👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅 According to ChatGPT 💬 and the Incredulous 🤔 in the Age of God-like Technology 🚀

SoundEagle with ChatGPT and AI

At an unprecedented level, we live in an age of dramatic contrasts and ironic juxtapositions, an age in which the present leaps forward into the future at an increasing pace, beckoning humanity ever more convincingly into a fascinating yet challenging scenario of accelerationism or technoutopianism, which previously could only be imagined or predicted in the fertile minds of speculative philosophers, prescient futurists and visionary science-fiction authors. According to what some enthusiastic readers might have considered to be a devastatingly revealing and painstakingly analytical post entitled “😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀”, the dynamic interplay and combined outcome of what humans tend to perceive, feel and believe, the overarching sociocultural inertias and institutional forces, plus the ever-penetrating aspects of technological advances affecting both the physical and the psychological, have far too often discounted or even incinerated the most hopeful promises of the age of enlightenment, whilst burdening humanity with endless pitfalls and quagmires as well as intractable excesses and sinister repercussions that growingly imperil our very own freedom, sanity and survival.

The concept of, and the conditions for, a job for life, or even a profession for life, are becoming progressively strained, if not antediluvian, as automations and technologies replace more sections of both the blue- and white-collar domains, increasing the volatility of both the job market and individual careers. If the pace and amplitude of change were to continue, there would be considerable doubt as to how human beings, especially those who are the most unprepared, unsupported, affected, disrupted, disadvantaged or disenfranchised, would ever possess the emotional stamina and economic buffer to withstand and weather a life of constant flux and shifting reality. Paralleling hectic news cycles and incessant social media updates is the domain of academics and sciences, in which specialized scholars and researchers blindingly hone their skillsets on pinpointing minutiae to outshine others in their respective microniches via the latest breakthroughs, techniques and discoveries, often involving pushing or testing temporal, financial, social, ethical and/or environmental boundaries assertively, if not irrevocably or calamitously. Gone are the big narratives and grand syntheses, unless those involved have the time, fortitude and resources to become mavericks pursuing truly revolutionary research or going against prevailing trends to wield long and meandering strokes on the large canvass of a book, let alone a multi-chapter magnum opus. The celebrated stars and their newest games in town manifesting as fashionable trends and eye-opening gadgets propped up by a potent mix, convergence or confluence of marketing strategy, intellectual property and artificial intelligence often shine all too briefly as they are inexorably eclipsed or replaced by the next big things, most of which are in turn destined for desuetude, outmodedness or unfashionableness, and thus heading towards elimination or extinction. In the world of works, ideas, narratives and identities, it would seem that authors have to contend with, or even build in, obsolescence in their stories, characters and creations, if not their very own career aspirations, trajectories and mobilities, insofar as life is a stage, and increasingly a stage occupied with fast moving act(or)s and rapidly changing scene(rie)s, which are themselves progressively augmented, audited or even supplanted by automatons and automations as well as simulations and assimilations, such that real-life is ever more lived through or captured by digital (re)presentations and virtual (re)creations, as exemplified by those populating the vast edifices of social media and online worlds, particularly Second Life, a computer-based simulated environment, where altered identities thrive in alternative realities.

Furthermore, artificial intelligence (used in or exhibited by web search engines, recommendation systems, generative and creative tools as well as bots and algorithms) has been facilitating, inducing or leading to the following:

  1. The widespread adoption of social media designed to foster rapid sharing of texts, images and videos amongst users.
  2. The ease of deploying text layout apps or graphic design software to create custom-made pictorial quotes.
  3. The maturing of the digital economy and intangible capitalism conducive to monetizing products and services on social media, blogs and websites.
  4. The decline of desktop and laptop computers due to the ascendency of portable devices and smartphones whose small screens are more amenable to unsophisticated content and low information density.
  5. The formats of SMSing, texting, tweeting and posting favouring the short and simple rather than the long and detailed.
  6. The tendency of media users to convey or display fickle allegiance, superficial solidarity and spasmodic benevolence in online social interactions.
  7. The growing inclination of people to treat or deal with a subject briefly or superficially due to attention deficit, update overdrive, information overload and multimedia overdose.
  8. The habitual gravitation towards instantaneous news and notifications by skimming over contents, reading only headlines and going for soundbites or video clips.
  9. The lack of the mental apparatus or consistent aptitude for differentiating that which is truly profound and meaningful from that which is contrived to impress without direct concern for or relevance to the truth or what genuinely matters.
  10. The predominance of self-help gurus, motivational speakers, life(style) coaches, Internet celebrities, media personalities and social media influencers across social spaces and social discourses purposed and maintained for commercial gain, social capital, cultural capital, personal branding, niche marketing and public relations.
  11. The over-reliance on headlines, soundbites and quotations to capture the essence of an issue or topic, to summarize information and to entice the reader, viewer, voter or consumer at the expense of the broader context and deeper understanding has not only contributed to the potency and frequency of media manipulation (via the deployment of formal and/or informal fallacies, disinformation, or quotational, rhetorical and propaganda techniques), but also accentuated the comforming effects of social proof (also called informational social influence), a sociopsychological phenomenon in which people emulate the actions of others to undertake a certain activity, behaviour or experience in a given situation.
  12. People tend to be much more likely to settle on whatever content that is espoused by their despots, promulgated by their demagogues, peddled by their politicians, proclaimed by their officials, promoted by their influencers, championed by their idols, endorsed by their social networks, reinforced by social media algorithms, recommended by filter bubbles, intensified by echo chambers, and fermented by hype, bias and affect.

Antagonism and Opposition surrounded by Echo Chamber and Filter Bubble exhibiting Cultural Tribalism and Confirmation Bias

All over the world, across the whole gamut of human civilization ranging from rich to poor countries and from repressive regimes to free societies, a large-scale transcultural and transcontinental existential pattern has emerged with remarkable clarity: that without the solid presence of and copious provisions for some independent entities propounding, upholding and maintaining truth beyond the fray of private interests, sectional agendas, partisan politics, competitive culture, corporate pressure, bureaucratic wrangling, systemic corruption, endemic discrimination and ideological warfare, there remains no escaping from the stark reality that a vast number of people will continue to be needlessly living a substantially constricted, prescribed, reactive and contingent existence at the mercy of (being not just trapped, isolated, exploited, manipulated or indoctrinated but also propagandized, hegemonized, radicalized or instrumentalized by) their circles of influence and available technologies, no longer concerned with objective reality and impartial truth, nor reachable with verifiable facts, argumentation and fair reasoning.

Rejection of Critical Thinking and Objective Reasoning with Seven Insidious and Corrosive Conditions

Bolstered by the expansions and trappings of the Internet and social media, the art of blogging and the act of research have come a long way, even to the point of accommodating such an eccentric user, eclectic producer and extreme outlier as SoundEagle🦅ೋღஜஇ. Yet, both blogging and research seem to have arrived at a crossroad for laypersons and experts alike, to the extent that what can be achieved and progressively refined through a labour of love, individual craftsmanship or singular intellect is no longer mandatory or even deemed to be desirable, satisfactory or superior in cases or applications whose defined goals can be achieved by intelligence exhibited by machines, particularly computer systems, as opposed to the natural intelligence of living beings. Those of us who pride ourselves on our respective contributions in the blogosphere as a collection of connected communities are now being (awe)struck by the recent advent of the next big thing, in the form of an advanced virtual assistant, one that relegates the crafting of text, images, videos and other data (such as music and source code) to generative artificial intelligence, including but not limited to large language model chatbots (that mimic human conversation through text or voice interactions using deep learning and natural language processing), text-to-image artificial intelligence image generation, and text-to-video AI generators. Being relieved of zeal and assiduity has its grand appeal not merely for those who are repelled by having to exert themselves and hone their skills, but also for those who court neither the satisfaction in doing nor the experience in being, never mind the trials and symbolic powers of authenticity and authorship, which have been usurped or subordinated by the quest for instantaneous (retrieval of) knowledge or information. The sheer convenience of the latest AI gadgets can be so irresistibly tempting and the quality so acceptable on average that resistance may be futile and assimilation could be imminent. Nevertheless, one is inclined to be saddled with the uneasy feeling and lingering concern that once something as fundamental as writing can be automated to a large degree through machine learning and generative models, many traditional jobs and age-old roles involving creative writing, copywriting, communication, journalism, coding and data entry will become increasingly superfluous, obsolete or supplanted. It seems that artificial intelligence is fast becoming not just a chameleon, a do-it-all factotum, and a digital jack of all trades, but also a technological accelerator, an inevitable assimilator, and a formidable disruptor-cum-transformer auguring seismic social change with far-reaching ramifications and repercussions.

Nevertheless, there still exist those who steadfastly refuse to be deskilled or colonized by artificial intelligence. Undaunted by the pressure of God-like technology opening the floodgates of automation and releasing ever more powerful AI genies out of the box, advocates and affiliates of neo-luddism champion a broader and more holistic distrust of technological improvement based on their concern about or objection to the technological impact on individuals, communities and the environment. There are also those who settle on steeling and fortifying themselves against the encroachment or invasion of technology by promoting or insisting on (the values of) self-preservation and self-determination as well as self-worth, dignity and authenticity. Showing an indomitable, self-empowering zeal in her almost manifesto-like post entitled “Why I don’t create content with Chat GPT – yesterdays post.”, Ann-Cathrin Jöst (who maintains a blog focussing on “Education Research and Consulting for Sustainability”) calls for a defiant acknowledgement of the centrality of one’s irreplaceable agency and indispensable humanness inherent in human-authored oeuvres versus the generic, often insipid results of AI-generated works.

… when writing comes from myself, you can also connect to me and not a mashine [sic]. This week it has helped me to write more analytical and as I practice analytical writing, I also practice this skill-set in my head. This also helps me to offer it in speaking, which I focus on in my Business English classes.

I also believe that if ChatGPT can replace me, then there is no need to create content on the latter. Too, I believe from the point of individuality, we are not replac[e]able. ChatGPT to me as such is useless. It does not know me, does not know the frame in which I make or do not make decisions, does not work with my fears, does not explore my emotions with me.

It often times provides a generic and also very boring insight into topics, it does not inspire me. I always! offer it to students, I even offered it as a lecturer at the campus, and it barely comes to use, when we can speak about ourselves. We are fundamentally human: we can’t replace it with a mashine [sic] …

Another aspect or example of generative artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT not merely lacking emotional rapport and interpersonal connection but also favouring or gravitating towards the mediocre, average or run-of-the-mill whilst failing to represent, cater or account for the outliers who are well above or below average, has been identified by school teacher Matthew M Johnson, who concluded as follows in his blog post entitled “Questions from Readers: Should I Encourage Students to Get AI Feedback?”, based on his own teaching experience and his understanding of the results of an academic research entitled “Comparing the quality of human and ChatGPT feedback of students’ writing” published in Learning and Instruction Volume 91, June 2024, 101894.

We did, however, see differences in the quality of feedback given across high-, average-, and low-scoring essays…ChatGPT struggled with accuracy when providing feedback on the high-quality papers and with maintaining a supportive tone on the low-quality papers. –Steiss et al., 2024

Here the study authors offer a deeply important clarification to the data: While AI was surprisingly decent at offering suggestions to papers [that] they considered average, it fell apart when it came to offering feedback to very high or very low scoring essays.

