living in the moment was a simple matter of living for the moment?

Alas, life is not that easy for a creature who knows that tomorrow often matters more than today…

… so much so that today’s pleasure, comfort, ease, and safety must be sacrificed for a possibly better future…

… a future that may never come.

There lies a perennial confrontation of reality and a contradiction of expectation, etched in the faith, belief or conviction that tomorrow matters more, and in the fear, anxiety or apprehension that the conceivably nicer future may never eventuate. Faced with such an existential incongruity, one could be forgiven for showing a sign of resignation or a sense of acceptance, and for choosing to live in the moment for the moment, albeit momentarily, if not from time to time or even from moment to moment, “so that today’s pleasure, comfort, ease, and safety” can be remembered and appreciated in acknowledgment of their transience and finitude, and in anticipation of their coming into better fruition through delayed gratification. Moment matters as the respite, retreat or punctuation in a hurried life beset with vicissitudes.

Five days later, Frank J Peter affirmed in a post entitled “A Meditation on Life: Immortality” that whilst action necessarily occurs in the present, such action may involve transcending the limitations of present concerns through the imagined experience of other times and places outside one’s past or projected future, experience that maybe not only a source of pleasure but perhaps also a means of psychic and intellectual growth, as a way of transcending the ever-present existential constraints of “NOW”, and the transitory nature of the highs and lows in emotional life:

All I can do is NOW, but NOW is not all there is.

NOW is the opportunity to delight in the glorious privilege and responsibility of projecting my character beyond the fleeting joys and sorrows of the here and now to times and places I can never know or enjoy.

Scientific Account of Living in the Moment

Could some novel approach to conducting scientific experiments provide tentative inklings or solid confirmations on the pragmatic, utilitarian, emotional, psychological, existential, phenomenological, spiritual or metaphysical aspects of living in the moment? Such experiments should ideally reveal that living in the moment is actually beneficial to the human psyche; that being in the moment calms the wayward mind and curbs its desire to revisit the past and project into the future; that the mind focussing on the moment is one that is less prone to ruminating on what is or is not happening; and that staying in the moment promotes harmony, peace, geniality, benevolence or contentment and reduces conflict, anxiety, aggression, malevolence or unhappiness.

Born out of a scientific research project investigating happiness and what makes life worth living, the innovative survey app (coded and designed by Visnu Pitiyanuvath) called “Track Your Happiness” was conceived by Harvard psychologist Daniel T Gilbert and Matthew Killingsworth as part of the latter’s doctoral research at Harvard University, after having majored in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Economics in his Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Duke University, and having worked as a product manager in the software industry. As a Health and Society Scholar of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Matthew Killingsworth “studies the nature and causes of human happiness,… His recent research has focused on the relationship between happiness and the content of everyday experiences, the percentage of everyday experiences that are intrinsically valuable, and the degree of congruence between the causes of momentary happiness and of one’s overall satisfaction with life.”

Stay in the Moment and Stop Wandering

According to the abstract of their research paper entitled “A Wandering Mind Is an Unhappy Mind”, the “Track Your Happiness” app allows people to report their feelings in real time by using “smartphone technology to sample people’s ongoing thoughts, feelings, and actions and found (i) that people are thinking about what is not happening almost as often as they are thinking about what is and (ii) found that doing so typically makes them unhappy.” The research outcome indicates that a mind focusing on the present is more conducive to happiness and better for people’s moods than a mind wandering or daydreaming. In other words, people are often happiest when they are lost in the moment. In contrast, the more their mind wanders, the less happy they tend to be. According to Lauren Schenkman who reported the survey results in her 2:01PM 11 Nov 2010 entry entitled “Daydreaming Is a Downer” published in the Science magazine of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS):

Snap out of it! That daydream you’re having about eloping to the Bahamas with Johnny Depp or Angelina Jolie is leaching away your happiness. In a new global study, researchers used iPhones to gauge the mental state of more than 2000 volunteers several times a day—even when they were having sex. The results indicate that, if you want to stay cheerful, you’re better off focusing on the present, no matter how unpleasant it is.

The human mind is remarkably good at straying from the moment. That ability allows us to remember the past, plan for the future, and “even imagine things that never occur at all,” says Matthew Killingsworth…

…The daydreaming was not good for people’s moods: Volunteers were unhappier when their thoughts were elsewhere. Statistical tests showed that mind-wandering earlier in the day correlated with a poorer mood later in the day, but not vice versa, suggesting that unhappiness with their current activity wasn’t prompting people to mentally escape. Instead, their wandering minds were the cause of their gloom. Mental drifting was a downer for subjects during even the dullest activities, like cleaning, the researchers found.…

The findings “challenge the foundations of psychology,” says Lisa Feldman Barrett, a psychologist and neuroscientist at Northeastern University in Boston, who pioneered data gathering with Palm Pilots. Psychologists assume that the mind responds to a stimulus out in the world, but in this study, “it almost looks like the stimulus is irrelevant.”

For people who are non-technically minded and unfamiliar with research methodology and statistical procedures, the one-page research paper of Daniel T Gilbert and Matthew Killingsworth entitled “A Wandering Mind Is an Unhappy Mind” can be abbreviated as follows:

Unlike other animals, human beings spend a lot of time thinking about what is not going on around them, contemplating events that happened in the past, might happen in the future, or will never happen at all. Indeed, “stimulus-independent thought” or “mind wandering” appears to be the brain’s default mode of operation (1–3). Although this ability is a remarkable evolutionary achievement that allows people to learn, reason, and plan, it may have an emotional cost. Many philosophical and religious traditions teach that happiness is to be found by living in the moment, and practitioners are trained to resist mind wandering and “to be here now.” These traditions suggest that a wandering mind is an unhappy mind. Are they right?

First, people’s minds wandered frequently, regardless of what they were doing. Mind wandering occurred in 46.9% of the samples and in at least 30% of the samples taken during every activity except making love.…

Second, multilevel regression revealed that people were less happy when their minds were wandering than when they were not [slope (b) = –8.79, P < 0.001], and this was true during all activities, including the least enjoyable.…

Third, what people were thinking was a better predictor of their happiness than was what they were doing.…

In conclusion, a human mind is a wandering mind, and a wandering mind is an unhappy mind. The ability to think about what is not happening is a cognitive achievement that comes at an emotional cost.

As can be seen, the research paper begins with the premise that the intellectual ascent of the human species through the process of evolution is a double-edged sword insofar as the evolved mental capacity in humans to organize themselves for complex social life necessitates significant cognitive demands and social proclivities for perceiving, processing and predicting behavioural controls and intentions by mulling over past and future events, or replaying real and imaginary scenarios, all of which lead people to become perpetual mental captives wandering from thought to thought independent of mental stimuli and physical activities, as much as their nomadic hunter-gatherer ancestors had been wandering from place to place independent of the environmental potentials for settling down. Whilst the paper does not prescribe any remedy, it does suggests that the itinerant mind with its haphazard terrains can turn into the blissful mind with harmonizing landscapes when it can be reined in by philosophical disciplines, calmed by meditative practices, or settled by spiritual traditions. The research has been showcased on numerous media channels, including New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, NPR, Good Morning America, TEDxZaragoza and TedTalks, the last of which is shown bellow:

Stop Facebooking and Smell the Roses

Considering that billions of people are using social media and smartphones in one form or another regularly, and thus surrendering themselves to the addictive trappings of digital life, virtual reality, gaming fantasy and other instantaneous online interactions whilst also multitasking and concentrating amidst various distractions in their real-life activities such as eating, drinking, driving, walking, talking, reading and so on, there are compelling reasons to heed the words of Jesse Hawley (a biologist, a freelance science writer and illustrator as well as a communications advisor at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)), who wrote imaginatively and persuasively in his essay entitled “6 Ways Facebook is a Life Leeching Succubus” as follows:

A mainstay of Eastern philosophy is living in the moment. It’s difficult to argue with the healthiness of this practice.

Basically, if you’re constantly thinking about the future ‘what’s for dinner’, ‘it’ll be so cool when the new Smash Bros. comes out’, ‘life will be much better when I have a real job’, then you will never experience the present — and thus you’ll live a virtual life. The ‘ideal’ life that you’ve always dreamed about can never be tasted in the present.…

That’s why it’s nice to eat slowly and clearly perceiving a nice meal. To ‘stop and smell the roses’ is both literal and figurative. Do it.

Enter: Facebook – **PHWOOOOAAR** – it stomps down the street, leaving a puddle of pus and garbage juice in its wake. It stomps over and throws the flower-smelling hippy into its gargantuan, gaping face orifice.

Maybe I’m exaggerating for the sake of illustration, but Facebook is certainly efficient at stopping people from living in the moment.

I’ll admit, sometimes FB users are living in the moment, but it’s someone else’s – like: what that someone else is eating for dinner right now.

Instead of experiencing a live show, the FB-possessed are too busy taking blurry, pixelated photos. Instead of enjoying nature, these people are scouting out ideal profile picture angles. Instead of thinking ‘how lucky we are to have the chance to even experience reality’, we are thinking ‘how can my current situation be synthesised into a status update?’

In other words, people who are overly fixating on what is supposed or expected to happen in the future (or the past for that matter) are missing out on the present, thus cocooning themselves in a prolonged state of suspense, expectancy or anticipation, and entrapping themselves in a mental bubble of unrelenting momentum, as if being in the present or living in the moment is synonymous with stagnation, procrastination, unproductivity or apathy. In a figurative sense, they are already living a virtual life, even without immersing themselves in the vast digital edifice of virtual reality and social media. Yet, this existential dilemma has been further intensified and exacerbated since contemporary modern lives have become increasingly mediated by the trappings of technology, readily causing interminable intrusions and unsustainable disruptions wrought by update overdrive, information overload and multimedia overdose, let alone engendering addiction, superficiality, narcissism, status anxiety, estrangement from reality, and alienation from Nature. If discretion is the better part of valour, then distraction is the bitter part of media.

🔄📈📉 Change Rules and Moment‍ Matters 🔖🕰️🔂

How to Stay in the Moment with SoundEagle

Moment‍ Matters

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive.

The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion.

Live the actual moment. Only this actual moment is life.

