🦅 SoundEagle in Art and Poetry 📜

ೋღஜஇ Swirls of Gypsy Delight இஜღೋ
SoundEagle in True Love, Three Hearts and Swirls of Gypsy Delight

Swirls of Gypsy Delight
Usurp my Gothic Knight
Reign not SoundEagle🦅’s Flight
For I seek thy Crested Might


🦅 SoundEagle & SeaTurtle 🐢

Swirls of Gypsy Delight
Usurp my Gothic Knight
Reign not SoundEagle🦅’s Flight
For I seek thy Crested Might
Pearls of Gnostic Wisdom
Divine my Cosmic Germ
Reign not SeaTurtle🐢’s Swim
For I seek thy Fluid Whim

The short poems (some of which are monorhyme quatrains) exhibited in this special post pay homage to rhyming schemes and rhythmic devices as well as symmetry, compatibility, calligraphy, styling, designing, graphics and animations, all of which are in the service of the simultaneous presentation of art and poetry, both texturally and pictorially.

For example, in the third line of both stanzas of SoundEagle🦅’s poem displayed above, “Rein” rather than “Reign” is technically more appropriate, as explained in a blog post of the Oxford Dictionaries entitled “Rein or reign?”, not to mention that “Reign” is intransitive as a verb. Nevertheless, the blog post also states: “There’s obviously a strong tendency in our minds to wish to associate the phrase free rein with allowing a person the freedom of power that some rulers formerly wielded when reigning over their oppressed subjects: I can see the somewhat tenuous logic in this.” Aside from that, SoundEagle🦅 has chosen to use “Reign” instead of “Rein” in the poem for the following reasons:

  1. To deploy or exploit the close connections and ambiguities between the words “Reign” and “Rein” in their spellings, pronunciations, connotations and denotations with respect to the subject matters and stylistic delivery of the poem.
  2. To convey the poem more on linguistic imports and figurative potentials rather than literal meanings.
  3. Unlike the Horse🐎 (of the Gothic Knight), SoundEagle🦅 is never (meant, fit or compelled) to be reined in or ridden on, with or without a rein.
  4. SoundEagle🦅 prefers the word “Reign” as it feels more “Regal”. Without the letter g, “Regal” loses its magic and becomes “Real” just as “Reign” turns into a rather drab “Rein”, which is meant for the Horse🐎, not for a noble being or entity like SoundEagle🦅 or the Unicorn🦄.
  5. “Reign” is more interesting than “Rein” since the former’s letter g is the only alphabet protruding downwards, much like the letter p in the word “Usurp” from the preceding line of the poem. In other words, “Reign” and “Usurp” have higher compatibility with respect to calligraphy.
  6. Another compatibility (as well as symmetry) is also at play to the extent that SoundEagle🦅 would like to start each of the two inner lines of the first stanza with a verb comprising five letters. “Reign” and “Usurp” both have five. “Rein” has only four.
ೋღஜஇ Notes இஜღೋ

Dear Readers,

In general, SoundEagle🦅’s poems reveal a humanity and sensitive spirit with certain tenderness coloured by various intensities of yearning and understanding.

Regardless of length and form, SoundEagle🦅 typically composes mainly rhyming poems, often with end rhymes, internal rhymes, alliterations, assonances, consonances, sibilances as well as rhythmic devices, syllabic schemes, musical patterns, and other subtle or overt features. This predilection towards rhyming poems is not in any way suggesting or implying that free-form poems are not worthy of our reading and writing, as long as we bear in mind that many of the free verses that we routinely encounter can be too unstructured and ad hoc, somewhat rough and ready or crude but effective, their form (or lack thereof) even widely abused, exploited or misunderstood by those who lack the required imagination and discipline to achieve or maintain poetic excellence, irrespective of the extent to which such poems have been or are meant to be emancipated from the tyranny of rhymes and the shackle of metered lines.

In other words, SoundEagle🦅 can be regarded as a neo-formalist cum experimentalist poet preferring to express in form and metre rather than free verse, whilst also appreciating the sound and import of words as well as the look and feel of artful displays without being unnecessarily encumbered by observing rigid rules and structures to the detriment of fostering creativity and innovation.