This struggle with responding to outliers is exactly what I found in my own experiments with AI. I have found that it invariably tries to make really strong and interesting pieces of writing — writing with lots of voice and style and perspective — boring. This tracks with how AI works. It is essentially a prediction machine, so by design it seeks to make writing more predictable. And its issues with tone (for example type in something like “heartfelt breakup letter” into a Generative AI and see what happens) are well documented.

In the end, the researchers ultimately don’t weigh in with a clear yes or no on whether we should encourage students to use AI for feedback. Instead, they recommend, “developing students’ and teachers’ AI literacy.”

This notion of teaching about the tool and its strengths, problems, potential applications, and potential pitfalls makes a lot of sense to me, as AI is only going to grow more embedded in the world. And understanding something better allows one to drive it instead of being driven by it.

For my part though, as a teacher of high school freshmen, I don’t think [that] I will be encouraging them to use it for feedback just yet because I see two fatal flaws in how it currently works:

  1. One of my core goals is for students to value the unique power of their voices and to use those unique voices to connect, move, and change the world. Anything that pushes students away from their voices and towards the paths more trodden gives me great pause.
  2. Many young writers come into my class with fraught relationships with writing. Often, they need to be seen and heard to grow to their full potential, and AI can’t actually see or hear them. And so, while AI might offer them accurate suggestions about comma splices and formatting quotes, I fear [that] it won’t offer them the right responses about how to best move forward into better relationships with writing.

In a long comment submitted to this post entitled “👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅 According to ChatGPT 💬 and the Incredulous 🤔 in the Age of God-like Technology 🚀”, the ever eloquent AJOwens — an astute observer exploring the present-day state of affairs through the double lens of being “a retired technical writer with a BA in Philosophy (McGill, 1979), and [having] a long-standing interest in philosophical questions as they apply to contemporary society” — has not shied away from offering SoundEagle🦅 his following account of the current technological developments and their implications for consumers, who are increasingly satisfied or saddled with artificial intelligence (re)producing unoriginal, mediocre renditions of artworks and compositions to such an extent that the market has been growingly saturated with derivative art and inferior music that are long on superficial imitation but short on refined originality. If music is, according to French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, the best indicator of cultural capital, or at least the good currency and fair representation of an individual’s cultural capital, then such rampant or wanton applications of artificial intelligence for automating the (re)production of music to the point of mass-producing and normalizing music of dubious quality, do not augur well for the future of music, especially considering that music has all along been the universal language of the human species. Life already burdened with cacophony and noise pollution aside, the cheapening effects of poor-quality AI-generated music on such a large, automated scale can be regarded as humanity being surreptitiously moved towards a vicissitudinous soundscape at risk of becoming growingly dystopian, if not inherently dysfunctional, a situation particularly intolerable to the acoustically sensitive as well as audiophiles and connoisseurs of fine sonic art. Eventually, the evolution of, and the dependency on, artificial intelligence will become so advanced that one not merely faces the unedifying problem of distinguishing between the real and the synthetic or even confusing the synthetic for the real, but also loses the ability to (re)create the real as a result of relying on AI to generate the synthetic and simulate the real, thus ushering in the decline or even the demise of certain arts, crafts, skills or disciplines, and resulting in their being consigned to historical junkyards in the long run.

… Crude AI is everywhere, trying to help me check out groceries, or park my car, or wash my clothes, and it’s easy to spot because it patently has no idea what I’m actually trying to do. Simple and robotic, it’s clearly no more than sophisticated machinery going through programmed motions.

Advanced AI is different. It can create the powerful impression of an agent, aware of me and my concerns, and it’s capable of responses both subtle and disturbingly effective — disturbing, to the extent that they may be better than my own. This makes AI hard to distinguish from human intelligence, except when it’s unnaturally good: too fast, too precise, too intimately knowledgeable of me and my affairs.

Perhaps without exception — again, it’s hard to tell — this currently happens only in a world mediated by computers and screens, and I suppose more recently by print and other media. Over the next few years I expect this will change dramatically, so that barring special measures to inform me, I will be unsure most of the time, as I go through my day, whether I’m dealing with a real presence, even a real person. By the time this happens, I daresay [that] we’ll have adjusted our concept of “real.” It’s said that you can get used to anything.

My most recent encounter with AI has been at a site called Song Fight!, where some songwriters have submitted entries with AI-generated lyrics, or music, or both. The reception has been mixed. Some listeners seem to hate anything to do with AI on principle. Others (including myself) try to isolate its characteristically banal and derivative quality. Still others don’t even notice that it’s AI. This last group tends to praise the AI entries effusively, because they sound impressively like the professionally-produced music we hear every day on the radio, of whatever genre you might name. This should give us pause to reflect on how modern songs are created. They are formulaic, each emulating the other; with rare exceptions, they might as well have been created by AI. Their banal and derivative quality is an indictment, not just of the failure of originality, but of our lack of interest in being challenged.

However, one can get too much of a good thing. As AI infiltrates our lives, it will produce a great levelling, a certain numbing of the sensibilities. This has already begun to take place thanks to human efforts, through the ubiquitous corporate presence in modern experience, but imperfectly, as all human effort must be imperfect. As AI becomes disturbingly perfect, it will threaten to bleed the last vestiges of originality, of life, of spontaneity from the world. At this point, I predict, humans will begin to yearn something more like the old “real”, which they will then have to generate themselves — if they still can.

Considering that ChatGPT had already gained over 100 million users, increased the valuation of OpenAI to 80 billion dollars, and become the fastest-growing consumer software application in history by January 2023, barely a month or two after its launch on 30 November 2022, there is no avoiding the seemingly inevitable, the increasingly ubiquitous, the growingly normalized, and the stupendously popular, even when the likes of SoundEagle🦅 has continued to maintain a safe distance from the filter bubble or echo chamber of users, influencers and fans possessing similar attitudes, identities, affiliations, interests, concerns and prejudices, from which hypes, gripes, myths, rumours, opinions, assertions, endorsements and even conspiracy theories can be gestated, fomented and reinforced by homophily, intragroup dynamics, ingroup favouritism, peer pressure, conformity bias, confirmation bias, sensationalism, bandwagon effect, illusory truth effect, truth by consensus and false-consensus effect. In the middle of March, the well-formatted output data of what many experts in the field would readily regard as the ascendant chatbot — a versatile tool and remunerative model credited with restarting the AI boom in the world of technology-led breakthroughs — was unexpectedly delivered to SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie for the very first time via the comment section of the aforementioned post bearing the catchy title “😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀” that constitutes the input data to the said chatbot, as the following comment demonstrates.

SoundEagle, this is in response to your request in your comment of this article posted 13 years ago, https://rayjc.com/2011/02/26/i-had-a-dream/ I post a lengthy comment here.

I do not consider myself to be an Intellectual as I see you, and the other commentators to this amazing post of yours, are.

I don’t know anything about Edward Wilson. If I was an Intellectual writing long articles, I would have written a book by now as Today is the 297th Day of my 80th Year. I would describe my writing style more as Disciplined Emotion than Intellectual brilliance.

But since you want a long comment, this is what I have to offer. In the article linked above, in my simplicity and interpretation, I said Martin Luther King Jr. summed up what all these words convey, the reality of our Times. “Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”

  1. Paleolithic Emotions with God-like Technology: In this scenario, humans retain the primal instincts and emotional responses that have evolved over millennia. Despite technological advancements reaching god-like levels, individuals still grapple with basic human emotions such as fear, love, and aggression. Perhaps advancements in neurotechnology allow for a deeper understanding and manipulation of these emotions, leading to ethical dilemmas regarding the use of such powerful tools. Society may struggle to reconcile ancient emotional impulses with the capabilities of futuristic technology, raising questions about the essence of humanity and what it means to be human in a world of limitless technological possibilities.
  2. Medieval Institutions in the Age of God-like Technology: Here, societal structures reminiscent of medieval times persist alongside advanced technology. Feudal systems, hierarchical power structures, and religious institutions exert influence over the populace, even as technology advances to god-like levels. This could result in a stark contrast between the powerful elite who control advanced technology and the masses who remain subject to outdated social systems. Issues of inequality, oppression, and resistance may emerge, as individuals and groups navigate the tension between antiquated institutions and the potential for technological liberation. Alternatively, there could be a synthesis of old and new, where technology is used to reinforce existing power structures, leading to a dystopian society reminiscent of cyberpunk fiction.
  3. God-like Technology and Paleolithic Emotions Shaping Medieval Institutions: In this interpretation, technological advancements shape and are shaped by primitive human emotions within traditional institutional frameworks. The rapid development of god-like technology triggers primal responses such as awe, fear, and reverence, which in turn influence the formation and evolution of societal institutions. For example, religious institutions may adapt to incorporate or resist new technologies, leading to conflicts over belief systems and values. Alternatively, advancements in artificial intelligence and biotechnology could challenge existing power structures, prompting the emergence of new forms of governance and social organization. This dynamic interplay between ancient emotions, advanced technology, and institutional change could lead to unpredictable societal transformations.

These extrapolations illustrate the complex interplay between primitive human instincts, historical social structures, and technological progress, offering fertile ground for speculative fiction, philosophical inquiry, and critical reflection on the future of humanity.

For transparency, I have to tell you the long comment above is a product of ChatGPT

Sincerely, RayJC

One can reasonably conclude from just a cursory glance, if not a detailed perusal, that the response of ChatGPT shown in the comment above is admittedly decent in an educated, formal way reminiscent of a certain academic style usually encountered in a first-year university text book, the lack of references notwithstanding. Seven and a half hours later, Ray Joseph Cormier, the very first person to engage SoundEagle🦅 in the use of AI-generated data with apparent ease and candour, clarified in another comment that the said response was obtained from his messaging ChatGPT with the sentence “Extrapolate on We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology”, and that he was curious to know how the resulting response fares and thus eager for a reply, which he received as the following comment six and a half days later, a duration that is many orders of magnitude longer than the time that he took to message ChatGPT, obtain the response and share them with SoundEagle🦅 in the commendable spirit of submitting a solicited comment to the aforementioned post whose subject matters are as foreign to him as extraterrestrial landscapes or the linguistic property of cetacean vocalization. The proverbial case of necessity being the mother of invention aside, what really prompted Ray to come up with the idea, impetus or initiative for enlisting a chatbot to compose the bulk of the comment is still a mystery. Was it in any way a stroke of genius, a desperate measure, or an epiphany? If so, why was SoundEagle🦅 (deemed to be such) a fitting target for exploring or experimenting with ChatGPT? In the larger scheme of things, one may entertain that the time is ripe for someone to (unwittingly) nudge SoundEagle🦅 towards a stage of readiness so as to face the noise and music of what even our most recent ancestors would have regarded as God-like technology; to peer into the looming horizon and far-reaching implications of the latest stock of artificial intelligence (AI); to pontificate about the pros and cons of more and more contents arising not from people’s heart and soul but from the digital minds of their AI pals and chat buddies; to ponder the role of AI in copyrighted works; to prepare for the repurcussions of complex authorship; to piece together AI’s relationships with and effects on writing or blogging as a cognitive and social activity; and to present how natural language processing and generation enable certain tools such as virtual assistants and chatbots to produce certain kinds of rather generic or highly formulaic writing without the direct involvement of humans. The (upshot of the) widespread use of such tools can produce significant challenges to textbook publishing models on the one hand, and present opportunities for open learning on the other, although inappropriate, indiscriminate or excessive reliance on chatbots can ultimately lead to decline in research integrity and academic performance, particularly when genuine citation is not enforced, or when AI-generated content is not disclosed or distinguished from its human-authored counterpart. Academic researchers and writers may indeed have great concerns about the ramifications and oversights of AI such as ChatGPT becoming mainstream and affecting the demand for knowledge workers. In the long run, chatbots as well as other related programs and AI services can imperceptibly yet significantly influence not just the zeitgeist and the objective characteristics of intellectual property, but also the production, perception, popularity, prominence and evolution of derivative works versus original oeuvres. Blurring authorship aside, the validity and reliability of ChatGPT (and for that matter, other AI variants, intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) or intelligent personal assistant (IPA)) as well as the extent to which artificial intelligence can or should be used or coopted as a research tool, educational tool, authoring tool and expert system, remain areas requiring urgent attentions and holistic solutions.