The feeling that any task is a nuisance will soon disappear if it is done in mindfulness.

Thích Nhất Hạnh

Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience.

The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness.

Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Living is really pretty simple. Living happens right now; it doesn’t happen back then, and it doesn’t happen out there. Living is not the story of your life. Living is the process of experiencing right now.

Thinking about right now, figuring it out, perceiving it, arguing, reading about or believing anything about right now — none of these produce any certainty about living.

When you get beyond the symbols and beliefs about now, beyond thinking about it, beyond efforting or working at it, when you get even beyond merely feeling it, when you get all the way up to observing it, being with it, and finally up to totally experiencing it, the uncertainty about living goes away, because you know the truth in the only way in which a being ever knows the truth — by direct experience.

Actually, it is possible to open up the space for people to transcend life, to transcend these things that get in the way of being here now, so that they can experience being here now for themselves.

Werner Hans Erhard

When we get too caught up in the business of the world, we lose connection with one another – and ourselves.

Jack Kornfield

In a well-written post entitled “The joy of life is in the now”, TheDeeperMeaning invites us to ponder the following conundrum concerning our humdrum lives and routines, often saddled with fear, stress, anxiety, misery, despondency and pessimism as well as an insatiable appetite for acquiring more possessions, whilst losing touch with how to enjoy, accept and be satisfied with life and its vicissitudes to transcend the daily grind, even granted how imperfect our existence and the world can be:

Have you ever found yourself thinking: “When I graduate, I’ll be happy. When I get married, then I’ll be happy”? As I am an imperfect human as you are, I was there too. Like many other people, I used to feel more anxious, constantly looking ahead, hoping for a lighter days and in turn disregarding the present moment. Prince Ea calls this the “And-then-people”. But why do we think this way? We simply didn’t learn to be happy in the now. Stress at work or school, personal issues and fear of the future keep us in a daily rut. We drag ourselves through the week days while constantly waiting for the weekend. We take things or people for granted and do not appreciate what we already have. This might even come so far that we begin to develop burnout, anxiety or depression. But this doesn’t have to be our final destination. “What about the now?” is what the band Northlane asked themselves with the song “Quantum Flux” I would like to share with you today:

Can’t you see the joy of life is right before your eyes
Infinite bliss, infinite love
Take a chance, close your eyes and just dream

“Quantum Flux” – Northlane

This song … provides a message that not only young people should hear, but people of all age. It is a message, for us all to find a new way of living. One in which we can see all the happiness and joy that is already around us with open and eager eyes. Ex-vocalist Adrian Fitipaldes stated in his lyrical explanation of the song that it is about enjoying life in the now and being content with what we have despite living in an imperfect world: “Even in the world of darkness […] we can’t help but see the perfection in good and evil and the balance that is there”. I can only angree with Adrian because both are part of our life here on earth, and acceptance of it can “give you a deep sense of happiness and peace in the now”, as he says. Adrian also stated the problem of us humans wanting and desiring so much, always running after more possessions. This reminded me of [Plato’s] idea of a happy life. His position is that having (numerous) possessions is no sufficient condition for living a happy life. He states that it is important for humans to have the ability to use these possessions to his own well-being.

Living in the moment can have far more urgency and currency nowadays, given that the pace of population growth, social change, technological succession, information explosion and content oversaturation has caused everything to be even more likely to be cramped out of existence and to recede into the past, into oblivion, into irrelevance, into historical junkyards. Whereas data used to be most commonly sorted alphabetically or relationally, nowadays reverse chronological sorting has taken centre stage insofar as much of our lives is becoming a mediated reality in which the most recent information is listed first and given the highest priority or visibility. Nowhere is such privileging of the newest most glaringly adopted and thus saturating our daily lives than the news feeds and status updates in social media. Consequently, older information is often beyond easy reach or archived separately, accessible only via persistent scrolling downwards or through specific searches with keywords or dates, assuming that one could remember them or knew what to look for in the first place.

Paralleling hectic news cycles and incessant social media updates is the domain of academics and sciences, in which specialized scholars and researchers blindingly hone their skillsets on pinpointing minutiae to outshine others in their respective microniches via the latest breakthroughs, techniques and discoveries, often involving pushing or testing temporal, financial, social, ethical and/or environmental boundaries assertively, if not irrevocably or calamitously. Gone are the big narratives and grand syntheses, unless those involved have the time, fortitude and resources to become mavericks pursuing truly revolutionary research or going against prevailing trends to wield long and meandering strokes on the large canvass of a book, let alone a multi-chapter magnum opus. The celebrated stars and their newest games in town manifesting as fashionable trends and eye-opening gadgets propped up by a potent mix, convergence or confluence of marketing strategy, intellectual property and artificial intelligence often shine all too briefly as they are inexorably eclipsed or replaced by the next big things, most of which are in turn destined for desuetude, outmodedness or unfashionableness, and thus heading towards elimination or extinction. In the world of works, ideas, narratives and identities, it would seem that authors have to contend with, or even build in, obsolescence in their stories, characters and creations, if not their very own career aspirations, trajectories and mobilities, insofar as life is a stage, and increasingly a stage occupied with fast moving act(or)s and rapidly changing scene(rie)s, which are themselves progressively augmented, audited or even supplanted by automatons and automations as well as simulations and assimilations, such that real-life is evermore lived through or captured by digital (re)presentations and virtual (re)creations, as exemplified by those populating the vast edifices of social media and online worlds, particularly Second Life, a computer-based simulated environment, where altered identities thrive in alternative realities. The concept of, and the condition for, a job for life, or even a profession for life, are becoming progressively strained, if not antediluvian, as automations and technologies replace more sections of both the blue- and white-collar domains, increasing the volatility of both the job market and individual careers. If the pace and amplitude of change were to continue, there would be considerable doubt as to how human beings, especially those who are the most unprepared, unsupported, affected, disrupted, disadvantaged or disenfranchised, would ever possess the emotional stamina and economic buffer to withstand and weather a life of constant flux and shifting reality. Whilst those who subscribe to technoutopianism would be inclined to believe or assert that automations and technologies are “neutral” because they are merely “tools” whose impacts depend on their users, they would be foolhardy and myopic to deny or ignore that automations and technologies are not only like “words” reflecting people’s narratives, needs, desires, pursuits and worldviews, but also like “swords” with double edges capable of cutting both ways, often resulting in unforeseen or unintended consequences that can be profound, far-reaching or even irreversible. After all, such “tools” and their creation, auditing and maintenance are not always the natural outcome, inevitable result or preordained progress of scientific advances. They are frequently the dynamic reflection and interplay of sociopolitical (f)actors and choices, rather than just objective products, rational outputs and efficient outcomes of technologies, especially when:

  • Ecosystemic principles, human rights principles and democratic decision-making are deficient or ignored.
  • Market logic or neoliberalism is consistently allowed to prevail at the expense of human rights and autonomy to the detriment of liberty, sociocultural capital and ecosystemic integrity.
  • Artificial intelligence systems cause unforeseen repercussions or engage in biases and discriminations to the detriment of equality, diversity and sustainability.
  • Analytics, algorithms and outputs of artificial intelligence replicate or exacerbate biases in extant data and policies, or entrench inbuilt forms of discrimination, corruption or malversation.
  • The technology industry is controlled by market-driven definitions of efficiency and skewed towards (re)producing gadgets and services for the affluent and powerful at the expense of taking full account of the humanity and catering for all and sundry, particularly the most vulnerable, disadvantaged or impoverished.

“Existence is a series of footnotes to a vast, obscure, unfinished masterpiece”, according to Vladimir Nabokov. In that case, may the mystery of reality and the machinery of existence occasionally permit extraordinary mental clarity and vividness when we inhabit the moment! Perhaps the moment will be a very special one to remember and treasure, as it materializes at the serendipitous arrival of an epiphany; at the critical juncture of making a discovery; at the long-awaited instance of reaching a milestone; at the unique occasion of gaining an insight; at the precipice of losing the ego; at the rare summit of attaining enlightenment; at the steady conscious realization of reality’s transience; at the total surrender and acceptance of change and becoming; at the state of psychological stability and composure reached via equanimity; or at the seemingly unchanging reality of unadulterated clarity and pure awareness free from the foibles, follies and frailties of the body and mind. In any case, certain philosophical traditions and spiritual practices advocate that “living in the present moment — being fully aware of what is happening, and not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future… [by] focus[ing] on one’s current position in space and time (rather than future considerations, or past reminiscence) will aid one in relieving suffering.

SoundEagle in Art, Aphorism and Paramusic

I looked up at the coconut trees
They were looking down . . . . . and laughing
Suddenly faith returns
The sea is transparent
And the shore spins on the horizon . . .

Whilst our sense of space and time is rooted in human biology and the laws of physics, it is also coloured by our sense of identity, cultural values, received wisdoms, contemporary modes of thought, epistemic principles and the like. Hence, it would be highly illuminating for those who are more technically minded or analytically inclined to be inducted into the philosophy of space and time, defined as follows:

…the branch of philosophy concerned with the issues surrounding the ontology, epistemology, and character of space and time. While such ideas have been central to philosophy from its inception, the philosophy of space and time was both an inspiration for and a central aspect of early analytic philosophy. The subject focuses on a number of basic issues, including whether time and space exist independently of the mind, whether they exist independently of one another, what accounts for time’s apparently unidirectional flow, whether times other than the present moment exist, and questions about the nature of identity (particularly the nature of identity over time).

In particular, the present moment, as far as the conscious mind can perceive it, is the only frame, window or medium that allows the presence of any mind or entity, and that permits the happening of any thought or event. Even though space and time (can be assumed or proven to) have existence apart from the human mind and body, the reverse is not true, since any mind or entity can neither exist outside space and time, nor traverse autonomously, at will or whim, the spacetime continuum to inhabit or visit the past or future, according to the scope of presentism:

In the philosophy of space and time, presentism is the belief that only the present exists, and the future and past are unreal. Past and future “entities” are construed as logical constructions or fictions. The opposite of presentism is ‘eternalism’, which is the belief that things in the past and things yet to come exist eternally. Another view (not held by many philosophers) is sometimes called the ‘growing blocktheory of time — which postulates that the past and present exist, but the future does not.