Beyond composing poems featuring rhyme, assonance and alliteration in various imaginative ways to impart appealing musical tenor and lyrical expression to our poetic oeuvre, we may also consider the use of rhythmic schemes, syllabic patterns and other numeric properties and calligraphic considerations, plus the additional creativity and presentational fecundity of having our poems combined with or incorporated into art, calligraphy, graphics, illustrations, animations, musical compositions and multimedia, an example of which is provided by the post entitled 🎼🎹—THE—🎹—LAST—🎹—RAG—🎹🎵🎶.

Longer and more sophisticated examples include the following:

In any case, readers are advised that they should keep writing poems so that they may continue to improve and satisfy themselves, never mind too much what others might think of their poems. After all, poetry is always a subjective art and caters to different people and purposes. One person’s poem could be another person’s poison.

Other SoundEagle🦅’s poems concerning a variety of topics are accessible at https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/tag/poem/

Please be informed that many of SoundEagle🦅’s multimedia posts will take a while to load completely, and will benefit from being viewed on a large screen of a desktop and laptop computer, since those lengthy multimedia posts and SoundEagle🦅’s blog could be too powerful and feature-rich for iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices to handle properly or adequately.

Yours sincerely,
Rose GreetingܓSoundEagle🦅

SoundEagle🦅’s moment🕰 &
Marie🌕’s while🔖

Dear Marie the Moon, 🌕

Swirls of Gypsy Delight
Usurp my Gothic Knight
Reign not SoundEagle🦅’s Flight
For I seek thy Crested Might
May Marie the Moon 🌕 shine just as luminously and charmingly when she glides elegantly across geolocations and time zones to meet and greet SoundEagle🦅 at the sonically inspiring, aesthetically immersive, spiritually heightened and contemplative realm, which is realised or experienced as a milieu or paradigm, as described in the distinctive post entitled 🦅 SoundEagle in Art, Aphorism and Paramusic 🏝! Rose Greeting
SoundEagle🦅 hopes that Marie the Moon 🌕 has thoroughly enjoyed her while🔖 shining upon SoundEagle🦅 in Best Moment Award from Moment Matters🕰, which requires refreshing or reloading as the post has again been expanded with new sections and further consolidated by the recently enhanced Conclusion.
Marie the Moon shineth bright
Upon this cold dark winter’s night
And findeth solace and true love
In SoundEagle🦅’s arms above
Wherein he reigns eternally
And not in rein without the ‘G’
SoundEagle in True Love, Three Hearts and Swirls of Gypsy DelightPoem by Marie Williams; The Bells, Whistles and Styling by SoundEagle🦅

SoundEagle🦅’s Tune🎶 &
Marie🌕 in June🎑

Beckoning Marie in June
SoundEagle🦅 sends forth a Tune

Pining for the Summer Moon 🌕
In the calm of Midnight Noon


Beckoning Marie in May
Will she stay or fly away?

Golden clouds lit by the Spring Moon 🌕
Adrift in the Cosmic Lagoon…


SoundEagle🦅 is bringing light
To shine on your darkest night

Reign not Marie’s wellness flight
For I seek thy wholesome might

94 comments on “🦅 SoundEagle in Art and Poetry 📜

  1. light and wonderful! The graphics are beautiful and go so well with your poem 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello SoundEagle,
    I love what you have done with Gypsy Delight.. 🙂
    The graphics have a sort of ’70s look, which suits the “bohemian”-style verse.

    Are you interested in your readers developing this poem further? Oh well, it’s just a thought: “Interactive or collaborative poetry” —you and I have tried it in the past with some success. Well, congrats on your fabulous website and keep wowing us with your content!

    Liked by 2 people

    • SoundEagle and SeaTurtle rhyme with each other!

      Thank you, SeaTurtle, for the encouragement and compliment. As for your question, there is undeniable poetic passion and vision in you that will undoubtedly warm and fill the hearts of readers through “Interactive or collaborative poetry”.

      By the way, Bill Forest somehow located and befriended SoundEagle on Facebook. He still remembers you.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Then Bill, you and I may enjoy the memory of an anniversary coming up 2 Aug (2009). Music and you, you and music enabled it:

        Liked by 1 person

      • And by the way, if a prim and proper (naked) PENGUIN wanted by any chance to escape the sweltering summer DownUnder, and that dashing Dachshund visit his friend the downy DUCK in London: could arrangements be made via a public blog? Methinks (certainly) NOT.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for posting the video of Andrea Bocelli singing the heartfelt song “Because We Believe”.