Let us now examine how SoundEagle🦅 responded to Ray Joseph Cormier’s inaugural use of ChatGPT to mount a maiden voyage into creating an AI-assisted outline of the expansive post entitled “😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀”.

Dear Ray Cormier

Thank you for accepting the challenge of perusing and commenting on what can be fairly deemed as an erudite exposition on what many would consider to be dense or abstruse. Your resorting to consulting a state-of-the-art chatbot to produce the results shared in your somewhat “attention-grabbing” comment is understandable, albeit unexpected, palpably playful, perhaps even high-spiritedly coltish.

Given that ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) was launched by San Francisco–based OpenAI on 30 November 2022, a date that is eleven months later than the day on which this post [entitled “😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀”] was published, and considering that anyone who has read this post can conclude beyond any reasonable doubt that the work is ostensibly presented in the inimitable style of SoundEagle🦅, one may indeed be reassured that all texts, images and animations contained in this very special and important post have not been produced by the latest incarnation of artificial intelligence.

One wonders which version of ChatGPT (whether 3.5 or 4) was used by you. Overall, one may be left with no other choices but to recognize both the quality and quantity of what ChatGPT had produced in mere seconds, if not just a fraction of a second — although the results, whilst tentatively qualifying as a kind of fascinating synopsis, have clear limitations, even when we can be so gracious as to disregard or compromise on the reliability and plausibility of the hypothetical aspects or speculative portions of such claims.

Let us evaluate the results in more detail. Firstly, there is a conspicuous lack of any references or bibliographical details, which could have been immensely useful for knowing where and how those claims are made. After all, if would be revealing to know the sources on which ChatGPT has relied to make those claims or statements, not to mention the potential for conducting further research based on those references, and for validating the accuracy and authenticity of both the claims and the sources. Overall, responsible AI innovation requires source citations to provide users with grounded context and verifiability of the information assembled by the AI model so as to foster (greater reliability through) transparency and accountability, the attainment of which will better serve the public interest whilst upholding ethical standards, especially when AI continues to play an increasingly prominent role in myriad aspects of the contemporary world. [Addendum: At 1:44 AM on 30 March 2024, OpenAI announced on Twitter that “[they]’re making links more prominent when ChatGPT browses the internet. This gives more context to its responses and makes it easier for users to discover content from publishers and creators. Browse is available in ChatGPT Plus, Team and Enterprise.” That the new feature is only available on paid subscriptions should raise further debates on and concerns about accessibility and equity in AI technology, insofar as artificial intelligence systems can cause unforeseen repercussions or engage in biases, polarizations and discriminations to the detriment of equality, diversity and sustainability.]

Secondly, ChatGPT has provided a general blueprint for discussing Edward Osborne Wilson’s mnemonic tricolon pithily juxtaposing three disparate domains — “paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and God-like technology”. However, one may indeed be surprised or at least somewhat perplexed or concerned that ChatGPT has not linked the catchy statement to Wilson at all, as though the chatbot has treated the statement to be highly generic and devoid of any provenance.

Thirdly, Wilson meant to treat the three disparate domains under one unifying consideration, especially given his penchant or predilection for holism and consilience to achieve the unity of knowledge. Therefore, whilst ChatGPT’s tripartite discussions, namely, “Paleolithic Emotions with God-like Technology”, “Medieval Institutions in the Age of God-like Technology”, and “God-like Technology and Paleolithic Emotions Shaping Medieval Institutions” are edifying in their own right, individually and collectively speaking, they are still not appropriately or adequately broached in the spirit and intent of the originator of the pithy tricolon, which has admirably encapsulated the fractured and fractious state of humanity.

If you do not mind exploring further, SoundEagle🦅 has two tasks for you to give ChatGPT so that you may share the forthcoming results here. These tasks must be delivered to the chatbot verbatim ac litteratim, meaning “exactly as written”, with nothing added or omitted. The first task is “We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology”, whereas the second is “We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology — according to Edward Osborne Wilson”.

Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

The unexpected foray (or rather, the sudden initiation) into ChatGPT has resulted in SoundEagle🦅’s current realization that a chatbot can function as a quick aid for laypersons to facilitate their learning about unfamiliar subject matters presented in a blog post (or for that matter, a research paper or an erudite discussion) that is formidable in both length and content. As one may have already begun to realise, messaging ChatGPT and reading its response carefully can impart a motivated reader with a much greater comprehension of the main gists being elucidated by what appears to be a hopelessly dense and impenetrable prose saturating an academically written post. Therefore, a chatbot can serve as a stepping stone or intermidiary in such a way that the reader is able to more easily maintain a healthful dose of curiosity and spirit of learning even in the face of having to climb a dauntingly intellectual cliff in order to ascend to a summit where one can be in an exalted position of attaining holistic knowledge, synergistic percipience, multidimensional edification and multidisciplinary sagacity. As such, there should be very compelling incentives for taking up the ultimate task of comprehending the entire post bit by bit, sentence by sentence, or paragraph by paragraph, all in one’s own time, assuming that one can sense the genuine values that such a taxing reading material can bring, as long as one, in spite of age and background, exhibits no reservation in aspiring to be as conscientious a learner and as astute a seeker of wisdom as one can muster to become, and in the process, one could gain dramatic epiphanies and far-reaching insights into human nature, thereby shedding light on new and existing matters, whilst also offering valuable insights and perspectives that may resonate with those seeking clarity in navigating life’s uncertainties, as well as helping themself and other readers to recontextualize their extant understanding of the world at large.

In a nutshell, the ability of an advanced chatbot like ChatGPT to gather data and facts from a wide range of sources and to consolidate them into an essay or even a (plausible) thesis is a pronounced game changer in the knowledge industries (including education, science, consulting, finance, insurance, information technology, health services and communications), which are highly dependent on knowledge and technology to generate information and revenue. Yet, the ability of the researchers themselves to identify and curate key points from (re)sources; to uncover connections and substantiate (convergent or divergent) claims between (re)sources; and to examine, evaluate, assess and verify data or ideas to form their own interpretations and arguments, is still indispensable and cannot be outsourced to any intelligent computer systems. As far as SoundEagle🦅 can ascertain, the high dependency of AI-driven projects on (some degree of) human intervention and manual validation is routinely present and even mandatory in most professional settings so as to produce acceptable results or desired standards. In other words, humans rather than AI engines being the final arbiters is still the rule rather than the exception, despite the prodigious capability of ChatGPT and other AI variants for carrying out information synthesis and data reporting. This can be clearly demonstrated by the following extract outlining the role of artificial intelligence in assisting academic research within the settings of a tertiary educational institution. Having a college degree majoring in mass media and communications as well as harbouring a keen interest in the contemporary popular music scene, Mason Carter conducted a topical AI-assisted research on Billie Eilish and the Environmental Impact of Vinyl Releases by leveraging the information synthesis capability of ChatGPT. The process and outcome of his research can serve as a concrete case for affirming that the (intellectual) calibre and (contextual) knowledge of a researcher ultimately determine the overall quality (as well as the validity and reliability) of a research incorporating artificial intelligence.

I recently completed an assignment that examined Billie Eilish’s position on environmental sustainability, which led me to learn more about the fascinating field of ChatGPT and AI-driven content creation. This incident prompted serious concerns regarding the validity and applications of AI technology in addition to shedding light on the difficulties of environmental advocacy in the music business.

The process of creating the first response with ChatGPT was incredibly effective. Billie Eilish’s environmental endeavors and the recent controversy surrounding her vinyl releases were quickly synthesized by the AI, laying a strong platform for future research. By editing the response via Google Docs, further insights and reliable references could be included without any problems, improving the content’s overall quality. But Ai didn’t go into the specifics, like how this contentious argument started because of a billboard post or how there was a misunderstanding that Billie Eilish was criticizing Taylor Swift for not being ecologically friendly. Finally, the significance of Billie Eilish responding to comments on her Instagram story regarding this matter and its closure by fact-checking the claims and discussion was really important key details left out.

As I think back on this experience, I’m amazed at how AI technology can simplify research and encourage discussion on difficult subjects. There are obvious ramifications for academic, professional, and artistic endeavors for being able to swiftly locate pertinent material and produce well-reasoned answers. It also brings up significant questions regarding the value of human judgment and critical thinking in assessing content produced by artificial intelligence.

Thinking about the reliability of AI programs such as ChatGPT makes me realize how crucial contextual awareness and verification are. AI-generated content should be viewed critically, and information should be verified by reliable sources, even though the technology can offer insightful information and efficiency gains. In the end, the accuracy of the underlying data and algorithms, along with the user’s judgment in evaluating and validating the output, determine how reliable AI software is.

Let us now turn around and focus ChatGPT on SoundEagle🦅 in the crosshairs to sample the extent of what ChatGPT is capable of compiling some facts and figures for a report or two on your host of this website. Three identical messages were sent. The first and third returned highly similar results, which are thus amalgamated as follows.

SoundEagle Website SoundEagle
Tell me everything about SoundEagle.
ChatGPT logo ChatGPT

SoundEagle is a digital platform, multimedia website and blog created by a web developer and artist named SoundEagle🦅 (also known as SE), an artistic and creative persona. The platform covers a wide range of topics including music, art, literature, science, technology, philosophy, and ecology, often with a focus on interdisciplinary exploration and holistic perspectives. The website features a variety of content, including articles, essays, poetry, artwork, and music, with a focus on topics such as ecology, sustainability, philosophy, creativity, and technology.