In a very real sense, both the past and future are dependent on, or are conditioned by, the present, insofar as how the past and future appear or present to us can vary with our beings, moods, values, outlooks, cultures, worldviews, biases, preferences, priorities and technologies. Indeed, at any moment, we are prone to project our current mindset and assumptions onto the past and future. Moreover, whether or not the past and future are imaginary if the present is the only tangible entity, humanity is still left with plentiful uncertainties about the exactness of the past and the inevitability of the future, insofar as the aims and means of accessing and remembering the past as well as forecasting and preparing for the future are neither infallible nor immutable, given that past events are unchangeable, existing retrospectively in memories, recollections and recorded histories, and that future events are unmanageable, existing prospectively in minds, plans and speculations.

In other words, even if our pasts exist, they are certainly well beyond our complete grasp and remembrance, as we continually forget and gloss over vast amounts of details and life events, whilst relying on the fidelity and capacity of our memories, recollections and recorded histories to save us from complete oblivion. We are largely deprived of the luxury of surveying entire lives as they unfold through time, unable to rewind, pause or fast-forward at will to examine the choices that people make and how those choices pan out. In contrast, our futures are both illusive and elusive as they channel through the natural agency of causality as well as the spatial, temporal and existential efficacy of determinism, where even our fundamental sense of free will can be ultimately baseless, illusory or precluded, leaving fate, fortune or destiny to rule the roost in spite of our best minds, plans and speculations.

That being the case, the claim or notion that only the present exists whereas the past and future do not, can still be regarded as being somewhat counterintuitive, if not somehow annoying, irritating, provoking or nonsensical. The thought or realization that existence is narrowly confined to the very present, from moment to moment, each of which is inevitably ephemeral and ultimately intractable, can be quite humbling, sobering or even vexing. It is therefore unsurprising that many insightful philosophers and inquisitive thinkers have long contemplated the impermanence of things and attempted to peer below the veneer of existence in order to fathom the depths of reality and the mysteries of existence through process philosophy (also known as processism, philosophy of organism, or ontology of becoming), which “regards change as the cornerstone of reality”, “identifies metaphysical reality with change and development”, and “covers not just scientific intuitions and experiences, but can be used as a conceptual bridge to facilitate discussions among religion, philosophy, and science”. For example, around 535 to 475 BC, the lonesome pre-Socratic Greek philosopher named Heraclitus of Ephesus, who considered himself to be a self-taught pioneer of wisdom, was well-known for his emphasis on ever-present change (as being the fundamental essence) of the world or universe, as indicated in his famous sayings:

“Nothing endures but change.”

“It is in changing that we find purpose.”

“Change is the only constant in life.”

“The only thing that is constant is change.”

“There is nothing permanent except change.”

“All entities move and nothing remains still.”

“Everything changes and nothing remains still … and … you cannot step twice into the same stream.”

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”

Change the only constant with SoundEagle

Change Rules

Nothing is forever except change.


Change has come to be regarded as the essential rather than the accidental aspect of matter and life, since Heraclitus — who happens to be a contemporary of Buddha — becomes “the first philosopher for whom there exists an extant written account of an enquiry into change.” As the philosopher of becoming rather than of being, Heraclitus recognizes the fundamental changing of objects with the flow of time through his doctrine of the constant flux of matters. In other words, reality is intrinsically unstable since everything is (always in) flux. Nothing in the universe can be permanent or just permanently is. Everything is continually changing such that things come into existence in various ways or manifest themselves in different fashions, and hence are never identical for two consecutive moments as long as they exist, and therefore can never last forever and will eventually go out of existence. Since perpetual transition or transformation is the order of things, what we perceive or conceive as “things” are not actually stable objects or matters at all. In this regard, Heraclitus likens them to flames, which appear to be objects, but are really not so much matters as processes, through which endless series of transformations happen simultaneously and instantaneously. The notion that reality is rooted in process rather than substance is as profound as it is disconcerting and revolutionary, considering that human beings have always coveted stability, permanence and even immortality through their cultures, monuments and spiritual beliefs, in which reliability, posterity or perpetuity can be achieved or hoped for. Process philosophy sweeps away the certitudes that humanity covets, and treats material manifestations as though they are mere flickers of light emanating from flames, appearing and then disappearing into thin air. No flickers are ever the same and can never be seen again.

Being is Becoming bounded by the Mandelbrot set with SoundEagle

Since the time of Plato and Aristotle, philosophers have imagined or posited true reality to be timeless and based on permanent substances, whilst processes are denied or subordinated to timeless substances. Change is accidental, whereas the substance is essential. Therefore, classic ontology rejects or denies any full reality to change, which is conceived as only accidental and not essential. This classical ontology is what made (a theory of) knowledge possible, as it was believed that a science of something in becoming was an impossible feat to achieve. Opposing the classical model of change as merely accidental (as argued by Aristotle) or entirely illusory, devoid of any essence, reality or substance, is the new existential paradigm of process philosophy, which identifies metaphysical reality with change and development; and which regards change as the foundation of reality — the very basis of being conceived as becoming. In such a reality, change is the law of life, the law of universe, the law of everything, as fundamental as cause and effect, ruling over all and sundry. Nothing in such a reality is constant except change and becoming. A radical departure from the classical conception of substance, permanence and change, process philosophy compels (us to believe, admit or endure) that nothing can ever escape from change or evade mutability. In Western philosophy, the significance, profundity and universality of change and becoming are still not lost on many modern philosophers and thinkers particularly in (relation to) issues of ontological commitment and metaphysical problems regarding time, matter, mind, existence, persistence and change. The following two Wikipedia excerpts respectively summarize Nietzsche’s and Hegel’s seminal views on becoming versus being:

German philosopher Friedrich [Wilhelm] Nietzsche wrote that Heraclitus “will remain eternally right with his assertion that being is an empty fiction”.[3] Nietzsche developed the vision of a chaotic world in perpetual change and becoming. The state of becoming does not produce fixed entities, such as being, subject, object, substance, thing. These false concepts are the necessary mistakes which consciousness and language employ in order to interpret the chaos of the state of becoming. The mistake of Greek philosophers was to falsify the testimony of the senses and negate the evidence of the state of becoming. By postulating being as the underlying reality of the world, they constructed a comfortable and reassuring “after-world” where the horror of the process of becoming was forgotten, and the empty abstractions of reason appeared as eternal entities.

In the Logic, for instance, Hegel describes a dialectic of existence: first, existence must be posited as pure Being (Sein); but pure Being, upon examination, is found to be indistinguishable from Nothing (Nichts). When it is realized that what is coming into being is, at the same time, also returning to nothing (in life, for example, one’s living is also a dying), both Being and Nothing are united as Becoming.[32]

More recently, Joseph John Campbell (26 March 1904 – 30 October 1987), an American Professor of Literature at Sarah Lawrence College working in comparative mythology and comparative religion, also emphasized becoming over being in his endeavour to formulate and popularize his approach to narratology and myth pattern studies. The result of his endeavour culminated in his seventeen-stage monomyth or hero’s journey, in which the seventeenth and final stage is attained after the hero is transformed by the adventure and gains wisdom or spiritual power, the complete mastery of which ushers in the freedom from the fear of death, which in turn leads to the freedom to live, and indeed the freedom to live in the moment, neither anticipating the future nor regretting the past, as Campbell wrote:

The hero is the champion of things becoming, not of things become, because he is. “Before Abraham was, I AM.” He does not mistake apparent changelessness in time for the permanence of Being, nor is he fearful of the next moment (or of the ‘other thing’), as destroying the permanent with its change. ‘Nothing retains its own form; but Nature, the greater renewer, ever makes up forms from forms. Be sure there’s nothing perishes in the whole universe; it does but vary and renew its form.’ Thus the next moment is permitted to come to pass.

The ontological shift from substance (being) to process (becoming) brings the Western conception of metaphysical reality much closer to the Eastern counterparts, particularly those of Zen and Mahayana philosophy as well as various schools of Hinduism and Jainism with respect to their acceptance and contemplation of the imperfection, constant flux and impermanence of all things, such that

all of conditioned existence, without exception, is “transient, evanescent, inconstant”.[2] All temporal things, whether material or mental, are compounded objects in a continuous change of condition, subject to decline and destruction.[2][5]

In conclusion, whilst moment matters, matters change. It is the eternal human condition to embrace the present and to live with change, not just in good and bad times, but also in the remembrance of a bygone era, in the reminiscence of a cherished event, in the celebration of a notable achievement, in the recollection of an inherited story, in the curation of a momentous past, and in the hope for a meaningful prospect or sensible future to arrive, at any moment, if not at the best moment.

We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology with Sphere of Energy

The things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are moments when we touch one another.

Jack Kornfield

Change Rules
Moment Matters

Stay in the Moment

🕰 Moment‍ in Perspective‍ 💠

The Best Moments Involve a Loss of Control

First you look for discipline and control. You want to exercise your will, bend the language your way, bend the world your way. You want to control the flow of impulses, images, words, faces, ideas. But there’s a higher place, a secret aspiration. You want to let go. You want to lose yourself in language, become a carrier or messenger. The best moments involve a loss of control. It’s a kind of rapture, and it can happen with words and phrases fairly often — completely surprising combinations that make a higher kind of sense, that come to you out of nowhere. But rarely for extended periods, for paragraphs and pages — I think poets must have more access to this state than novelists do.

Find Your Eternity in Each Moment

A wise man will know what game to play to-day, and play it. We must not be governed by rigid rules, as by the almanac, but let the season rule us. The moods and thoughts of man are revolving just as steadily and incessantly as nature’s. Nothing must be postponed. Take time by the forelock. Now or never! You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this, or the like of this. Where the good husbandman is, there is the good soil. Take any other course, and life will be a succession of regrets. Let us see vessels sailing prosperously before the wind, and not simply stranded barks. There is no world for the penitent and regretful.

The Norm of the Moment

Like an animal, an infant lives in the forever-present. When she is miserable, life has always been terrible, and always will be, an unending, terrifying vista of woe. When she is happy, everything has always been wonderful, and happiness is a sea of joy. As adults, intellectually we are far beyond this, with an appreciation of past and future, change and progression. However, our automatic reactions to our surroundings are still that of the baby, of the animal. Change is perceived, judged, remembered in comparison to the norm of the moment.