      Returning to the central focus of this post, the simultaneous presentation of art and poetry, it is SoundEagle’s pleasure to inform you that the post has been extended. In the vein of “interactive or collaborative poetry”, which originated as a thought of yours nearly five years ago, this extension consists of a longer poem and graphics entitled “🦅SoundEagle & SeaTurtle🐢”. Please enjoy, both texturally and pictorially, because we believe!

      Swirls of Gypsy Delight
      Usurp my Gothic Knight
      Reign not 🦅SoundEagle’s Flight
      For I seek thy Crested Might

      Pearls of Gnostic Wisdom
      Divine my Cosmic Germ
      Reign not 🐢SeaTurtle’s Swim
      For I seek thy Fluid Whim

      Liked by 1 person

      • SoundEgle I don’t think it was a thought of mine. I thought it was an idea of OURS which we acted on: there was a stanza or two of Gypsy Delight which I wrote in my attempt to write a poem collaboratively with you.

        Here is part of the discussion (20/01/2010):

        ‘I am sharing this with you now… do you like its symmetry (in rhyming scheme?) Would you prefer “entwine” to “collide or collude”
        in the 2nd stanza?

        You could also choose a title for this poem…this would preserve the symmetry.

        Swirls of gypsy delight
        Usurp my gothic knight
        Reign not the horse’s flight
        For I seek thy crested might


        Pearls of rampant bonds
        Entwine with verdant fronds
        And cast their primal woes
        In ethereal starship throes
        Of effervescent rush
        or Nature’s ploy untouched


        Beguiling and beguiled
        Bright Esther stark and mild
        Through Infinity quips wild
        For they bore a hybrid Child..’

        Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you for your prompt reply and creative response, 🐢SeaTurtle. The original poem concerning 🦅SoundEagle as well as the recently published longer version concerning both 🦅SoundEagle & 🐢SeaTurtle are both entirely born of 🦅SoundEagle’s creative thoughts, not of our collaboration. It began as a poem that I composed much earlier and first mentioned to you in an even earlier email dated 20 Jan 2010 at 5:42pm, 51 minutes before your abovementioned email. The content of my earlier email is quoted here as follows:

        Swirls of gypsy delight
        Usurp my gothic knight
        Reign not the horse’s flight
        For I seek thy crested might

        Based on my own poem above, I shall name my caladium as “Gypsy Delight”.

        Attached are photos of the caladium taken even more recently . . . . .

        The ‘collaborative’ part happened later, when you appended your two stanzas to my poem. All of these are indeed splendid and poetic interactions between you and I.

        What I meant in my previous comment is that the newly composed longer version of the poem concerning both 🦅SoundEagle & 🐢SeaTurtle is the result of my current response to your phrase “interactive or collaborative poetry”, which you thought about and typed in your comment here nearly five years ago, as quoted below:

        Hello SoundEagle,
        I love what you have done with Gypsy Delight.. 🙂
        The graphics have a sort of ’70s look, which suits the “bohemian”-style verse.

        Are you interested in your readers developing this poem further? Oh well, it’s just a thought: “Interactive or collaborative poetry” —you and I have tried it in the past with some success. Well, congrats on your fabulous website and keep wowing us with your content!

        Liked by 1 person

      • The ‘hybrid Child’ could be anything: a work of art, an idea, a philosophy or culture. Don’t think biological reproduction here…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, your below clarification is accurate. Thank you for making it clear to other readers, since both you and I are aware of these facts.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for adding a SeaTurtle stanza to Gypsy delight, it’s quite lovely in its symmetry with the first stanza, and I particularly like my “fluid whim”…

        At the same time I feel I may be neglecting to critique thr art work that accompanies the poetry…so more in coming days as I have just read about the World Illustration awards exhibition in the Guardian:


        Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you, 🐢SeaTurtle, for your feedback and for alerting 🦅SoundEagle of the World Illustration awards exhibition of 2017. To facilitate your critique of the artwork, the following image is the artwork in its entirety separated from the two stanzas. You may click on the image to reveal and comment on a larger version of the artwork.

        SoundEagle and SeaTurtle in Art and Paramusic

        Swirls of Gypsy Delight
        Usurp my Gothic Knight
        Reign not SoundEagle’s Flight
        For I seek thy Crested Might

        Pearls of Gnostic Wisdom
        Divine my Cosmic Germ
        Reign not SeaTurtle’s Swim
        For I seek thy Fluid Whim

        Given your penchant for appreciating art and poetry, here are more unusual and entertaining poems and artworks (as well as accompanying videos) for you to enjoy to your heart’s content!