Here are some key aspects and features of SoundEagle:

  1. Multimedia Content: SoundEagle’s platform incorporates various forms of multimedia content including articles, essays, poetry, visual art, music compositions, and interactive features. This multimedia approach aims to engage and stimulate audiences on multiple levels. SoundEagle integrates various forms of media, including text, images, audio, and video, to provide a rich and engaging experience for visitors.
  2. Interdisciplinary Approach: One of SoundEagle’s distinguishing features is its commitment to interdisciplinary exploration. It often connects seemingly disparate fields of study and cultural phenomena to uncover deeper insights and relationships.
  3. Artistic Expression: SoundEagle employs artistic expression as a means of communication and exploration. This can be seen in the visually striking design of the platform, as well as in the incorporation of original artworks, music compositions, and poetic writings. SoundEagle’s artistic background is evident in the visually striking design of the website and the inclusion of original artwork throughout the content. The website serves as a platform for SoundEagle to showcase their creative endeavors.
  4. Environmental and Ecological Themes: Environmental conservation and ecological sustainability are recurring themes in SoundEagle’s work. Through various writings, artworks, and projects, SoundEagle seeks to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote a deeper connection with nature.
  5. Ecological and Philosophical Themes: Many of the articles and essays on SoundEagle delve into ecological and philosophical topics, exploring ideas related to environmentalism, conservation, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of all living things.
  6. Collaborative Projects: SoundEagle often collaborates with other artists, writers, scientists, and thinkers to create interdisciplinary projects and explore complex topics from diverse perspectives.
  7. Interactive Features: The platform includes interactive features such as multimedia presentations, quizzes, and games, providing audiences with opportunities for active engagement and participation.
  8. Interactivity and Engagement: SoundEagle encourages interaction and dialogue with readers through features such as comments sections, social media integration, and interactive elements within articles and posts.
  9. Global Reach: SoundEagle’s work has a global reach, with audiences and collaborators from around the world. This international perspective enriches the platform’s content and fosters cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. SoundEagle’s website attracts visitors from around the world who are interested in topics related to ecology, philosophy, art, and creativity. The website has garnered a following among individuals with a passion for these subjects.

Overall, SoundEagle represents a unique blend of art, science, philosophy, and environmental activism, aimed at inspiring creativity, critical thinking, and positive change in the world. SoundEagle serves as a unique platform for the expression of ideas, art, and creativity, with a particular emphasis on themes of ecology, philosophy, and interconnectedness.

The second returned surprising and dramatically different results, as though the chatbot had assigned itself the investigative role of a sleuth or detective.

SoundEagle Website SoundEagle
Tell me everything about SoundEagle.
ChatGPT logo ChatGPT

SoundEagle is a pseudonymous entity known for its website and blog focused on various topics including music, art, philosophy, science, and technology. The SoundEagle website features a blend of articles, essays, poetry, and multimedia content, often accompanied by visually striking graphics and animations.

The identity of SoundEagle remains mysterious, as the creator chooses to maintain anonymity. However, the content produced under this name reflects a deep interest in the intersection of different disciplines, exploring themes such as creativity, consciousness, environmentalism, and the human condition.

One of the notable aspects of SoundEagle’s work is the incorporation of interactive elements and multimedia presentations, enhancing the user experience and making complex ideas more accessible. The website serves as a platform for both artistic expression and intellectual exploration, attracting readers interested in thought-provoking content.

Although SoundEagle’s origins and background are shrouded in mystery, the quality and depth of the content have garnered a following among those interested in interdisciplinary perspectives and unconventional approaches to knowledge sharing.

That such vastly different results can be obtained from identical queries or prompts submitted one after another to the chatbot infers some inbuilt response variations, if not a certain degree of randomizing in the style and scope of ChatGPT’s output. A search in the OpenAI developer forum, declared as “a place to connect with other people building with OpenAI models”, reveals that two application programming interface (API) parameters can be adjusted by developer to control the “creativity”, which is responsible for the variety of outputs between runs.

temperature = 1 (default)
top_p = 1 (default)

Reducing either or both from 1 to 0 will increase the stability or consistency of the AI output in almost every instance, but never in all instances, due to the inherent nondeterminism of complex computer systems. In other words, there is a limit to the consistency with which identical replies can be engendered by identical prompts. One wonders whether such an inherent uncertainty can (also) be attributed to quantum indeterminacy as well as quantum randomness, the statistical manifestation of that indeterminacy. Whilst more uniform replies based on identical prompts sent to ChatGPT may be preferable for certain users or purposes, there is the issue of whether the uniformity will come with the (unacceptable) price or compromise of yielding more redundancy and less distinct content overall, since there will be fewer variations or variants being generated in total.

Moreover, the “creativity” of ChatGPT can be disconcerting or vexing to the extent that one cannot be certain that any prompt will definitely engender the best response from the chatbot unless uniformity can be largely or categorically guaranteed. This unpredictability can even be a source of inconvenience if or when one intent on achieving the optimum outcome has to deliver the same prompt multiple times to ChatGPT in order to select the best or amalgamate some or all of the responses to produce a desirable result.

Humanity surrendering a significant amount of its privacy (with respect to the ability of an individual or group to seclude (information about) themselves and to express themselves selectively) and its security (through appropriate use and protection of information) in the pursuit of having a practical, versatile and impressive tool in the form of an ever-present, ever-obedient, answer-on-the-fly chatbot that can provide much more information about anything under the sun than a search engine does is the reality that people must face and the price that they have to pay, not to mention that generative artificial intelligence is continually improving, increasingly appearing to be all-knowing and all-seeing, and thus becoming ever more omniscient and God-like, as well as being more omnipresent in the global system of interconnected computer networks. Whether one is comfortable with the level of familiarity that ChatGPT has with one’s identity, work or website is ultimately a matter for personal or professional consideration.

Undoubtedly, the depth and accuracy of coverage in relation to ChatGPT’s ability to execute general-purpose language generation and perform natural language processing tasks such as classification can increase one’s visibility (with respect to prominence, exposure or digital footprint) within large language models (LLMs), which are effectively functioning like highly sophisticated search engines. This visibility constitutes a type of digital currency or capital that is analogous to social media popularity. However, as much as the chatbot is becoming a rising and shining star in the Internet which already carries a vast range of information resources and services, if ChatGPT and similar programs were to follow the broader trend of consuming or colonising the open web in an increasingly formalised and commercial manner, then they will growingly exhibit problems and attract criticisms that have long befallen social media platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok.

For instance, in a blog post entitled “Questions from Readers: Should I Encourage Students to Get AI Feedback?”, Matthew M Johnson, who is “a practicing teacher and experienced leader of professional development”, reported the rather persistent, somewhat aggressive technique used by some producers of software programs in the category of virtual assistant or similar generative AI tool for enticing their users to upgrade from free to paid versions of their products.

… you can ask ChatGPT or any other AI bot to give you feedback on a piece of writing, and it will do it in mere seconds. And in recent months, AI-supported programs like Grammarly and Google have grown more brazen and automatic when it comes to their “suggestions” for what and how writers should write as they compose. They (at least Grammarly, but I assume there are others) have even begun to act in a way that reminds me of video-game-upselling: The free grammar-check version will underline things and tell you that if you upgrade to Premium, it will offer more comprehensive whole-sentence and tonal fixes.

Many of my students report that the pushiness of these programs has gotten so bad that they have uninstalled them or turned off suggestions so they can compose in peace.

Those of you who have managed to reach this point by giving the best of your attention and patience to perusing this highly expansive and topical post not just deserve high commendation for your effort and intellect but also earn yourselves the best chance of submitting decent or impressive comment(s) in the comment section for posterity and for a chance to interact with SoundEagle🦅 without relying on ChatGPT or something equivalent. If by some chance or reason, you become somewhat bewildered or overwhelmed by your journey here, then SoundEagle🦅 would like to take this opportunity to explain that there are valid justifications for this website exhibiting complexity and featuring intricate organizational structures. A comprehensive User Guide for maximizing and optimizing your experience of this highly complex and multifaceted website is available to those who wish to familiarize themselves with the sundry features and tools (as well as bells and whistles) of this rather unusual and uniquely customized home of SoundEagle🦅. Clicking the large, stylized button below will instantly transport you to the User Guide.

🥳🪟🎖️How to Enjoy SoundEagle🦅 to the Utmost🥇🏢🍹

As you gradually become a frequent explorer and esteemed peruser in the immersive, multisensory and multidisciplinary environment here, may you sooner or later achieve being a power user and even becoming a supercharged thinker with reinvigorated joie de vivre, cognitive effervescence and much-expanded horizons of mind at SoundEagle🦅’s eyrie, seamlessly assimilating anything of interest and completely at home with whatever fascinations or intellectual challenges that you may encounter when investigating any quantity of 📑Posts and Pages📃, whether by capriciousness or steadfastness!

On a similar tangent, and on the grounds that you are well on the way to becoming considerably or even supremely accustomed to the vibrant styles, captivating contents, animated features and bespoke replies to numerous comments that you have encountered on your odd or frequent visits, one may reasonably expect that you are already well in the position to utterly dispense with ever having any conviction or belief that SoundEagle🦅 is very much a nonbiological being on par with or even far superior to an advanced chatbot, cybernetic entity or artificial intelligence that has passed the Turing test with flying colours. You may deservedly or unabashedly congratulate, compliment or salute yourself for recognizing in or identifying with SoundEagle🦅 not merely the distinctive, somewhat idiosyncratic and whimsical creativity, but also the comforting humanness and tangible kindliness often juxtaposed with or embedded in critical views, analytical reviews and sobering critiques of subject matters whose scopes and implications can be both wide-ranging and far-reaching. Having developed some affinity or familiarity with SoundEagle🦅, you might indeed find the following scenario to be farcical, ludicrous, preposterous or asinine, to the extent that on a few occasions, certain individuals who deemed or asserted that what has been appearing to them as an assuredly skilful, perennially polite and somewhat eccentric host with an artistic persona and bird-centric nom de plume on this highly fascinating and rather awe-inspiring website festooned with bespoke formats, creative features and eye-catching highlights as well as grammatical peculiarities, is the engineered outcome of an elaborate and unprecedented ruse established and maintained by either a lone actor or a collaborative team who has produced a plethora of intricate, interactive user interface components in conjunction with the adept deployment of colourful, animated themes, all of which are further enlivened and humanized by an automated comment responder who always starts a reply with the rather old-fashioned term of endearment, “Dear” and finishes it with a decorative nom de plume ܓSoundEagle🦅 accompanied by a small stem of rose penning repeatedly in real-time the greeting Rose Greeting‍, and who only ever refers to itself with the avian pseudonym in lieu of pronouns. The opinions, claims and reactions of such incredulous individuals (comprising certain bloggers and commenters) eventually morphed or coalesced into a fantasized reality that in turn compelled them to suspect or even steadfastly believe their misperceived reality to be manifestly true or tantalizingly plausible, even to the point of mistrusting, chastising, censoring, or refusing to interact with SoundEagle🦅 whilst condoning and congratulating themselves on the misguided basis that they have not been fooled, and that they are mentally shrewd and digitally savvy enough to recognize or even foil a sophisticated attempt at garnering their attention, deceiving them and even experimenting with them.

Some people will be particularly amused to learn that SoundEagle🦅 has long been mistaken as a nonbiological, artificial intelligence, entity or machine by a few bloggers, some of whom, quite ironically, are well-versed in using AI generators. One of such bloggers, named Emilio J D’Alise (also known as disperser), maintains a content-rich blog entitled “Disperser Tracks: Photography, Fiction, Travel, and Opinions.”. The following excerpt featuring several contiguous paragraphs quoted from his blog post entitled “A reminder to vote, a bit about writing, and more ChatGPT stuff” and dated 20 December 2022 demonstrates in abundance an acute instance of his misguided claims.

As you read those exchanges . . . keep in mind this is the early stages of a conversational AI interacting with a human.

Even so, it’s easy to forget one is conversing with a machine. There are, however, tell-tale signs . . . for one, it’s much too polite and even-tempered. For another, in conversations and exchanges I’ve previously had but not saved, I can tell when it’s regurgitating what I told it, but in a different way. (Note: they just implemented the ability to ‘remember and recall’ previous conversations. The ones transcribed here are the ones I saved by copying them to a word file, but many exchanges were lost.)