Bob Rich

8 Ways To Enter The Present Moment

The Moment According to Stoic Philosophy

Staying in the here and now, or living in the moment, is not exclusively a new-age concept or slogan expounded by some modern-day spiritual gurus or free-willing proponents such as Eckhart Tolle, the renowned author of “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment”. Its profundity is not lost to the best of ancient philosophers who were attempting to comprehend reality and understand the world by deploying the power of reasoning and the cogency of rationality without appealing or deferring to superstition, revelation, religion, authority or tradition, let alone succumbing to peer pressure or herd mentality. Focussing on the moment is indeed one of the cornerstones of Stoicism, which is described in Wikipedia as follows:

Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy that flourished throughout the Roman and Greek world until the 3rd century AD. Stoicism was founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in the early 3rd century BC, and was heavily influenced by certain teachings of Socrates, while stoic physics are largely drawn from the teachings of the philosopher Heraclitus. Stoicism is predominantly a philosophy of personal ethics which is informed by its system of logic and its views on the natural world. According to its teachings, as social beings, the path to happiness for humans is found in accepting this moment as it presents itself, by not allowing ourselves to be controlled by our desire for pleasure or our fear of pain, by using our minds to understand the world around us and to do our part in nature’s plan, and by working together and treating others in a fair and just manner.

In other words, the goal of life according to Stoicism is to live in accordance with Nature through the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming unruly and destructive emotions. The following quotations demonstrate that Marcus Aurelius, a practitioner of Stoicism who became Roman emperor from 161 to 180AD, exhibits the conviction of his own guidance and self-improvement to focus on the here and now. The aim is to stay calm and focused by withdrawing from the hustle and bustle of existence, and from the wasteful lapses of the wandering mind:

“Confine yourself to the present.”

“Forget everything else. Keep hold of this alone and remember it: Each one of us lives only now, this brief instant. The rest has been lived already, or is impossible to see.”

“Every hour focus your mind attentively on the performance of the task in hand, with dignity, human sympathy, benevolence and freedom, and leave aside all other thoughts. You will achieve this, if you perform each action as if it were your last.”

― Marcus Aurelius (Meditations)

A Stoic Analogy of Life by Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius once said,
“Time is like a river made up of the events which happen, and a violent stream; for as soon as a thing has been seen, it is carried away, and another comes in its place, and this will be carried away too.”

This stoic analogy is a useful one to consider when going through the inevitable vicissitudes of life. The events that occur in our lives and arise in time are transient. Each event flowing down the river.

Stoicism invites us to consider a different outlook when we are tasked with overcoming negativity in life. The stoic approach is to accept each and every event entirely and to simply change or perceptions about them.

This change in perception in some instances is all that we have, we must constantly exercise this human endowment.

Time is like a river which ends with a waterfall. The waterfall is symbolic of our deaths. The stoic comes to term with his death long before it happens. He see’s [sic] no point in worrying about that which is not within his power, he understand that wisdom lies in completely accepting the fate of the human condition.

Time is a river that moves only in one direction, forward. The stoic learns to enjoy the ride of life, she enjoys the happy days but does not cling onto them. Fundamentally she understands that good days just like bad days are borrowed, they will not last because the nature of life is change ‘transience’.

The Stoic makes loves to the present moment, nothing besides it could ever be sweeter. The past is an illusion its events being shadows that have been warped by the mind, the future is a mystery not worth entertaining. The present is all that is real to the stoic, the present is indeed a present, life the greatest gift.

― Issac Therealizedman (Therealizedman and Three Lessons From Three Stoics | How to conquer life)

10 Tips to Start Living in the Present

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

One of the best, unforeseen consequence of simplifying our lives is it has allowed us to begin living our lives in the present. Eliminating nonessential possessions has freed us from many of the emotions associated with past lives that were keeping us stuck. And clearing our home has allowed us the freedom to shape our lives today around our most important values.

Choosing to live in the past or the future not only robs you of enjoyment today, it robs you of truly living. The only important moment is the present moment. With that goal in mind, consider this list of ten tips below to start living your life in the present:

  1. Remove unneeded possessions.
  2. Smile.
  3. Fully appreciate the moments of today.
  4. Forgive past hurts.
  5. Love your job.
  6. Dream about the future, but work hard today.
  7. Don’t dwell on past accomplishments.
  8. Stop worrying.
  9. Think beyond old solutions to problems.
  10. Conquer addictions.

― Joshua Becker (becomingminimalist.com)

The Art of Now: Six Steps to Living in the Moment

Life unfolds in the present. But so often, we let the present slip away, allowing time to rush past unobserved and unseized, and squandering the precious seconds of our lives as we worry about the future and ruminate about what’s past. “We’re living in a world that contributes in a major way to mental fragmentation, disintegration, distraction, decoherence,” says Buddhist scholar B. Alan Wallace. We’re always doing something, and we allow little time to practice stillness and calm.

We need to live more in the moment. Living in the moment—also called mindfulness—is a state of active, open, intentional attention on the present. When you become mindful, you realize that you are not your thoughts; you become an observer of your thoughts from moment to moment without judging them. Mindfulness involves being with your thoughts as they are, neither grasping at them nor pushing them away. Instead of letting your life go by without living it, you awaken to experience.

Living in the moment involves a profound paradox: You can’t pursue it for its benefits. That’s because the expectation of reward launches a future-oriented mindset, which subverts the entire process. Instead, you just have to trust that the rewards will come. There are many paths to mindfulness—and at the core of each is a paradox. Ironically, letting go of what you want is the only way to get it. Here are a few tricks to help you along.

  1. To improve your performance, stop thinking about it (unselfconsciousness).
  2. To avoid worrying about the future, focus on the present (savouring).
  3. If you want a future with your significant other, inhabit the present (breathe).
  4. To make the most of time, lose track of it (flow).
  5. If something is bothering you, move toward it rather than away from it (acceptance).
  6. Know that you don’t know (engagement).

― Jay Dixit (psychologytoday.com)

Mindfulness Tips: How to Live in the Moment

Being present is the only way to enjoy life to the fullest. These realistic tips turn everyday activities into opportunities to be mindful.

Are you living in the present?

The idea of being mindful—being present, being more conscious of life as it happens—may seem contradictory to those who are used to sacrificing living for pursuing their goals, but cultivating mindfulness will help you [to] achieve your goals and enjoy life more. In fact, you’re more productive when you’re mindful, among other science-backed benefits.

But more importantly, being present is undoubtedly the only way to enjoy life to the fullest. By being mindful, you enjoy your food more, you enjoy friends and family more, you enjoy anything you’re doing more. Anything. Even things you might think are drudgery or boring, such as housework, can be amazing if you are truly present. Try it: Wash dishes or sweep or cook, and remain fully present. It takes practice, but it’s incredible.

  1. Do one thing at a time
  2. Act slowly and deliberately
  3. Do less
  4. Put space between things
  5. Spend at least five minutes each day doing nothing
  6. Stop worrying about the future
  7. When you’re talking to someone, pay attention
  8. Eat slowly and savour your food
  9. Live slowly and savour your life
  10. Make cleaning and cooking become meditation

― Leo Babauta (rd.com)

How to Live in the Moment

Living in the moment is not always easy. Sometimes our thoughts are overwhelmed by regrets about past events or anxiety about the future, which can make it hard to enjoy the present. If you are having a hard time living in the moment, there are some simple strategies that may help. There are little things that you can do throughout your day, such as creating a mindfulness cue, learning to meditate, and performing random acts of kindness. Keep reading to learn more about how to live in the moment.

Method 1: Developing Your Awareness

  1. Start small.
  2. Notice sensory details about routine activities.
  3. Redirect your mind when it wanders.
  4. Choose a mindfulness cue.
  5. Change a routine.
  6. Learn how to meditate

Method 2: Incorporating Mindful Activities

  1. Be grateful for breaks.
  2. Focus on one part of your body.
  3. Smile and laugh more often.
  4. Practice gratitude.
  5. Do kind things for others.

― (wikihow.com)

How to Live in the Present

What does it mean to live fully in the present moment? It means that your awareness is completely centered on the here and now. You are not worrying about the future or thinking about the past. When you live in the present, you are living where life is happening. The past and future are illusions, they don’t exist. As the saying goes “tomorrow never comes”. Tomorrow is only a concept, tomorrow is always waiting to come around the corner, but around that corner are shadows, never to have light shed upon, because time is always now.

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” – Buddha

Why living in the present will change your life.

If you’re not living in the present, you’re living in illusion. That seems to a be a pretty good reason to live in the present, doesn’t it? But how often are we worrying about things that have yet to come, how often do we beat ourselves up for mistakes that we’ve made, no matter how much time has passed? The answer is too much. Not only will living in the present have a dramatic effect on your emotional well-being, but it can also impact your physical health. It’s long been known that the amount of mental stress you carry can have a detrimental impact on your health. If you’re living in the present, you’re living in acceptance. You’re accepting life as it is now, not as how you wish it would have been. When you’re living in acceptance, you realize everything is complete as it is. You can forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made, and you can have peace in your heart knowing that everything that should happen will.

“If you worry about what might be, and wonder what might have been, you will ignore what is.” -Unknown

  1. Don’t try to quiet your mind
  2. You are not your thoughts
  3. Breathe, you’re alive
  4. Music for meditation
  5. Practice mindfulness

― Dominika and Cedric (paidtoexist.com)

How to be Present:
5 Steps for Living in the Here-and-Now

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. — Denis Waitley

We’re always worrying or planning for the next “big” thing, never just living in the moment.… overall, the general state of affairs in peoples’ lives is that of worry, grief, anxiety, and fear. Simply put, we’re not happy, we’re not present, and we don’t live in the here-and-now.