  3. Love the design and the poem. They really go well together 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. (Reposting this from elsewhere..)
    “Swirls of Gypsy Delight..”

    This first phrase is one of my favourite “word-bites/bytes.” Forgive me if I sound overly exuberant when I say that I consider the whole four-line verse a masterpiece, SoundEagle. I don’t offer praise for verse easily. I enjoy this poem because of its originality and imaginative word collocations.

    “Swirls” (a “luscious” word in itself that rolls in your mouth..) “Gypsy Delight” (conveys all the beauty, power and freedom of Art). And rich, bohemian pleasure.. You cannot tell if the poet is male or female.. Does the poem have a title SoundEagle? Do poems need titles anyway? This might be an interesting discussion point..

    The artwork that accompanies the poem is worthy of a separate critique… well done! Thank you for sharing it all in such a beautiful format. Many, many thanks for your dedication.. hugs,Turtle.

    Liked by 2 people

    • SoundEagle is gypsy-delighted by your exuberant praise and hugs, whilst revelling in the imagery of indulgence, the swirls of smooth chocolates and luscious satins, the absence of boundaries and stereotypes affording freedom and androgyny, via which there could be more room for transcendental truth and beauty.

      This poem probably could do without a title. Enthusiastic readers can supply whatever title(s) that they deem to be commensurate with their nature and fancy. Besides, it would seem that anyone of the four lines in the verse could be a title, though the first line, or simply “Gypsy Delight”, might arguably be the best candidate. Do you agree?


      • I do agree on “Gypsy Delight” being a good title. That is what I call the poem anyhow.

        But I especially like the option of allowing each reader to assign the title that best suits their mood, inclination or fancy. In other words having no titles affords the readers this freedom. Artistic, spiritual and social FREEDOM is what this poem means to me… and that is why I love it.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well put, SeaTurtle! SoundEagle is simultaneously enthralled and touched by both the validity and vitality of your sensitivity towards those categories of FREEDOM, even when such FREEDOM seems to have been well encapsulated or reflected by the diminutive stature and brevity of an untitled, illustrated poem.


  5. That’s very creative. Nice work! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You have some awesome graphics on your site and the background template rocks. Did you do it yourself? TY for the LIkes on my blog… much appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m enthralled with your blog and your amazing artistry.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Wow, that is so beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi there! Thank you for visiting my blog. This particular post is so lovely, and quite stirring. I look forward to exploring more of your work.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Welcome, Lillian! Thank you for visiting this multidisciplinary and multimedia website, and for your compliment. Since you “look forward to exploring more…”, you will definitely encounter numerous unusual features and pleasant surprises when you frequent other posts and pages! For those who have a playful or adventurous streak, your patience with wading through posts and pages will be rewarded by music and video as well as interactive games, puzzles and animations, all of which await your discovery and enjoyment.


  10. Very nice and cleverly constructed. Thank you K.W. I loved it!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. […] 🦅 SoundEagle in Art and Poetry 📜 (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  12. Color, light and beauty! It is wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Sound Eagle your little poem
    Caused me great delight
    So taken was I
    I began to fly

    But was then cast adrift
    My heart was split
    You and Sea Turtle
    Had been having a flirtle

    Marie the Moon now feels deflated
    SoundEagle has been somewhat two -timing!
    Sorry this has all gone awry
    And now my verse is not rhyming

    copyright Marie the Moon lol

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Your post goes directly to my heart! I’m fascinated by the dynamics between SoundEagle and SeaTurtle fascinates me. Have you heard of twin flames? You may be interested by this story I’ve started writing https://erikvincentizakhia.com/2017/12/19/meeting-my-twin-soul-part-one/

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Erik! Welcome to the very first post that you visit and read at SoundEagle’s website! There are indeed many posts on your blog about your twin flame and twin soul.

      Given your positive feedback and delightful fascination, should you and/or Chantal Peguiron ever decide to produce an inspirational or symbolic painting depicting SoundEagle🦅 and SeaTurtle🐢, it can be featured stylishly in this special post with an optional explanatory note or poem from you about the painting.