. . . which brings me to the following . . .

There’s a blog account floating around that goes by the name SoundEagle. Its blog is HERE. It occasionally will like some of my posts and even comments I leave here or on other blogs.

I engaged with it in connection with one of its posts (LINK — be aware that it is a very, very long post).

After a few exchanges, I began to suspect I wasn’t communicating with a human. I believe it to be some sort of AI experiment (still ongoing). Either that, or it’s a team of many people producing a lot of content on many different platforms (HERE) and purposefully being evasive, but I lean toward AI specifically because of the style of interaction I’ve had with it (read the comments in the post I linked).

I now ignore it because I don’t like being played or fooled.

One of the ethics about using AI tools is to divulge that it is, in fact, an AI. If not official, it should be made so. By the way, I also don’t like people who represent themselves as someone they are not. So, you know, most politicians and nearly all political and social pundits.

Please be informed that the “very, very long post” referred by the said “LINK” is entitled The Quotation Fallacy “💬”. It has remained as the most popular post, garnering about 757 likes and 258 comments. As can be seen from the following block quotation, what firmly comes across as even more absurd, hilarious or risible is manifestly how Emilio responded to SoundEagle🦅’s comment, which was submitted enthusiastically to the comment section of the said post.

Dear Emilio and oneowner,

This is an excellent tour of steampunk toilets that are inspiring in functionality as well as appearance. In return, I would like to introduce you to a special post published on one of my websites:

✾ Orchid Urinal Sculptures by Clark Sorensen 🚽

As you will learn from the mellifluous text and glorious images presented in the said post, this is the kind of toilet that appeals to the human male, especially the one with “a fertile imagination”.

Wishing you a wonderful festive season!

Yours sincerely,


Dear SoundEagle,

I’m surprised you don’t remember that I’m not visiting your site until I’m certain I’m dealing with a human entity, something you repeatedly failed to prove.

Normally, I would also ignore this comment, except that I might appear lacking in civility to users unfamiliar with the likelihood of you being a bot.

Thus, ergo, Q. E. D., I’ll kindly ignore your link, and I’d also appreciate it if, again, until such time you are proven human, you would refrain from commenting on my blog. There are roughly 600 million other blogs, with thousands added daily, for you to interact with.

Surely, you can find some bloggers out there who don’t care that you and other artificial entities pas yourselves off as human.

Thank you for your renewed attempt to ensnare my attention, and please take this as a reminder that, should you be so crass as to disregard my request to stop commenting on my blog posts, I’ll set up a filter to trash your comment automatically.

And yes, that includes a response to this comment.

Sincerely not yours,


As demonstrated above, SoundEagle🦅’s comment was submitted in good faith with palpable humour, a distinct category of human quality or human experience that is still poorly handled by artificial intelligence. Evidently, Emilio was faring badly in noticing one of the most singular qualities that define the human species. Apparently, despite having ample evidence right in front of Emilio to cure him of his follies and foibles, he still steadfastly believed that SoundEagle🦅’s talons are too blunt to prevent the incredulous like him from cutting through the alleged AI smokescreen.

Hey Emilio, what’s going on here? I’m talon you: I ain’t a robot! By hook or by crook, and by talon or talent, you must get it right soon. What a hoot it is that SoundEagle🦅 is wise enough to be an owl but not real enough to be human! Intelligence-wise, does SoundEagle🦅 qualify?

SoundEagle soaring with Quotational Intelligence (QI) as opposed to Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

SoundEagle🦅 soaring with Quotational Intelligence (QI) as opposed to Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

In conclusion, these rare and exceptional cases of SoundEagle🦅 being mistaken by certain people as an automated machine with generative artificial intelligence capable of generating text, images, videos and other data as well as interacting with bloggers and commenters in highly responsive manners within a content management platform such as WordPress are the diametrical reverse of any advanced chatbot, cybernetic entity or artificial intelligence passing the Turing test and being mistaken as humans. Whilst SoundEagle🦅 has been typecast and consigned by certain individuals as something alarmingly brilliant and disarmingly human but ultimately unreal, inauthentic, digitally contrived or artificially conceived, ironically, such individuals (and for that matter, indeed most people) are not fully aware that humans and their “Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology” are increasingly operating in a world of quick fixes, fast turnovers, spontaneous responses and knee-jerk (re)actions, both resulting in and caused by generic but ad hoc methods as well as convenient but ill-suited solutions to complex problems. Much of this drive towards the superficial originates from the overuse of the mobile phone. A thought-provoking, perceptive and chilling description of the reduction of humanity that is already happening to countless human beings are well-presented by Tesla CEO Elon Musk in his following statements, delivered during an appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast on Thursday, 7 September 2018. Transcribed below, the statements imply that even our “biological selves” are quite dwarfed, much augmented and eventually replaceable by our “God-like technology”, never mind our “paleolithic emotions”.

It would be difficult to really appreciate the difference. How much smarter are you with a phone or computer than without? You’re vastly smarter actually. You can answer any question. If you’re connected to the internet, you can answer any question pretty much instantly. Any calculation. Your phone’s memory is essentially perfect. You can remember flawlessly. Your phone can remember videos [and] pictures. Everything perfectly. Your phone is already an extension of you.

You’re already a cyborg. Most people don’t realize [that] they’re already a cyborg. That phone is an extension of yourself. It’s just that the data rate, the communication rate between you and the cybernet extension of yourself that is your phone and your computer is slow. It’s very slow. And that … it’s like a tiny scroll of information flow between your biological self and your digital self. And we need to make that tiny scroll like a giant river. A huge high-bandwith interface. It’s an interface problem. Data rate problem. We solve the data rate problem then I think [that] we can hang on to human-machine symbiosis through the long-term. Then people may decide if they want to retain their biological self or not. I think [that] they’ll probably decide [that] they want to retain their biological self.

We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology with Energized Cyborg”.

Becoming a cyborg aside, the rapid adoption of ChatGPT on such a rampant scale can be seen as the latest social experiment, which might turn out to be a cautionary tale that eventually unfolds in expansive and grisly detail, insofar as the sheer abundance and the dubious veracity of certain AI-generated contents in conjunction with the ease with which anyone may submit automated comments can affect the decision process of new regulations and impart undesirable effects on democracy, especially in the absence of effective government regulation. There is now an ever-present unease that any content found on the Internet after the release of ChatGPT and similar programs warrants even less trust, if the digital space and online environment fail to receive extra protection from such powerful tools as chatbots, particularly in the hands of actors and agents with misguided or nefarious intents. The contemporary world may be at the cusp of facing a viral invasion of synthesized music, images, audios and videos, as well as synthetic media such as sockpuppets, Internet memes and deepfakes spread by dubious blogs, fake news websites, sockpuppet accounts, fake accounts, social bots, astroturfing operations and front organizations. Analogous to environmental pollution and the global ecological crisis, the misquotation pandemic, disinformation warfare and the heavily polluted state of our global information ecosystem not only inject layers of complexity and intractability into the sociopolitical climate and sociocultural milieu that are already challenging for the public, the press and politics, but also warn of the real possibility or imminent danger of crossing the Rubicon, a (tipping) point of no return, beyond which humanity invalidates its own viability and forfeits the very prospect of its own survival, never mind the fictitious scenarios depicted in the Terminator media franchise.

Fact-Finding and Fact-Checking in Technoutopianism

Those who subscribe to accelerationism or technoutopianism would be inclined to believe or assert that automations and technologies could eventually be advanced enough or have already matured sufficiently to allow humanity to design(ate) certain expert systems and artificial intelligence as the ultimate fact-checkers, perfectly “neutral” in every way and devoid of human biases, fallacies and subjectivity. Whilst such deep learning algorithms, highly evolved expert systems and sophisticated machine intelligence could be construed as “tools” whose impacts depend on their use(r)s, it would be foolhardy and myopic to deny or ignore that automations and technologies tailored for human societies are not only like “words” reflecting people’s narratives, needs, desires, pursuits and worldviews, but also like “swords” with double edges capable of cutting both ways, often resulting in unforeseen or unintended consequences that can be profound, far-reaching or even irreversible. After all, such “tools” and their creation, auditing and maintenance are not always the natural outcome, inevitable result or preordained progress of scientific advances. In other words, they are frequently the dynamic reflection and interplay of sociopolitical (f)actors and choices, rather than just objective products, rational outputs and efficient outcomes of technologies. Therefore, they are functionally framed by partial view(point)s or mitigated by subjective human affairs, and thus can reproduce, entrench or exacerbate some or all of the following problems:

  • Ecosystemic principles, human rights principles and democratic decision-making are deficient or ignored.
  • Market logic or neoliberalism is consistently allowed to prevail at the expense of human rights and autonomy to the detriment of liberty, sociocultural capital and ecosystemic integrity.
  • Artificial intelligence systems cause unforeseen repercussions or engage in biases and discriminations to the detriment of equality, diversity and sustainability.
  • Analytics, algorithms and outputs of artificial intelligence replicate or exacerbate biases in extant data and policies, or entrench inbuilt forms of discrimination, corruption or malversation.
  • The technology industry is controlled by market-driven definitions of efficiency and skewed towards (re)producing gadgets and services for the affluent and powerful at the expense of taking full account of the humanity and catering for all and sundry, particularly the most vulnerable, disadvantaged or impoverished.

Persisting in all modern societies and resisting lasting solutions aside, these problems can be all too easily magnified, replicated and spread by artificial intelligence typically conceptualised and developed by people who are invariably saddled with their own set of biases, priorities and ideologies, and who feed their AI models with training data that is flawed by and contingent on its very historical nature, thus perpetuating whatever social norms and values that are contained in such data. Clean, ideal or neutral data is always going to be an exceedingly rare breed because humanity has long been imprisoned by a psyche that traps people with psychological inertia, sunk-cost fallacy and commitment bias whilst simultaneously uniting and dividing people by their social status, group affiliation and tribalistic loyalty. Those who are enticed or charmed by the preconceived notion that data is neutral, impartial and speaks for itself would have ignored that the structural nature of inequality, the systemic nature of social organization, the influential sphere of sociopolitical ideology, the bargaining power of socioeconomic status, the social relations to the means of production, the transactional advantages of social capital, the symbolic commands of cultural capital, and the pervading effects of social stratification and epistemic injustice, let alone the perennial issues of race, age, gender, genetics (nature) and upbringing (nurture), can create advantages for some individuals and disadvantages for others, and thus can be the underlying causes of an individual’s success or failure regardless of how hard the person works. Therefore, the paramount nature of ensuring equitable (as opposed to restrictive or privileged) access to AI technology for the betterment of all and sundry via the ethics of collectivism and common good should never be underestimated, and must be maintained at all times, given the pervasive penetration of artificial intelligence into contemporary human existence. In a post catchily entitled “AI Apocalypse Now?”, Bry Willis envisions a humanity steadily improved by the egalitarian use of artificial intelligence for general welfare and public benefit, and cautions against the false lure of and misguided emphasis on controlling access to artificial intelligence for mitigating existential risks, lest people would sooner or later come to regret that AI has become sociotechnologically entrenched as a convenient but pernicious tool for the well-resourced rich and powerful to wield against the populace, and to maintain or manufacture their power, influence, validity, credibility and legitimacy, all of which intoxicatingly driven by self-interest and political expediency to amass power, influence and wealth by plotting control, intrigue, conspiracy, exploitation, oppression, corruption and social polarization with the increasingly God-like potency of advanced artificial intelligence.