Now, the difference between being present and being happy is miniscule. Truly happy people are able to live in the moment, all the time. They’re able to be present, and simply enjoy the journey of life, and not just worry about the destination.…

  1. Daily Gratitude
  2. Physical Activity
  3. Limit Distractions
  4. Find a Way to Give
  5. Find the Beauty in Something

― Robert L Adams (wanderlustworker.com)

Learning To Live in the Moment Will Change Your Life

Wonder and curiosity chase the future. Reflection and contemplation encompass the past. The present, however, is often lost on us. Living in the moment could change your life for the better, so why do you lose yourself to your thoughts on what’s next or worry about what’s happening elsewhere? Looking to the future can provide hope, especially through difficult times. Reflecting on the past can also provide healing and closure. Focusing on either one obsessively, however, quickly becomes deteriorating to our mental and emotional health.

Simply put: the mind doesn’t like to be still, it likes to be engaged through this constant absorption of surrounding stimuli. Due to the mind’s nature, it can be a challenge to solely reflect, sit in stillness and just think. If we’re constantly thinking about somewhere we are not, the subconscious mind will focus on this without us even realizing it. In choosing to actively concentrate on the present, we direct both our subconscious and conscious minds back to reality, surrounding people, and present opportunities. However, this often involves an active decision on your part to focus on the present moment.

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “What you put into an experience, you get out of an experience”. In order to glean more from daily life, much more effort is required when it comes to actively focusing on the present. According to Psychology Today, “Living in the moment—also called mindfulness – is a state of active, open, intentional attention on the present”. In reality, the present is all that exists. For a successful, bright future to be possible, we must live for today, both recognizing the possibilities and seizing the opportunities we have today.

  1. How “savouring the moment” is a fantastic way to begin an active way of thinking
  2. Active Engagement
  3. Practice a “Do Nothing Moment”
  4. Learn to Let Go

― Kelly-Grace Struble (thoughtcatalog.com)

Emerging into the Moment

We meditate so we can develop the art of being here, with what is going on around us, right now. We know that the mind doesn’t stay in that “Right now mode” on a continuous basis, but we can learn to reach forward and reach back while we return to the moment because we have the tools to do so. The message is that we don’t need to work our asses off trying to be here all the time. Working your butt off trying to be something you are is a waste of time. What we want to achieve is to slowly narrow the parameters of time until we are right here. A big part of this process relies on not stopping at the idea of being in the moment. Being in the moment is only a fragment of the whole experience of being human. We need to experience the whole process.

We practice to be in the moment like a ball player practices the game. She may receive some insights on playing the game by reading, watching, talking, and thinking, but these remain useless unless she starts to play. Both areas are valuable and complement each other.

We want to practice meditation in both directions.

One, we narrow our focus to right now.

Two, we expand our focus from the now. KEEPING A FRAGMENT OF THE NOW WITH US.

― Bryan Wagner (peoplesdharma.com)

Thoughts and Reflections 10: Achieving Ourselves

The goal of life is to learn to live in the moment. Not bothered by past experiences, not worried about future possibilities. Living means experiencing now, because you can only live in the now.

But we lose that understanding of life progressively as we get into adulthood.

We learn all the wrong things. We start learning how to stay in the past or travel to future all the time.

Then we decide that we need to unlearn them.

When we decide on that, this is how the natural process of unlearning goes:

We get obsessed with a future goal; fail to get it; try again; fail to get it again; try again…

Until that one moment comes and we decide that obsessing over that goal is not that meaningful after all.

When we repeat this process for many other goals, we make a generalization: obsessing over the future often does not work out in the intended way.

Then, in the meantime, we also get stuck with past experiences. We try to forget them; we still remember them; we try again; fail again; try again; fail again.

When we repeat this process for many other experiences, we make a generalization: obsessing over the past does not help in our quest of how to live in the moment.

Then, we repeat this process for many other experiences until we generalize it to our whole past.

Once we get to a good point on both of these sides, past and future, we start living more in the moment.

But here is the catch: If we look at the two sides of this natural process, there are two words that that repeat more than others:

Try and fail

Because in that process, we try many times and fail many times.

We keep trying because unlearning brings in resistance.

We fail many times because we lost how to be in touch with reality of the now long ago. We don’t know how to do it.

At the end of this process, if we are consistent enough, we will certainly achieve something.

But not necessarily a future goal.

But we can certainly achieve our selves.

― Betul Erbasi (betulerbasi.com)

What Animals Can Teach Us about Mindfulness

Animals have much to teach us, and in many ways, if we acted more like them, as a species we humans might be better off — and a lot happier too. Mindfulness is a skill that helps many of us cope with daily life and eases the symptoms of depression, trauma, and many mental disorders — and there is no person more mindful than a cat, dog, or other animal. Even the Buddha was never as mindful as that Labrador retriever who looks at you with such soulful eyes, or that cat that sits peacefully in your window purring his little heart out.

If you have pets, watch them closely. They don’t worry about the future or fret over things that happened in the past. They don’t obsess over themselves or what others are going to think of them. They don’t beat themselves up over past transgressions or worry that they might not be acceptable. They live completely in the moment, reacting only to what they need to in order to survive and be happy. When they are given food, they happily nosh down on it, thinking about nothing except how good it tastes and how nice a newly-full stomach feels. If you ask your dog if he wants to go out for a walk, he doesn’t sit around sulking because he thought your tone was condescending; he happily jumps up and starts to dance around, sometimes even smiling (I am certain [that] dogs can smile). If you scritch [sic] your cat under the chin, she will turn her face up to you, squint her eyes so [that] they are almost closed, and begin to purr. She doesn’t worry that you might think she has bad breath. She doesn’t care! Watch a group of otters at play. They are like happy children, enjoying the water and the bliss of splashing around and swimming in it, and the joy of being together as a group.

― Lauren Bennett (luckyottershaven.com)

Why “Living in the Moment” is Bad Advice

Instead of living for the moment, it is better to live for the past—as you’d prefer to remember that moment, and your life in general. Indeed, time is fleeting. The present moment barely exists. The moment you become conscious of it, it’s over.

Today is tomorrow’s yesterday. Are you living today to give your tomorrow-self something to build off? Will you have momentum tomorrow based on your choices today? Or are you just putting off needed change until some future day?

Living for the past is really living in the present. It’s realizing that—as a forward thinking person—you’re living in the past right now. What you do right now determines the future you hope to create.

  1. Living for the past informs how you live in the present.
  2. How you feel about your past determines your confidence in the present.
  3. Living for the past allows you to design your ideal future.
  4. Living for the past empowers you to make harder and better choices.

― Benjamin Hardy (greatist.com)

Living in the Present with Religion and Truth

When they stop listening to the voice in their head that are feeding them lies, when they start living in the present and forget about past of future, then they are witnessing the truth, they are witnessing heaven on earth.

“No one besides Allah can rescue a soul from hardship.” In other words, life is your escape from pain. Once you accept life, the present moment, stop identifying with your mind and the pain that follows it, the pain will no longer affect you. You will know that it is not truly your pain.

“I am life and only trough me can you reach heaven.” Jesus was not talking about himself. He was talking about life. When you come back to life, when you see the truth, when you live in the Now, you will reach heaven. He is not referring to a place but a state of mind, or rather a state of no mind. You detach from your mind. You no longer identify with it. You are not your thoughts. You are the awareness behind them, the one that is aware of the thinking. You are the listener, the observer. “The Devil” is in your mind and when you stop listening to “him”, you escape hell.

Once you experience living in the present moment with no attachment to your mind, you will feel a such joy that cannot be described. It’s as if you are seeing the world for the first time. Buddha called this enlightenment “the end of all suffering” and it is absolutely possible for every single one of us to experience this. You do not have to have any knowledge about anything regarding this topic. It is not about learning, it is about unlearning. You accept this moment and let go of your mind. Just be.

― Dennis Laumark (resetdennis.wordpress.com)

Living in the Moment — Good or Bad?

Unfortunately, planning can adversely affect everything that we are currently doing. Thinking about what’s in store in the future can take over how we express ourselves by causing us to act in a manner that doesn’t reflect our current mood and situation. In doing so, the people around us can be hurt by our selfishness. For example, stressing over tomorrow’s test can make us unappreciative and curt while having a family dinner. It’s only fair to others that we do our best to refrain from thinking about the future.

But no matter how hard we try, we have far from perfect control over our lives. We can think about the future and imagine how it will materialize, but we can never truly ensure that everything will work out the way we want it to. You always hear that cheesy quote about “living in the moment.” I believe a better, and much more telling quote is one that cartoonist Bill Watterson said: “We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.”

However, there are times when I know that living in the moment is just not possible. It’s romantic, good-intentioned, yet idealistic of people to say that the only thing that’s important is the present. It’s simply impractical to never plan or think of the past. Thinking and reflecting about the past allows us to learn from our mistakes. Without dwelling, at least to a certain extent, about our past, we would never develop into intelligent beings. The same idea is true about planning for the future. We wish the future to be promising, and the only way to achieve that in our busy lives is to plan accordingly.

…People who are experiencing immense stress and emotions should be allowed to not live in the moment. They should even be encouraged to plan for the future. The reasoning behind this is simple. To relieve themselves of whatever is pressuring them, people need to plan so that their future selves will be in a better situation. Only then will they have the ability to live in the moment.

― Kai Sherwin (huffingtonpost.com)

Only Living in the Moment
– And Why It Can Be Dangerous

At times, it is just as important that we “step outside of the moment,” and interpret our world from a broader viewpoint.

The benefits of reflecting on the past

One benefit we don’t get from only living in the moment is reflecting on our past and learning from our mistakes.…Research indicates that reflection is key to learning.

The benefits of planning for the future

Living a happy, healthy, and successful life often requires adequate planning and foresight. It rarely happens by accident.
Therefore, looking forward into the future is often just as important as reflecting backwards on our past, or living in the moment.

The benefits of mind-wandering

…some research suggests that mind-wandering and daydreaming can actually come with some valuable benefits.
Of course, daydreaming can be counterproductive (especially when it leads to procrastination), but other times letting our minds wander can aid in creativity and problem-solving.
This is because sometimes things distract our attention because we find them new and interesting. And keeping our minds open to different thoughts and sensations can help [to] increase our opportunity to discover new ideas.

“Living in the moment” – a common excuse to be impulsive and reckless?