  15. Thank you SoundEagle! So at the end there’s no clear answer, no clear winner as long as one will be a rabbit and the other a turtle. My turn to propose you a video to listen to, if you don’t know it, and perhaps share with SeaTurtle if you still visit her sometimes over the wild oceans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf9xmIlV1Hs
    The page where we arrive when clicking on SeaTurtle is a bittle sad and empty and unexpected, after being impressed by the depth and the poetry of her comments.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Why to give so much importance to the “five stars”? Isn’t it a hassle to press the like and the stars each time? Do people need a proof of the quality of the content you post and the comments you receive?

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m myself culprit of sometimes wanting to attract people on my blog, and perhaps lacking honesty when doing it. But I realize it doesn’t fill me, and makes me waste my time. I’m truly happy only when I do what I truly love to do, when I’m truly honest with myself and others.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hello Erik! There can be a range of reasons, incentives or purposes for which people would use or not use any features available at a website or blog, apart from whatever reservation or rationale you may have regarding a specific feature.

        May you enjoy the weekend as the current winter Olympics dawns!


    • Indeed, Erik! Had you watched more closely, you would definitely notice or discover that the moral of the first video is as follows: This is the tale of an Amazing Race, but the story is not about who takes first place. It’s about trying hard all the way to the end, having pride in one’s self, and being a friend.

      Thank you for sharing the Goldtripp remix of Oxygène, an album of instrumental electronic music composed, produced and performed by the French composer Jean Michel Jarre.

      Your appreciation of SeaTurtle🐢 in relation to SoundEagle🦅 is both heartening and indicative of your sensitivity and good nature. Since you have again mentioned SeaTurtle🐢 here as well as savoured the music and comments published at SoundEagle in SoundCloud 🌬🎧, you stand a good chance of figuring out a specific musical connection between SoundEagle🦅 and SeaTurtle🐢 via the following clues. A long time ago, SoundEagle🦅 introduced an excellent song to SeaTurtle🐢, who loved it immediately and soon realized that it has become “our song”, so to speak. Let’s see if you could identify the song from those featured in the special post entitled 🦅 SoundEagle in Earth Day 🌍🌎🌏.


  16. Your poem is well written and the commentary very informative. I also like your art style: lots of vitality and frolicsome.

    Good job.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. very beautiful poems and pictures, I like your explanations about reign and regal, Eagles are fascinating !!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Oh SE, I love the poems and the new one about ‘reigning not …’, but I feel you mean ‘rein not …’ as surely you want my ‘wellness’ to reign? I’m hoping your healing spell will reverse the situation – thank you.:)

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Love the lively colours of the graphics. Your reasons for choosing ‘reign’ are intriguing, though I find the word still uneasily in the poem, as it feels as if the Eagle is helpless… though perhaps that is your intention.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I do like your a-reign-gements! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  21. A lovely blue butterfly 🦋
    Dropped from the sky
    On a green leaf to die
    Flowers 🌸 🌻🌼 grieve and cry
    Anita Bacha

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Khai, your artistry is exquisite, vibrant and exhilarating. Bravo!

    Liked by 2 people

  23. I absolutely love your poetry and your artworks but with very limited data I wont be able to visit very often.
    Sorry and thanks for sharing … did you read in my comments section that Kamal is having difficulty accessing your blog. I will inform her it takes a good while to download …

    Liked by 2 people

  24. The explanation of your poetic word choice was extremely interesting, SoundEagle. It added to my appreciation of your poem This time around, I happened to notice a funny exchange you had w/ Marie Williams. That may have taken place after my initial visit to this post. FYI, Marie was a dear friend of mine before her passing. Wishing you all good things, A. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  25. How very kind of you to go to all the trouble of creating a special comment just for me, SoundEagle! And how extraordinary that you would create links to the other comments by Marie Williams!! I feel as if I can hear her “voice” again. That is truly a gift that brings tears to my eyes.

    Marie and I never actually met, as she resided in the UK. But we exchanged many emails. As you may know, Marie, too, was an abuse survivor. Somehow she retained a sweet spirit despite the suffering in her childhood. Her compassion was reflected in her poetry.

    The effort you ALWAYS put into your blog is obvious, SoundEagle. The posts and pages are rich w/ information, links, and graphics any reader would appreciate.