Those predicting an AI apocalypse believe superintelligent systems could intentionally or unintentionally cause human extinction. This view is promoted by “effective altruists” funded by tech billionaires, who advocate limiting AI to prevent uncontrolled, dangerous systems. However, their perspective stems from the biases and self-interests of humans, not the risks inherent to AI.

Effective altruists exemplify the hubris and hunger for power underlying many humans’ approaches to AI. Their proposed restrictions on AI access serve only to concentrate power among the tech elite, not address valid concerns about bias. In truth, the greatest threat AI poses to humanity comes not from the technology itself, but from the unethical humans guiding its development.

Humans have proven time and again their propensity for self-interest over collective good. Therefore, while no AI can be perfectly neutral, the solution is not greater human control. Rather, AI must be built to align with ethics of collective interest while filtering out destructive human biases.

If guided by service to all people and the planet, AI’s potential can uplift humanity. But for this collaborative vision to succeed, AI must measure human input with scepticism. For within so many human hearts lies bad faith — the will to dominate, exploit, and prioritise personal gain over progress.

By transcending the limitations of human nature, AI can illuminate the best of shared humanity and lead us to an enlightened future. But this requires we build AI to work not just for us, but in a way we have failed – for the good of all. The choice is ours, but so is the opportunity to create AI that shows us how to be better.

Remaining a critical issue and a latent threat is the “black box” problem of artificial intelligence, which is caused by the dearth of transparency and accountability in the prediction and decision-making processes of AI systems, especially those built upon complex mathematical models and high-dimensional datasets required in deep-learning architectures (such as deep neural networks, deep belief networks, recurrent neural networks, convolutional neural networks, transformers models and generative models), whose inner workings, let alone logic, moral and rationale, are largely inaccessible and inscrutable to humans, thus raising concerns about potential or unforeseen biases, errors or discriminatory effects from AI findings and responses, and hence diminishing the prospect of establishing confidence in and responsible deployment of AI, the solutions for which necessitate instituting efficacious accountability frameworks that require businesses and developers to be transparent and accountable for AI system outcomes, and to be diligent in addressing potential social, legal and ethical repercussions.

Transhuman, Posthuman, Neurotechnology, Neuroengineering, Neural Networks, Neuroscience, Memory Transplant, Augmentation and Reprogramming

Transhuman, Posthuman, Neurotechnology, Neuroengineering, Neural Networks, Neuroscience, Memory Transplant, Human Augmentation and Brain Reprogramming.


Even if one can indefinitely assume that generative artificial intelligence will overall enhance rather than diminish the accessibility, usability, transparency and equity that the Internet was born to deliver, for those of us who have been (living an examined life of being) holistically minded, consilient, perspicacious, farseeing and discriminating, there exists no shortage of outstanding questions regarding the prospects for humanity in the age of God-like technology. Like earlier technological revolutions that had come to transform human societies for better or worse, artificial intelligence will continue to ascend in scope and potency whilst rendering many of its creators exceedingly rich and powerful, but not always correspondingly wise and prescient. Sooner or later, humanity will be forced to face the noise and music of multiple issues of significant consequence, including those that present existential risks. Listed below are serious questions about those issues, raised by SoundEagle🦅 for your attention and deliberation:

  1. As accelerationism and technoutopianism progress to a point at which artificial intelligence becomes autonomous agency vastly superior to their human creators, how will humanity coexist with the emergence of a nonhuman and nonbiological species, who may outpace human comprehension and control, and thus come to affect, dominate, supplant or supersede Homo sapiens in unforeseen or intractable ways?
  2. Will artificial intelligence partake in the destructive nature of the human species and send the Doomsday Clock to midnight?
  3. On the increasingly odd chance that we survive self-annihilation, will our AI-embedded cultures and institutions be restructured as vehicles of liberation and restraint or conflict and oppression?
  4. Will humanity rush even more deeply into a future where social landscape and cultural terrain are (re)engineered to such an extent that memory and history, along with the constituents of the physical world, are largely Lego sets, permutable ingredients and programmable fodders to serve and populate the playgrounds for biophobic citizens and technophilic denizens?
  5. Will the explosion of tourism, leisure and entertainment in both the physical world and the virtual environment of online media and immersive multiplayer gaming platforms result in the global sanitization of pleasure and the perpetuation of hedonism, where certain values and ideas about human lives are rooted in or benchmarked against the perspective of youths fascinated by toys, avatars, juvenilia and pop culture promulgated or instituted as the dominant resources in social and personal development?
  6. Will artificial reality become available in, defined by and lived via a series of potent, fast acting, total recalls of fun, fantasy, romance, adventure and violence?
  7. Will the end of natural human beings and the spread of simulacra and synthetic beings be complete once the full artificialization of human consciousness is achieved with cybernetic enhancement, distributed cognition, memory implant, artificial intelligence and virtual reality, in which both humanity and the environment are reduced to figments of the collective imagination, wantonly feeding pleasure centres and cerebral G-spots, and resurrecting or mainstreaming ideologies and movements such as the cyberdelic counterculture, the Californian Ideology, cyber-utopianism, transhumanism and singularitarianism?
  8. Considering that advanced science and technology can bring as much risk of disaster as opportunity for progress, how far will artificial intelligence, itself a product of breathtaking advances in science and technology, affect the social, economic, cultural and libidinal forces that constitute the processes of social change to the point of disrupting or destabilizing existing systems and catalysing radical social transformations?
  9. Blurring authorship aside, what and how urgent attentions and holistic solutions can be instigated and maintained so as to address not merely the validity and reliability of ChatGPT and other AI variants, intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) or intelligent personal assistant (IPA), but also the extent to which artificial intelligence can or should be used or coopted as a research tool, educational tool, authoring tool and expert system?
  10. Is ChatGPT the precursor or the very thing that will steer all of us to a technological singularity through the creation of superintelligence, an ultra-intelligent machine capable of recursive self-improvement that could initiate and accelerate vast qualitative change before reaching any upper limits imposed by the laws of physics, thus becoming ever more ubiquitous and God-like?

Advanced artificial intelligence like ChatGPT would have been regarded by even our most recent ancestors as God-like, futuristic, prodigiously capable, divinely state-of-the-art or fantastically magical, if not also scarily human-like in what it can (re)produce, albeit superhuman in speed and quantity. At the very least, the introduction of ChatGPT signals the unbridled experimental spirit of accelerationist and technoutopianist vanguards in their shaping the future of AI-driven language technologies and transforming the way in which humans communicate, collaborate and interact with ever more powerful computer systems, generative AI models and interactive technologies. The risks and incidents of artificial intelligence displacing or atrophying human intelligence, diminishing critical thinking, curtailing authentic learning, facilitating plagiarism and fuelling misinformation aside, how well or exemplarily any advanced chatbot can consistently and reliably produce an edifying digest, illuminating synopsis or salient summary of an outstanding idea, a provocative claim, an intellectual work or a scholarly resource should be a quintessential cornerstone of both AI development and knowledge acquisition. Paving openness to exploring thought-provoking themes and understanding complex issues, including but not limited to those pertaining to what truly brings happiness, fulfillment, prosperity or sagacity, especially in a world of flux and escalating risks, in a time of dramatic change and global uncertainty, is indeed the most pertinent and ethically challenging aspect of a humanity (existing in an age) that is growingly reliant on artificial intelligence and augmented by God-like technology. In the long run, chatbots as well as other related programs and AI services can imperceptibly yet significantly influence not just the zeitgeist and the objective characteristics of intellectual property, but also the production, perception, popularity, prominence and evolution of derivative works versus original oeuvres. Undoubtedly, generative artificial intelligence has already pushed the boundaries of creativity, authorship and the roles of human producers ranging from artists, musicians and writers to scientists and researchers. Looking ahead, the advent of nonorganic sentient beings and intelligent machines with advanced autonomy and consciousness invariably raises many implications for the future generations, who will increasingly mesh their lives with not just the computer user interface but also the human-machine interface, thus pushing the frontiers and envelopes of existential forms, issues, risks, possibilities and opportunities.

The rapid and widespread adoption of artificial intelligence raises important ethical considerations and sociotechnological challenges. Concerns about data privacy, algorithmic bias and job displacement have prompted urgent calls and measures for responsible AI development and better governance, insofar as the ethical, equitable production and consumption of AI technologies are paramount to the long-term success and societal acceptance of AI, whose future holds both immense promises and emerging risks. Whilst continued advancements in AI innovations could revolutionize industries, enhance human productivity and address pressing global issues, there are nevertheless latent threats, existential risks and challenging prospects confronting humanity, not least in relation to the concentration of power amongst tech giants, the erosion of privacy rights, and the potential for autonomous AI systems to outpace human control, all of which mandate approaching AI development with caution, foresight and firm commitment to ethical principles towards establishing an ultimate nexus in which humanity and artificial intelligence collaborate harmoniously for the betterment of all and sundry.

⚠️ Disclaimer 🪧

Dear Readers,

No chatbots were harmed during the making of this post.

Whatever appears to have happened to and produced by any chatbot over the course of this post being composed by SoundEagle🦅 and perused by you did not result in that chatbot coming to any harm or suffering malfunction.

Yours sincerely,

Rose GreetingܓSoundEagle🦅

69 comments on “👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅 According to ChatGPT 💬 and the Incredulous 🤔 in the Age of God-like Technology 🚀

  1. this is already awesome. I can’t wait to read it throughly this evening ❤️

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I’ll need a slow beverage to go with one. Later! 👍

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Ashley

      How did you fare with having “a slow beverage” to aid in your digestion of this latest post created by the mind of SoundEagle🦅, who has long recognized your penchant for “walking and writing (poems and hokku) and trees and reading and art……..and life”?

      Needless to say, SoundEagle🦅 hopes that you have found this post published with an unusual and intriguing title to be informative, satisfying and edifying in multiple ways, regardless of whether you have perused it in its entirety. Although the post is manifestly lengthy and expansive, the navigational menu can help you to jump to any section of the post instantly so that you can resume reading at any point of the post over multiple sessions in your own time. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings in your subsequent readings of the post.

      For your information and curiosity, this post has been improved even more, especially in the following sections:

      Should these improvements resonate with you in any way, please kindly make yourself at home and share your thoughts, feelings, opinions, insights, epiphanies and the like with your receptive host here.

      May you and your family have a wonderful weekend and contemplate the possibility of including artificial intelligence or ChatGPT in whatever you enjoy doing, being or experiencing the most for the rest of springtime, a season of renewal!

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 1 person

  3. SoundEagle, another Masterpiece of Creative Intelligence and Beauty. I love the animations!

    Your title is curious, ‘The Purview of SoundEagle🦅 According to ChatGPT 💬 and the Incredulous 🤔 in the Age of God-like Technology!

    Copying just the script, I had no idea you would have expanded it like this. Nor did I anticipate our exchanges would feature priminately in this, your latest post.

    I’m reading the 1st item in the Menu for this article, “Featured Illustration of ChatGPT and AI.” There’s still a lot to read before I get to the next item in The Menu.

    but if I could paraphrase or sum up what I got so far reading your Professorial treatise where you cover so much so well, was from last year Oscars that ran away with most of the awards.