With such a mindset, you may find yourself drinking lots of alcohol, taking drugs, and engaging in unsafe sex with strangers. And why not? You’re just reacting to your immediate surroundings, you’re not seeing the bigger picture of your actions, so you act in ways that only bring immediate satisfaction.
In this example, “living in the moment” becomes an excuse to find short-term gratification, but ignore long-term consequences. This is a misapplication of living in the present.

When to “live in the moment” – and when not to

The ability to “step outside your immediate senses” – and also reflect on the past, and plan for the future – are often just as important to your happiness and health.
In fact, reflection and foresight are valuable adaptations of the human mind that have greatly helped our evolution over time. They are also what distinguish us from more primitive minds, which can only react to information they receive on a momentary basis, and therefore can’t form memories or project into the future.
…There needs to be a balance between these different modes of awareness in order to have a healthy, functioning mind.

― Steven Handel (theemotionmachine.com)

The Difficulty of Being in the Present

Very many of us suffer from a peculiar-sounding problem: an inability to properly inhabit the stretch of time we call ‘the present’.

Maybe we’re on a beautiful beach on a sunny day, the sky is azure and the palm trees slender and implausibly delicate, but most of ‘us’ isn’t actually here at all, it’s somewhere at work or in imaginary discussion with a rival or plotting a new enterprise.…

What is it that makes the present, especially the nicer moments of the present, so difficult to experience properly? And why, conversely, can so many events feel easier to enjoy, appreciate and perceive, when they are firmly over?

― The Book of Life (thebookoflife.org)

Always A Moment

There is no point,
at which to turn,
though, to be fair,
there’s always a moment to savour,
like that last morsel of a sumptuous meal,
dripping with exquisite jus,
it is collected to the body memory,
and which shall be revisited,
ever seeking,
longing to repeat such divinity.
But life itself is a constant turning,
like the constellations,
seemingly fixed,
yet ever moving,
so too the apparent points of our lives,
and yet we cage life,
that we might take command of it,
failing at every turn,
as the universe smiles,
at our innocence,
ever mischievously flinging detritus in our paths.

― Paul Vincent Cannon (pvcann.com)

Moments Without Thought

A moment without thought
And the background noise ceases
And I can suddenly hear
The silence between sounds
The silence beneath sound
From which all sounds emerge
Like waves from the sea.

A moment without thought
And the fog disperses
And the world is filled with translucent light
New dimensions of detail
And sharpness and colour and depth.

A moment without thought
And these suburban streets
Are a pristine new world
Like a garden glistening with dew
The morning after creation
As if a husk of familiarity
Has cracked and fallen away
Leaving naked primal isness.

A moment without thought
And I’m no longer standing separate
No longer an island but part of the sea
No longer a static centre
But part of the flowing stream.

A moment without thought
And the train has stopped between stations
And there was never any motion, never any track
A moment like a wormhole
Infinitely expanding
Like stepping through a narrow gate
To find an endless open plain
The panorama of the present.

And this new world of no-thought
Is neither alien nor unfamiliar
But a place where benevolence blows through the air
And soft shimmering energy fills every space
And the sunlight is the translucent white light of spirit
The deepest, closest, warmest place
The ground where I am rooted.

― Steve Taylor (stevenmtaylor.com)

Guide to the Now

You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!

In you, as in each human being, there is a dimension of consciousness far deeper than thought. It is the very essence of who you are. We may call it presence, awareness, the unconditioned consciousness.

Focus attention on the feeling inside you. Know that it is the pain-body. Accept that it is there. Don’t think about it – don’t let the feeling turn into thinking. Don’t judge or analyze. Don’t make an identity for yourself out of it. Stay present, and continue to be the observer of what is happening inside you. Become aware not only of the emotional pain but also of “the one who observes,” the silent watcher. This is the power of the Now, the power of your own conscious presence.

Through self-observation, more presence comes into your life automatically. The moment you realize you are not present, you are present. Whenever you are able to observe your mind, you are no longer trapped in it. Another factor has come in, something that is not of the mind: the witnessing presence.

Presence is the key to freedom, so you can only be free now.

The following constitutes a series of quotations from Eckhart Tolle regarding living in the moment, being in the present, and focusing on the here and now:

The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment: You create a good future by creating a good present.

Your entire life only happens in this moment. The present moment is life itself. Yet, people live as if the opposite were true and treat the present moment as a stepping stone to the next moment — a means to an end.

Don’t wait to be successful at some future point. Have a successful relationship with the present moment and be fully present in whatever you are doing. That is success.

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life.

It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.

You can always cope with the present moment, but you cannot cope with something that is only a mind projection — you cannot cope with the future.

The answer is, who you are cannot be defined through thinking or mental labels or definitions, because it’s beyond that. It is the very sense of being, or presence, that is there when you become conscious of the present moment. In essence, you and what we call the present moment are, at the deepest level, one.

Most people treat the present moment as if it were an obstacle that they need to overcome. Since the present moment is life itself, it is an insane way to live.

When you take your attention into the present moment, a certain alertness arises. You become more conscious of what’s around you, but also, strangely, a sense of presence that is both within and without.

― Eckhart Tolle (eckharttolle.com)

Oprah Talks to Eckhart Tolle

The following is a series of quotations extracted from the long conversation between Oprah and Eckhart Tolle:

…trading our autopilot existence for intentional awareness; recognizing how we create our own suffering through obsessing over our past history; and learning how to be present, for ourselves and for the people around us, in a compassionate, nonjudgmental way.

…In my case, and in many people’s cases, the voice in the head is a predominantly unhappy one, so there’s an enormous amount of negativity that is continuously generated by this unconscious internal dialogue.…

…I was talking to a Buddhist monk who said that Zen is very simple: You don’t rely on thought anymore; you go beyond thinking. Then I realized that was what happened to me. All that unhappy, repetitive thinking wasn’t there anymore.

The sense of self that is derived from our thinking—which includes all one’s memories, one’s conditioning, and one’s sense of self—is a conceptual one that is derived from the past. It’s essential for people to recognize that this voice is going on inside them incessantly, and it’s always a breakthrough when people realize, “Here are all my habitual, repetitive, negative thoughts, and here I am, knowing that these thoughts are going through my head.”

I see it as not believing in this or that, but as stepping out of identification with a stream of thinking. You suddenly find there’s another dimension deeper than thought inside you.

I call it stillness. It’s an aware presence, nothing to do with past or future. We can also call it “waking up.” That’s why many spiritual traditions use the term awakening. You wake up out of this dream of thinking. You become present.

…who you are cannot be defined through thinking or mental labels or definitions, because it’s beyond that. It is the very sense of being, or presence, that is there when you become conscious of the present moment. In essence, you and what we call the present moment are, at the deepest level, one. You are the consciousness out of which everything comes; every thought comes out of that consciousness, and every thought disappears back into it. You are a conscious, aware space, and all your sense perceptions, thinking, and emotions come and go in that aware space.

…When you step out of identification with that and realize for the first time that you’re actually the presence behind thinking, then you’re able to use thought when it’s helpful and necessary. But you are no longer possessed by the thinking mind, which then becomes a helpful, useful servant.…

…I recommend that people bring a conscious presence to the everyday activities that they do unconsciously. When you wash your hands, when you make a cup of coffee, when you’re waiting for the elevator—instead of indulging in thinking, these are all opportunities for being there as a still, alert presence.

That’s a continuous refocusing on what really matters—what matters most in anybody’s life, which is the present moment. People don’t realize that now is all there ever is; there is no past or future except as memory or anticipation in your mind.

Start by entering the present moment so that you find that space in which problems cannot survive. In that moment, you contact a deeper intelligence than the conditioned thinking mind. That is the place where intuition, creative action, knowledge, and wisdom come from.…

See how you relate to this moment. When you do that, what you’re really asking is, What is my relationship with life? The present moment is your life. It’s nowhere else—never, ever. So, no matter what the situation is when you align yourself with the present moment, find something to be grateful for. Gratitude is an essential part of being present. When you go deeply into the present, gratitude arises spontaneously, even if it’s just gratitude for breathing, gratitude for the aliveness that you feel in your body. Gratitude is there when you acknowledge the aliveness of the present moment; that’s the foundation for successful living. Once you’ve made the present moment into your friend through openness and acceptance, your actions will be inspired, intelligent, and empowered, because the power of life itself will be flowing through you.

…In fact, you are more passionately alive when you’re internally aligned with the present moment. You let go of this inner resistance, which on an emotional level is negativity and on a mental level is judgment and complaining. People have an enormous amount of complaining going on in their minds.…

…by planning for the future, you won’t need to lose yourself in the future. The question is, are you using time on a practical level, or are you losing yourself in the future? If you think that when you take a vacation, or find the ideal partner, or get a better job or a nicer place to live or whatever it is, that then you will finally be happy, that’s when you lose yourself in the future. It’s a continuous mental projection away from the now. That’s the difference between clock time, which has its place in this world, and psychological time, which is the continuous obsession with the past and the future. There needs to be a balance between dealing with things in this world, which involves time and thinking, and not being trapped here. There is a deeper dimension in you that is outside that stream of time and thinking, and that’s the inner stillness, peace, a deep, vibrant sense of aliveness.…

…By living through mental definitions of who you are, you desensitize yourself to the deeper aliveness of who you truly are beyond your thoughts. What arises then is a conceptual identity: I’m this or that. Once you’re trapped in your own conceptual identity, which is based on thinking and image-making by the mind, then you do the same to others. This is the beginning of pronouncing judgments on another person, and then you believe that judgment to be the truth. It’s the beginning of desensitizing yourself to who that human being truly is.

…The ego has been here for thousands of years, and that means it has its place in the evolution of humanity. But our ability to think more and more, so that gradually we became so identified with thinking, was how we lost a deeper connectedness with life—with paradise. I believe we are now at an evolutionary transition where far more human beings than ever before are able to go beyond ego into a new state of consciousness.

This is the point where the evolution of consciousness, the awakening of humanity, is no longer a luxury. The effects of the dysfunctional ego are now being amplified by technology. What we are doing to ourselves, to our fellow human beings, and to the planet is becoming more and more destructive and devastating.

The ego cannot survive in stillness, so invite stillness into your life. That doesn’t mean that stillness is something you get from outside; it’s realizing that underneath the stream of thinking, everybody already has the stillness.