    Thank you again for this gift. I will treasure it. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Un blog molto bello 🍾🍾

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Who could “reign” your flight, SoundEagle? Your mastery of this medium is obvious. You soar above the enigmatic computer coding and technical challenges that baffle most of us, as the eagle sours effortlessly above the land below. And all your readers are grateful for it! ❤ 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Reblogged this on MiddleoftheHeart and commented:
    salún le samhlaíocht álainn…. Iolar Fuaime

    Liked by 1 person

  29. I don’t see how 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Davvero molto interessante!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  31. I love the poems. You definitely put some hard work in them and they are perfect in every way.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. As usual, you blow me away with the depth and breadth of your knowledge and analysis.
    I agree that SoundEagle should never ‘be reined in or ridden on, with or without a rein’.
    I will return at intervals to re-read this (and to read other works) to better understand and integrate.
    Kind regards

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Sonud Eagle’s poetry is true delight
    But it sets my head a spinning fright
    When I write verse, it’s dreams and pools
    I didn’t know so many rules

    So on I go until the end
    Along with you my trusted friend
    It doesn’t matter how one sees
    for that’s the art of Poety
    Keep inspiring the world my friend and Laogh ON

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Wonderfully creative work here, SoundEagle. I love learning about the genesis of creative ideas, so this post is fascinating. I agree with so much of what you’ve written here with regards to how you approach poetry. I prefer structured poetry as well, although I enjoy free-verse’s intensity and urgency and immediacy. Both forms certainly have their places, but personally, I’m more fond of structured poetry. I like to create an armature upon which I can layer the muscles, tissues, and skin to create a living, breathing poem. That foundation holds the entirety of the poem together. The first thing I do when I read someone’s poetry is look for structure of some sort. It’s akin to treasure-hunting, I suppose, when I can find a coherent structure buried within the words. 🙂 Also, I completely agree that word choice should not only depend on meaning, but also tone, sound, appearance, and how it fits within the line, stanza and overall poem. There’s a lot that goes into selecting the proper word, which makes poetry writing immensely satisfying for me.

    Your visual presentation of your work is stunning and shows a deep dedication to your art. Much respect, my friend! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Michael,

      How knowledgeable and astute you have allowed or shown yourself to be in your unfettered assessment and holistic appreciation of SoundEagle🦅’s poetry and artistry!

      Regarding the issue “that word choice should not only depend on meaning, but also tone, sound, appearance, and how it fits within the line, stanza and overall poem”, you might be somewhat surprised to learn that there are those who were all too eager to consign my using “Reign” instead of “Rein” as an inadmissible mistake in the two quatrains; and they may still not be fully convinced even after reading the explanations provided. That we see eye to eye here is a terrific start!

      As has been intimated on 14 August 2022 in a comment submitted to your blog post entitled ““It’s Not Lost” chosen for collaborative Poetry Partners project at The Skeptic’s Kaddish”, you are at complete liberty to collaborate with SoundEagle🦅 should you be tempted to make a big splash in SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie:

      Dear Mike,

      Yet another way to collaborate is to compose a poem for someone else’s blog post. If you would like to do so for one or any number of my posts, simply submit your poem(s) as a comment to the respective comment section(s) of your chosen post(s) on my blog. I shall then perform some “magic” so that your collaborative poem(s) will be featured in my respective post(s) with bespoke stylings (and perhaps even illustrations and/or animations). You can then reblog each of these posts (using the “Reblog” button available in the post) to show your followers and readers your fine poetry and how your poems have been incorporated by me.

      Thank you for your support and rapport. Happy mid-August to you and your family! Wishing you a wonderfully productive week doing, enjoying or blogging whatever that satisfies you the most, including writing more poems to your own satisfaction!

      Rose GreetingYours sincerely,

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Michael,

      There is a pleasant surprise awaiting. You are entitled to be very pleased with your positive influence on SoundEagle🦅, who, upon your esteemed visit and encouragement, has been spurred to publish a new and even more feature-packed version of this post, including sophisticated graphics and animations as well as an original musical composition, which will automatically commence playing when it is visited and viewed in situ. Clicking the button below will instantly transport you there:

      👑 Reign not SoundEagle🦅’s Flight, For I seek thy Crested Might ⚜️

      SoundEagle🦅 would indeed be grateful if you could be so kind as to copy and paste your previous comment to the comment section of the new post. Please feel free to expand on your forthcoming comment if you would like to critique the new features and improvements.

      Rose GreetingYours sincerely,


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