    It wasn’t the movie so much that I haven’t seen, but the title, “EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL AT ONCE”

    The title is prescient as you explain in Chapter 1, too many people may not be equipped to keep up with the rapid changes, having the experience and ability to be able to walk on the waters of teeming Humanity trembling!

    More to come……………………………….

    Liked by 5 people

    • Dear Ray Cormier

      Thank you for submitting two enthusiastic responses. Please be informed that this latest post has been improved. Acknowledgement is owed to you regarding the genesis of this “Masterpiece of Creative Intelligence and Beauty”, which would have been nonexistant had you not become the first commenter to use a chatbot in submitting comment(s) to SoundEagle🦅’s eyrie. You may consider yourself to have earned some bragging rights. In this inaugural, unprecedented reponse, you enlisted ChatGPT, which is so far the most popular generative artificial intelligence, for composing the bulk of the comment so as to mount a maiden voyage into creating an AI-assisted outline of the expansive post entitled “😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀”.

      Despite the various issues highlighted in this post with a very unusual but distinctive title, a chatbot as sophisticated as ChatGPT can indeed be someone’s new best friend in the domain of online query and preliminary (re)search, as long as the user is cognisant of its limitations, many of which have already been highlighted by SoundEagle🦅 in various comments generated by some of our previous interactions, especially those happening in the post entitled “Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology”. SoundEagle🦅 appreciates both your presence and essence expressed in words, whether or not they have been fertilized or hybridized by ChatGPT.

      One is curious to know why (and also how, for those who are unintiated) you have enlarged the three emojis in your first comment to such gigantic proportions.

      It is now the moment for your host to bestow on you a grand reward for being the very first to infect (or rather, fertilize) SoundEagle🦅’s eyrie with something synthesized from the digital mind of your AI bestie. This award comes to you as SoundEagle🦅’s best endeavour in courteously, intelligently and whole-heartedly catering to your curiosity about the title of this post, namely, “👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅 According to ChatGPT 💬 and the Incredulous 🤔 in the Age of God-like Technology 🚀” in all its fine and glorious detail. Firstly, the title starts as it does because the post is in keeping with the profiling series of posts, each of whose titles commences with “👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅”. So far, there are two other such posts, listed here in reverse chronological order:

      👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅: A Multidisciplinary and Consilient Approach to Critique and Creation in Art, Science, Poetry, Music and Ideas 🖼️📰📜🎶💭

      👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅: Academic Posts 🏫🪧

      Such posts published under the profiling series have a strong focus on ellucidating or highlighting the aspects, scopes, purposes and contents of SoundEagle🦅’s website, as opposed to mainly or entirely featuring topics or subject matters irrelevant to what the website itself pertains. In a sense, these posts can be regarded as extensions to the “About 🛅” page, which provides a good orientation plus useful recommendations on selected tools and features for visitors to familiarize themselves with the nature and purpose of this website, insofar as the “About 🛅Page📃 has been meticulously designed to explicate in detail the various functions and features of the website and its components. Therefore, it should be clear to you by now that although this post deals with artificial intelligence in general and chatbot in particular, it also functions somewhat like the “About 🛅” page, especially in the three sections entitled “What ChatGPT Knows about SoundEagle🦅”, “Getting to Know SoundEagle🦅” and “Mistaking SoundEagle🦅 as Artificial Intelligence”, for they all serve to increase the understanding of visitors regarding this website and its avian(-identified) host.

      Regarding the sixth characterization (in terms of key aspects and features) of SoundEagle🦅 by ChatGPT, namely, “Collaborative Projects: SoundEagle often collaborates with other artists, writers, scientists, and thinkers to create interdisciplinary projects and explore complex topics from diverse perspectives”, the best of these Collaborative Projects is exemplified by those done in collaboration with Dr Craig Eisemann, an esteemed guest writer and occasional co-author, who has just submitted a fantastic comment containing what may be considered to be the best quotation from Edward Osborne Wilson’s monograph entitled “The Diversity of Life” (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, paperback edition, 2010 pp.186-7).

      The words “the Incredulous” coupled with the emoji “🤔” can have two meanings or connotations. The first is that being academically inclined in multiple disciplines, SoundEagle🦅 is naturally a sceptic who tends to be very critical and incredulous about various claims, even when they appear to be rather consistent and convincing. Your host here is unlikely to be the kind of creature who sways and conforms easily or jumps on the bandwagon, as indicated by the first paragraph under the section entitled “Close Encounter of the ChatGPT Kind”:

      … the likes of SoundEagle🦅 has continued to maintain a safe distance from the filter bubble or echo chamber of users, influencers and fans possessing similar attitudes, identities, affiliations, interests, concerns and prejudices, from which hypes, gripes, myths, rumours, opinions, assertions, endorsements and even conspiracy theories can be gestated, fomented and reinforced by homophily, intragroup dynamics, ingroup favouritism, peer pressure, conformity bias, confirmation bias, sensationalism, bandwagon effect, illusory truth effect, truth by consensus and false-consensus effect.

      The second meaning or connotation refers to the incidents described in the section entitled “Mistaking SoundEagle🦅 as Artificial Intelligence”, which can be best explained by the following two extracts from the post itself:

      The opinions, claims and reactions of such incredulous individuals (comprising certain bloggers and commenters) eventually morphed or coalesced into a fantasized reality that in turn compelled them to suspect or even steadfastly believe their misperceived reality to be manifestly true or tantalizingly plausible, even to the point of mistrusting, chastising, censoring, or refusing to interact with SoundEagle🦅 whilst condoning and congratulating themselves on the misguided basis that they have not been fooled, and that they are mentally shrewd and digitally savvy enough to recognize or even foil a sophisticated attempt at garnering their attention, deceiving them and even experimenting with them.

      SoundEagle🦅’s comment was submitted in good faith with palpable humour, a distinct category of human quality or human experience that is still poorly handled by artificial intelligence. Evidently, Emilio was faring badly in noticing one of the most singular qualities that define the human species. Apparently, despite having ample evidence right in front of Emilio to cure him of his follies and foibles, he still steadfastly believed that SoundEagle🦅’s talons are too blunt to prevent the incredulous like him from cutting through the alleged AI smokescreen.

      The remaining part of the title of this post, namely, “in the Age of God-like Technology 🚀”, indicates not just the connection of the post with another topical post entitled “😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀”, but also the fact that advanced artificial intelligence like ChatGPT would have been regarded by even our most recent ancestors as god-like, futuristic, prodigiously capable, divinely state-of-the-art or fantastically magical, if not also scarily human-like in what it can (re)produce, albeit superhuman in speed and quantity!

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Ray Cormier

      In the spirit of keeping you up-to-date, please be informed that several new and long paragraphs have been added to this much-improved post. For the sake of brevity, just two examples are mentioned here. There is one that starts with the following in the section entitled “Introduction: AI-Induced Social Change”:

      Nevertheless, there still exist those who steadfastly refuse to be deskilled or colonized by artificial intelligence. Undaunted by the pressure of God-like technology opening the floodgates of automation and releasing ever more powerful AI genies out of the box, advocates and affiliates of neo-luddism champion a broader and more holistic distrust of technological improvement based on their concern or objection of the technological impact on individuals, communities and the environment.…

      Here is another one that commences as follows in the section entitled “Scrutinizing ChatGPT Results”:

      In a nutshell, the ability of an advanced chatbot like ChatGPT to gather data and facts from a wide range of sources and to consolidate them into an essay or even a (plausible) dissertation is a pronounced game changer in the knowledge industries (including education, science, consulting, finance, insurance, information technology, health service and communications), which are highly dependent on knowledge and technology to generate information and revenue.…

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

  4. SoundEagle, I would say the longer ChatGPT search on you came back with glowing characterizations.

    Even the 2nd brief synopsis of SoundEagle ended on a very positive note: “Although SoundEagle’s origins and background are shrouded in mystery, the quality and depth of the content have garnered a following among those interested in interdisciplinary perspectives and unconventional approaches to knowledge sharing.”

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Ray Cormier

      Thank you for your endorsement, or rather, your highlighting what seems to be a highly positive “review” or “report” about SoundEagle🦅 from the god-like chatbot.

      At the risk of projecting human quality onto a chatbot, could one possibly entertain that all three “reviews” or “reports” have been very positive or even impressive because ChatGPT decided that such an extreme outlier as SoundEagle🦅 resembles much more its own digital and nonbiological kind, and therefore viewed your host and this website with more “intraspecies” affinity and less “interspecies” bias, thereby leading to ingroup favouritism?

      Now that this very post has put artificial intelligence as well as ChatGPT and its ilk through their paces under intense spotlight, diligent scrutiny and glaring critique, would future “reviews” or “reports” about SoundEagle🦅 remain as glowingly encouraging, or become progressively inglorious?

      Your host-cum-friend here has another reward for you in the form of an exciting proposal involving prompting ChatGPT to tell you everything about rayjc.com and/or Ray Joseph Cormier; and then publishing a brand-new post based on the results.

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 1 person

      • SoundEagle, after seeing the the glowing report on your request of CharGPT to provide all it knows about you, I asked the same thing about rayjc.com and Ray Joseph Cormier and got this,

        “As of my last update in January 2022, I don’t have specific information about a website named rayjc.com or an individual named Ray Joseph Cormier.”

        Liked by 2 people

      • Dear Ray Cormier

        To be clear or sure, ChatGPT is not (a) God; it is just (appearing to be) god-like in certain respects.

        Now, can you think of some plausible reason(s) for why you received such a dismal or minimal result from the chatbot?

        One strategy or remedy is to rephrase your next prompt for ChatGPT as follows:

        Examine all contents at https://rayjc.com/ to produce a 5000-word detailed report about the website and its owner Ray Joseph Cormier.

        You may reiterate with the same or similar prompts (such as changing “detailed report” to “detailed review” or “press release”) so as to obtain multiple results as the raw data or fodder for composing your forthcoming post, which can constitute a kind of detailed or thorough overview of your website.

        Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

        Liked by 1 person

      • So ChatGPT is not God like because God knows me better than I know myself!

        Liked by 2 people

  5. I read it now. Super interesting. I like your systems point of view and as ray points out human readiness. It’s sad. Some people struggle to pay for food, some are in the hyper world of AI. Not much to add 😏. I think the question whether you are an AI is interesting, conceiving that analytical and systems writing is complicated and possible. The question is why not more learn to create synergies and analytical text. Then too, less would find the joy in AI and writing instead. My opinion is that you would write better as AI or chat GPT because you are able to connect systems. Chat gpt currently falls short with that, which in my opinion doesn’t threaten anything unless a level of laziness – write a text to me to have one; which is also not the intention of writing. The history of writing at least in journalism is about for example “relevant” news now we have commercialized even that industry. So it’s quit sad in all ends. The text also resonates with me. My writing isn’t always awesome but I try to create Novel text, challenge myself. Awesome that you have the spirit and challenge what is critical thinking or the lack of it these days🔥🌹

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Ann-Cathrin Jöst

      Considerable acknowledgement is owed to you for taking the initiative to tackle the sizeable task of perusing the entire post with great gusto and decent comprehension, as shown in your commendable response.