…Look very deeply into yourself and see your sense of “I-ness”—your sense of self. This “I” is bound up with the stillness. You’re never more essentially yourself than when you are still. You can invite stillness into your life by taking a few conscious breaths many times during the day. Just observe your breath flowing in and out. Another way is to feel the aliveness of your body from within. Ask, is there life in my hands? And then you feel it. It’s subtle, but it’s there. Is there life in my feet, my legs, my arms? You can feel that your entire inner body is pervaded by a sense of aliveness, and that can serve as an anchor for stillness. It doesn’t mean you turn completely away from the external world. It brings balance into your life between being still and being able to deal with things out here.

When you watch a tree, just be there as the aware presence perceives the tree. Nature is very helpful for people who want to connect with the stillness. Man-made things generate more thinking because they are made through thinking. Go to nature. Eventually you can sustain the state of stillness even in the midst of a city.…

…spirituality has nothing to do with what you believe but everything to do with your state of consciousness.

It’s the stillness that’s the spiritual dimension.

― Oprah and Eckhart Tolle (eckharttolle.com)

Living in the Present Moment

Eckhart Tolle’s teachings are life changing. Once you truly grasp that everything is NOW, and you live fully, consciously in this very moment, life suddenly becomes easier, better and more fulfilling. You no longer need to stress about the future, or live in the past, you just do you[r] best, and live fully, right now in this moment.

― TeamSoul (iamfearlesssoul.com)

The Present Moment; Being Completely Here and Now

“Yesterday doesn’t exist, tomorrow never comes. There is only today.”

“Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.”
Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future.

Our first foray into the philosophy of Alan Watts. The Present Moment is the one which eludes us the most often. It is the juxtaposition of the fleeting and the lasting.
What we really want is that you take away this message from the video that-
Instead of perceiving your past as having an overbearing shadow on your present, it is much more favorable to observe that your past will be ultimately defined by your present actions in the long run.

― Alan Watts (alanwatts.com)

Mindfulness Places Us Where Our Choice is Possible

While our activities have consequences in both the external and internal world, happiness and freedom belong to the inner world of our intentions and dispositions. […] Mindfulness places us where our choice is possible. The greater our awareness of our intentions, the greater our freedom to choose. People who do not see their choices do not believe [that] they have choices. They tend to respond automatically, blindly influenced by their circumstances and conditioning. Mindfulness, by helping us [to] notice our impulses before we act, gives us the opportunity to decide whether to act and how to act.


If mindfulness touches something beautiful, it reveals its beauty. If it touches something painful, it transforms it and heals it.

Thích Nhất Hạnh

Mindfulness is a way of being present: paying attention to and accepting what is happening in our lives. It helps us to be aware of and step away from our automatic and habitual reactions to our everyday experiences.

Elizabeth Thornton

Stay in the Moment

Moment Matters

Change Rules
Moment Matters

A spiritual outlook with a minimalist perspective on life that is conducive to happiness is often predicated on living in the present moment through mindful awareness emancipated from the vagaries of the subconscious and the itinerants of the mind.

86 comments on “🔄📈📉 Change Rules and Moment Matters: How to Stay in the Moment 🔖🕰️🔂

  1. 💜 YES!!! This ^ EveryOne; it’s Really ALL about Shrinkage EveryOne because Expansion is The Foil


    Liked by 5 people

  2. Such great advice – hard to absorb it all!

    Liked by 8 people

  3. tagged “poem”. presently perplexed.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Dear linnie

      Welcome to the intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie of SoundEagle🦅, who would like to thank you for visiting and commenting on this latest post, which is ostensibly very expansive in its featuring diverse contents across multiple disciplines, even including a number of excellent poems that you can easily locate on more careful inspection.

      You are cordially invited to study the following special 👨‍💻 User Guide 📋 for maximizing and optimizing your immersive experience and enjoyment of this website, since it is very feature-rich and complex. Clicking the button below will instantly transport you there:

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      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 5 people

  4. Most Important!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Nel momento stesso c’è il cambiamento.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. ೋღஜஇ Notes இஜღೋ

    Dear Readers,

    Since SoundEagle🦅’s 📑Posts and Pages📃 contain advanced styling and multimedia components plus animations, you should visit these 📑Posts and Pages📃 directly in the websites where SoundEagle🦅 has published them, so that you will be able to see and experience all of the refined and glorious details. The special design and its “look and feel” can be better appreciated in situ at the website rather than via the WordPress Reader, which often cannot fully reproduce the sophisticated results engendered by advanced styling and formatting plus dynamic animations, which are images and stories that are animated on their own. You will be shocked to see how much difference there is.

    In a nutshell, visit SoundEagle🦅’s 📑Posts and Pages📃 directly rather than viewing them through the WordPress Reader, which cannot authentically and adequately reproduce the sophisticated look and feel of this website, because the Reader is not conducive at all to displaying webpages with advanced styling and formatting as well as animations.

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    🥳🪟🎖️How to Enjoy SoundEagle🦅 to the Utmost🥇🏢🍹

    Yours sincerely,
    ܓSoundEagle🦅Rose Greeting

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Beautiful post, SoundEagle. I thoroughly believe in living in the moment. I’m a teacher on Insight Timer Meditation App and creating the music that I love helps me quite a bit. But all the reinforcement from your well-researched post is helpful. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 5 people

    • Dear Judy

      Once again, SoundEagle🦅 would like to convey to you both delight and gratitude in thanking you for your compliments and your keen observation of not merely the attractive styling but also the worthiness and academic quality of this latest offering. You are very welcome to divulge further your role as a teacher on Insight Timer Meditation App, and how it entails creativity musically, mentally and spiritually.

      As a further token of appreciation, SoundEagle🦅 has incorporated animations throughout the post, and introduced a musical composition entitled “The Sunset Lingers On”, which will automatically play when the post is visited and viewed in situ. Please enjoy!

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Freeing one’s mind from the baggage of the past and anxiety of the future is truly energising. Thank you ❤️

    Liked by 4 people

  9. I’m sorry, but I cannot resist posting this 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    • This renders this theoretical esoteric wisdom of “being in the here and now” to be a mere cliché 😉
      It is so true: I even completed a meditation project which took decades, and when it had not yielded the results I was hoping for I was disappointed.
      It all lies in the results, which is what makes life so unfair: Some people become successful millionaires by writing one or a few bestsellers, whilst other really intelligent ones, like SoundEagle have to dish out all their thoughts and emotions for free.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. I read this through without accessing any of the links/multimedia as you cover many things in the text SoundEagle.
    There are three, perhaps four questions that I want to think about in the days ahead.
    In what way is mindfulness different from the ability to concentrate?
    In what way is the present different from or defined by what we choose to concentrate on?
    How should the nature of what we value influence the things that we choose to focus on?
    And why did I want to play Stanley Turrentine’s Look Out and do the ironing when I finished reading.
    The matter of intention may be important in all this, but I did enjoy the ironing.
    There will of course be other questions. And then there is the matter of the videos to be watched.
    Thanks for this post.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Dear David

      It is once again delightful and heartening that you have derived so much joy from savouring SoundEagle🦅’s latest offering with curiosity and gusto! Your enthusiasm in perusing this post and formulating your own queries regarding matters raised in the multipronged discussions is highly commendable and indicative of your avid interest in the various perspectives on mindfulness and living in the present, plus the significance and implications of process philosophy (also known as processism, philosophy of organism, or ontology of becoming) in relation to change, causality, (in)determinism, metaphysical reality, stoic philosophy as well as the philosophy of space and time. Therefore, SoundEagle🦅 is hereby highlighting your four big questions in the following bespoke frame for posterity:

      David Don’s Big Questions

      In what way is mindfulness different from the ability to concentrate?

      In what way is the present different from or defined by what we choose to concentrate on?

      How should the nature of what we value influence the things that we choose to focus on?

      Why did I want to play Stanley Turrentine’s Look Out and do the ironing when I finished reading?

      Looking forward to your answering those questions in your forthcoming comment at any moment, if not at the best moment!

      Stay in the Moment

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 3 people

  11. I admire all the hard work you put in your blog. For me it’s hard living in the moment, I held myself busy with the past, when I hit my late thirties I turned my worries to thee future.

    Liked by 4 people

  12. Yes, I agree. It’s easier to practice mindfulness when one is a minimalist. Excellent advice.

    Liked by 4 people

  13. Hi SoundEagle! The present moment – fighting the mind to obtain that precious moment. Best to surrender to all the chatter, allow it space – so I can have mine to just be. Takes practice and as you mentioned, mindfulness. Getting more challenging as time goes on and the barrage of assault attacks and grows in energy, trying to break the peace of a present moment. Ha Ha – I own my mind! Great post for awareness!!

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Final thoughts amidst the cooking:-
    present; reality
    how they interact stumps me
    just don’t lose your self

    Liked by 2 people

  15. I particularly like your demo music “The sunset lingers on”. It’s the kind of music I like to hear when writing stories. I often listen to soundtracks for their cadence and flow of human expression. I know a lot of people who have started learning stoicism lately. That’s great if they gain something from it. I’m on a different path of exploration. I can only describe it as multifractal system thinking. It grants me a level peace and acceptance that can’t be altered or taken away by other people. I am small, but not insignificant. My autonomy belongs to me. Take care, My friend.

    Liked by 4 people

  16. That was a lot to absorb WOW
    Keep laughing

    Liked by 4 people

  17. A comprehensive, well laid out post to refer back to SoundEagle with beautiful visuals, songs and truths. So well Done!! 👏👏👏💖

    Liked by 4 people

  18. I liked “The Sunset Lingers On.”

    Liked by 4 people

  19. A magnificent dissertation as usual, Sound Eagle my son.
    I don’t know how you find the time to do these posts. That moment, the one that is the only one, must be infinitely stretchable.
    With metta,

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Dr Bob Rich

      Thank you, father. Since you have been so enamoured and fascinated by your son’s “infinitely stretchable” Moment, please kindly let SoundEagle🦅 have a mathematical communion with you via C programming as follows:

      #include <stdio.h>
      int (*operation)(int x, int y, int z);
      int addtiply(int x, int y, int z)
      { return ( x + y ) * z; }
      int addivide(int x, int y, int z)
      { return ( x + y ) / z; }
      int main(int argc, char* args[])
      { int Busy = 1, Idle = -1, Mindfulness = 0, StretchableMoment = 1000000, BobRich = 1000, SoundEagle = 2000;
         operation = addtiply;
         printf("( %d + %d ) * %d = %d\n", BobRich, SoundEagle, Busy, operation(BobRich, SoundEagle, Busy));
         printf("( %d + %d ) * %d = %d\n", BobRich, SoundEagle, Idle, operation(BobRich, SoundEagle, Idle));
         printf("( %d + %d ) * %d = %d\n", BobRich, SoundEagle, Mindfulness, operation(BobRich, SoundEagle, Mindfulness));
         printf("( %d + %d ) * %d = %d\n", BobRich, SoundEagle, StretchableMoment, operation(BobRich, SoundEagle, StretchableMoment));
         operation = addivide;
         printf("( %d + %d ) / %d = %d\n", BobRich, SoundEagle, Busy, operation(BobRich, SoundEagle, Busy));
         printf("( %d + %d ) / %d = %d\n", BobRich, SoundEagle, Idle, operation(BobRich, SoundEagle, Idle));
         printf("( %d + %d ) / %d = %d\n", BobRich, SoundEagle, Mindfulness, operation(BobRich, SoundEagle, Mindfulness));
         printf("( %d + %d ) / %d = %d\n", BobRich, SoundEagle, StretchableMoment, operation(BobRich, SoundEagle, StretchableMoment));
         return 0; }

      Please feel free to echo the eight answers back to SoundEagle🦅.

      Those readers who wonder what the meaning of the word “mettā” or “maitrī” is may benefit from the following introduction from Wikipedia:

      Maitrī (Sanskrit; Pali: mettā) means benevolence,[1] loving-kindness,[2][3] friendliness,[3][4] amity,[4] good will,[5] and active interest in others.[4] It is the first of the four sublime states (Brahmaviharas) and one of the ten pāramīs of the Theravāda school of Buddhism.

      The cultivation of benevolence (mettā bhāvanā) is a popular form of Buddhist meditation.[6] It is a part of the four immeasurables in Brahmavihara (divine abidings) meditation.[7] Metta as ‘compassion meditation’ is often practiced in Asia by broadcast chanting, wherein monks chant for the laity.[6]

      The compassion and universal loving-kindness concept of Metta is discussed in the Metta Sutta of Buddhism, and is also found in the ancient and medieval texts of Hinduism and Jainism as Metta or Maitri.[8]

      Small sample studies on the potential of loving-kindness meditation approach on patients suggest potential benefits.[9][10] However, peer reviews question the quality and sample size of these studies.[11][12]

      You will be pleased to be informed that SoundEagle🦅 has recently incorporated about sixteen additional quotations to this post. The quotees include Buddha, Thích Nhất Hạnh, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Jack Kornfield and Elizabeth Thornton.

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 3 people

      • BobRich OR SoundEagle are busy:
        ( 1000 + 2000 ) * 1 = 3000
        BobRich OR SoundEagle are idle:
        ( 1000 + 2000 ) * -1 = -3000
        BobRich OR SoundEagle are mindful:
        ( 1000 + 2000 ) * 0 = 0
        BobRich OR SoundEagle are in a stretchable moment:
        ( 1000 + 2000 ) * 1000000 = -1294967296
        BobRich AND SoundEagle are busy:
        ( 1000 + 2000 ) / 1 = 3000
        BobRich AND SoundEagle are idle:
        ( 1000 + 2000 ) / -1 = -3000

        Liked by 2 people

  20. Your posts are always highly informative. And you must have done a lot on research on this. I try to live in the moment, when I was younger I was obsessed with the past, now I am fretting over the future.

    Liked by 5 people

  21. Your posts are truly unique. I get lost wandering through the seemingly infinite paths.

    Liked by 4 people

  22. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am new here and learning how to write. You got really amazing blog. Got to learn a lot from you

    Liked by 5 people

  23. Pretty impressive presentation as always 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  24. I’m new to your blog and am enjoying diving into it! Really like the quality of the blogs that you post! Loved this piece too❤️ great advice put out in a great way

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Ahiri

      Welcome to the intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie of SoundEagle🦅, who would like to thank you for visiting and commenting on this latest post whilst also appreciating the quality of the 📑Posts that you have read so far, whether in their entirety or not. Regarding this post, may you find ways to use the “great advice … in a great way” or at least to your satisfaction!

      You are cordially invited to study the following special 👨‍💻 User Guide 📋 for maximizing and optimizing your immersive experience and enjoyment of this website, since it is very feature-rich and complex. Clicking the button below will instantly transport you there:

      🥳🪟🎖️How to Enjoy SoundEagle🦅 to the Utmost🥇🏢🍹

      Considering that you are new to this website, you may wish to click “About 🛅” to receive a good orientation plus useful recommendations on selected tools and features in order to be familiar with the nature and purpose of this website, insofar as the “About 🛅Page📃 has been meticulously designed to explicate in detail the various functions and features of the website and its components. Please enjoy!

      Wishing you a mindful and suitably productive week doing or enjoying whatever that satisfies you the most, whether physically, aesthetically, intellectually or spiritually!

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 1 person

  25. While I would agree the present moment is a central focus, I also see a necessary and also important attendance to cultivating the entire temporal landscape as necessary to render the most out of that focal presence. This would include attendance to the past (learning) and the future. (Application of learning) Just as any virtue becomes vice if it is under or overapplied in proportion to the context, I would say too heavy a preoccupation with any of the three aspects of time and the tripart legs on which our experience stands becomes unstable.

    I could be missing something(s)

    Liked by 3 people

  26. Finally, made it to the end. This is a long post but with beautiful art all around. Very nice! 😇

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear ReMiXtuReaL

      Welcome to the intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie of SoundEagle🦅, who would like to thank you for visiting and commenting on this latest post whilst also appreciating its length and beauty.

      Are there any particular sections, paragraphs, sentences, quotations, graphics, animations and musical compositions that you like?

      You are cordially invited to study the following special 👨‍💻 User Guide 📋 for maximizing and optimizing your immersive experience and enjoyment of this website, since it is very feature-rich and complex. Clicking the button below will instantly transport you there:

      🥳🪟🎖️How to Enjoy SoundEagle🦅 to the Utmost🥇🏢🍹

      Considering that you are new to this website, you may wish to click “About 🛅” to receive a good orientation plus useful recommendations on selected tools and features in order to be familiar with the nature and purpose of this website, insofar as the “About 🛅Page📃 has been meticulously designed to explicate in detail the various functions and features of the website and its components. Please enjoy!

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

  27. very artistic and creative! love it.

    Liked by 3 people

  28. Definitely…being in the Now helps ground. 😍😍😍

    Liked by 3 people

  29. Thank you. The information you share about being mindful is helpful. Some good pointers

    Liked by 3 people

  30. Oh, man, being German I had to translate 3-4 words in the first sentence, so it did take me 5 minutes to read that (and as long to reply here).
    And since this article is long as usual for you (and I actually hate reading)
    I will split this up into sections I am able and willing to digest,
    and reply here in bits below this very comment to keep my thoughts in flow. So there is no need to reply to those comments, before I let you know when I am finished with the entire article.

    Liked by 3 people

  31. terrific advice; I like what Buddha said: ‘Be in the moment, Otherwise you will miss your life’ 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  32. A very well-produced and interesting Blog.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Sound Eagle I have loved my visit this evening to your blog and the said post..
      I also read an excellent one on Change Rules and Moment Matters: Where by I tried several attempts to leave a long comment but your comment page appeared not to register my attempt so I will the leave the comment I left there here thankfully I copied it.

      Love the words within your selected quote..
      “A wise man will know what game to play to-day, and play it. We must not be governed by rigid rules, as by the almanac, but let the season rule us. The moods and thoughts of man are revolving just as steadily and incessantly as nature’s. Nothing must be postponed. Take time by the forelock. Now or never! You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this, or the like of this. Where the good husbandman is, there is the good soil. Take any other course, and life will be a succession of regrets. Let us see vessels sailing prosperously before the wind, and not simply stranded barks. There is no world for the penitent and regretful.
      By Henry David Thoreau.
      He had so many to choose from..

      I most certainly live in the moment, and love ‘Good Soil’ 🙂 I am certain too you will have also read the book The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle another great philosopher on life.

      So very many GOOD quotes you have mentioned and also so pleased to see You have referenced my friend Donna, whose blog and now podcasts are sharing wonderful tools on how to navigate the Moment and live in our integrity and truth.

      Wonderful post that I totally nod my head with agreement in your lists of tips etc…
      Thank you for this amazing post..
      I just wish my computer screen would not jump so much when I scroll as things are still loading.. as I try to read..
      Many thanks Sound Eagle… another brilliant post..
      As I agree, with your words.
      Kind regards.
      Sue ❤

      Many thanks again for your lovely visit here SE.

    Liked by 2 people

  33. Very beatiful site!! Congratulations!

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Is there beauty to be found in the moment of emptiness between the moments of present focus? The tension between the two, like the silence between musical notes, creates elements for the heart to take over in that dangerous territory that mind fears entering. I see a beautiful world of possibility existing in the space between the dreaming and focused mind. Thank you for sharing, and as always, I look forward to your reveries into the depths of human experiences.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. You like some pithy comment I wrote so I came to repay the favor. Thank you here because nothing more recent was found and this is a very interesting subject which filled a hole in my present. Have a wonderful day in this sojourn in this time.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. SoundEagle, you clearly have a brilliant cosmos contained in every cell of your mind, which reflects in the myriad methods and digital miracles in your blog’s multitudinous works of art. You share your creativity with the world and interact with it in such a way that is completely unique and yet aims to link everything together in a seasonal moment of aliveness and interspacial synchronic melodic connection. Très wow! <33

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Such an important topic, especially in a society today where we are so fixated on the future. Thank you for your words and inspirational quotes. I have subscribed and will be keeping up with your posts and checking out the music!

    Liked by 1 person

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