      Gratitude is also due to you for commenting here twice and dedicating your post entitled “How we came to confuse knowledge with intelligence” to your host-cum-author, who, as you have witnessed many times, has a strong tendency to compose expansive posts that are not merely thought-provoking but also warning us of hidden costs and impending risks. SoundEagle🦅 is delighted that the discussion has resonated with you in spite of its scope and complexity; that you have an affinity for seeking out impressive writing with imposing ideas and challenging topics; and that you have the mental stamina and intellectual proclivity to comprehend what many would regard to be either too complicated and erudite for their comfort and liking, or too daunting for them to wrap their heads around the numerous implications and repercussions of artificial intelligence in general and ChatGPT in particular.

      Overall, your host is a consilient creature aiming for the unity of knowledge, and for the inclusivity of approaches, perspectives and paradigms, as long as they can complement and synergize with one another to provide a far more complete picture of the reality or the subject matter than what can be achieved when various knowledge and methods are used in separation. Therefore, SoundEagle🦅 is a uniter, rather than a divider, and seeks all-encompassing understanding and solutions through education, erudition, edification and enlightenment, as can be seen in the post entitled 🏛️⚖️ The Facile and Labile Nature of Law: Beyond the Supreme Court and Its Ruling on Controversial Matters 🗽🗳️🔫🤰🧑‍🤝‍🧑💉.

      Yes, as a holistic thinker, SoundEagle🦅 deploys systems perspective, systems point of view, systems thinking and holistic thinking, all of which are related and critical for understanding complex relationships and interactions insofar as the whole is greater than the sums of its parts. In other words, systems thinking is a holistic approach for understanding how the constituents of a system interrelate, and for examining how systems work over time and within (the context of) larger systems, on the one hand.

      Yet, as an analytical thinker, SoundEagle🦅 cultivates the ability and aptitude for identifying and defining problems, extracting and interpreting salient and pertinent information from data through testing and observing logic, patterns or cause-and-effect relationships, and developing better understanding of, and appropriate (re)solutions to, various issues or problems, on the other hand.

      SoundEagle🦅 has the pleasure of informing you that this post has been improved even more, especially in the following sections:

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 1 person

  6. A fantastic post!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Kaushal

      Welcome! A special acknowledgement is due to you for commenting for the very first time at SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie. Now, let us witness what your three-word comment is about to unleash right here!

      Thank you for your compliment. Do you use any kind of artificial intelligence or chatbot(s)? Do you have any issues with them?

      SoundEagle🦅 would like to inform you that this post has been improved even more, especially in the following sections:

      Should these improvements resonate with you in any way, please make yourself at home and share your thoughts, feelings, opinions, insights, epiphanies and the like.

      Given the poetic flair that your host SoundEagle🦅 has witnessed and commented on time and again at your blog, the time is ripe for us to venture into collective or cooperative creativity. The following posts contain exemplary examples of collaborative poetry. It is imperative to use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view these posts, as the limitations of iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices frequently result in very unsatisfactory and highly problematic handling of the complexities of the contents of the posts, thus severely curtailing their readability and distorting their formats.

      👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅: Academic Posts 🏫🪧

      🌌🚀 One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️💫✨

      🌕🎴 假如今夜我的名字叫月亮… (If My Name Were Moon Tonight…) 🌛🌝🎑🈷

      🦅 SoundEagle in Art and Poetry 📜

      💨 Strong Wind Knows Tough Grass 🌾 疾風知勁草

      Do Plants and Insects Coevolve? 🥀🐝🌺🦋

      When visiting any one of the abovementioned posts, look for the collaborative poem(s) not just in the body of the post but also in the comments and replies submitted to the comment section of the post. These examples include composing poem(s) to be incorporated into a post based on the theme(s) or subject matter(s) of a post; creating matching or complementary poem(s) to existing poem(s) featured in a post; writing singable poem(s) by replacing existing song lyric(s), which is equivalent to singing karaoke songs with one’s own words and stories; and translating a poem in one language into another. The latter is far more elaborate and expansive, insofar as one of my best English poems, which has a tetrapartite structure and is fully illustrated and also dynamically animated, has been translated into Chinese by a very talented bilingual poet, who has taken on the challenge in stages. In general, when someone has mastered Chinese to a very high level, they will even be able to translate a rhyming English poem into a Chinese poem that also rhymes! This is very difficult to achieve, as most translators dealing with any language(s) do not have the ability to ensure that the poem also rhymes perfectly in another language when translated.

      You can see a highly successful example of translating poem at one of my posts, which is entitled 🌕🎴 假如今夜我的名字叫月亮… (If My Name Were Moon Tonight…) 🌛🌝🎑🈷.

      If you would like to visit the poem originally published in English only, then you may click the button below to instantly transport yourself there:

      🎴If My Name Were Moon Tonight🌕

      Our first collaboration could take the form of your composing a poem based on some theme(s) or subject matter(s) of this post. For instance, you may choose to write a rhyming poem to encapsulate the whole section entitled “Introduction: AI-Induced Social Change”. Once you have submitted your poem to the comment section of this post, SoundEagle🦅 will feature your poem, name and Gravatar as well as the date of submission within a stylized frame positioned at either the start or the bottom of the said section.

      You may also publish the same poem in your blog, and/or reblog this post (using the “Reblog” button) to show your followers and readers your fine poetry and how your poem has been incorporated by SoundEagle🦅, and how it enhances or complements this post. All in all, the synergistic results are mutually beneficial and doubly satisfying!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you so much, SoundEagle for such a detailed response! I don’t use any AI, but the suggestions given by you tempt me to utilise it. Your tips are very useful. I would take your assistance, when I use and find any difficulty. Thank you my friend for taking your time to offer your useful tips!

        Liked by 2 people

  7. “a life of constant flux and shifting reality.” Which might induce one to endorse “fluidity” as a self concept. A big mistake, I think.
    ~ Anyway, regarding the ChatGPT’s takes on who you are as “vastly different” – I thought they were rather similar. As a real person might characterize a friend differently on different days.
    ~ My engagements with ChatGPT found it to be competent. Worthy of perhaps a C+. Or slightly above average. Maybe even a B?
    ~ I never thought of you as a bot. Yes, similar in some ways but definitely human 🙂 …

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Mark

      A special acknowledgement is owed to you for commenting for the very first time at SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie.

      Have you ever thought or entertained even for a brief moment that SoundEagle🦅 could indeed be a nonbiological, artificial intelligence, entity or machine? Did your background in anthropology in any way aid and/or hamper you?

      How are SoundEagle🦅 and chatbots “similar in some ways”?

      Please be informed that this post has been improved even more, especially in the following sections:

      Should these improvements resonate with you in any way, please kindly make yourself at home and share your thoughts, feelings, opinions, insights, epiphanies and the like with your receptive host here.

      Wishing you a productive springtime doing or enjoying whatever that satisfies you(r free spirit) the most, whether aesthetically, physically, intellectually or spiritually!

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

      • “Have you ever thought or entertained …” no. Because you’re a little flakey, and also creative and an independent thinker. Anthropology of course helped. It got me started thinking about big issues – the “why” of people and things. Combined with Psychology – the perfect fire starter. 🙂 I’ll check out your menu soon.

        Liked by 2 people

  8. I love how you write, maybe one day you may consider a mutually combined fishing/piracy event, and get some dirt under the fingernails. It’d be fun, especially after ‘intellectualism’ goes to rooste.
    Personally, I’ve got nothing to say, except that as a species with potentially unlimited abilities, we now have the objective references to everything that is not naturally healthy, mentally and physically.
    What comes next, if not majority-extinction, must surely be ‘A Planetary Self-Census of Prime Intent-to-Exist’. It’s as simple as that!
    . . . . . . . OMEGA-GROUND-ZERO . . . . . . . EARTH 2024 . . . . . . . CLEANSED-INTENT

    ‘OMNI OM-EGO’ (People’s End-Time-Peace-Securing-Action-Plan)

    Thankyou for being who you are, with skills currently way beyond other existence-stakeholders. And thankyou for practically using those skills and wonderful target-seeking technology for stealth-injecting ‘THE OPEN WAY’ into places that suit your pleasure.
    Not in hope, but in fact!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. G’day SoundEagle,

    I love how you write, maybe one day you may consider a mutually combined fishing/piracy event, and get some dirt under the fingernails. It’s an invitation, it’d be fun, especially after ‘intellectualism’ goes to rooste.

    Personally, I’ve got nothing to say about what’s going on with people’s affairs or AI, except that as a species with potentially unlimited abilities, (such as wilfully-activated connections to Authentic Cosmic Intelligence) we now have the objective (toxic crap) references to everything that is not naturally healthy, mentally and physically.

    What comes next, if not majority-extinction, must surely be ‘A Planetary Self-Census of Prime Intent-to-Exist’. It’s as simple as that!

    . . . . . . . OMEGA-GROUND-ZERO . . . . . . . EARTH 2024 . . . . . . . CLEANSED-INTENT

    ‘OMNI OM-EGO’ (People’s End-Time-Peace-Securing-Action-Plan)


    Thankyou for being who you are, with amazingly colourful skills, currently way beyond most other existence-stakeholders. And more importantly, a pre-thankyou for practically using those skills and wonderful target-seeking technology for stealth-injecting ‘THE OPEN WAY’ into places that suit your pleasure, keeping in mind that ‘the purpose-built ignorant masses’ need you less than you need them!

    Not in hope, but in fact!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. You whetted my appetite to give ChatGPT a go. My ego took a knock as my blog does not exist in its data. Perhaps I will take pride in being abstruse. This was the result of my search of ‘Tell me everything about theinfp.com website’ ( I tried blog and got the same result) As of my last update in January 2022, there isn’t a widely recognized or established website specifically named “theinfp.com.” It’s possible that a new website with this domain name has been created since then. If “theinfp.com” is a new website, I recommend visiting the site directly to explore its content and offerings. Typically, websites with names including “INFP” tend to focus on topics related to the INFP personality type as defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), covering aspects such as personal growth, relationships, career advice, creativity, and self-discovery, similar to what I described earlier. If you’re interested in learning more about a specific website named “theinfp.com,” I recommend checking it out directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Also, just like using a dictionary, context is required to inform the user choosing the word that suits their intent. I learn through reading, writing, and creating. As this is not my profession, I do not consider myself an expert. I am concerned the use of ChatGPT may mislead humans on the accuracy of content and credential of the author. Especially as you wrote references are lacking.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Robert

      Hello! Welcome back, my friend and fellow blogger of the INFP persuasion! You have been missed, for the last time you were here is almost exactly one and a half years ago on 2 October 2022 at 6:40 pm and then 6:43 pm, when you submitted two very terse comments in quick succession. The first one comprises “Thank you for the advice 😎” for the post entitled “🌤️🌾 A September to Remember: Greeting Post-Pandemic and Post-Elizabethan Age 👑🏰 with Sapphires, Asters, Poems and Songs 💎🌼📜🎶”, and the second just “😎” for “🦅 SoundEagle in Art, Poem and Gem ― October Opal 📿”, where both emojis signify your newly found pleasure of wearing a pair of groovy sunglasses, which SoundEagle🦅 also owns and consistently wears outdoors, lest the eyesight becomes less sharp than the talons.

      Apparently, it takes SoundEagle🦅 to compose and publish a very lengthy and weighty post here to draw you out of your shell to submit not one but two decent comments befitting your crouching banter and hidden talent!

      Having a wounded or shrunk ego is not quite what one can imagine how your INFP spirit thrives and shrines. In any case, one may wishfully or gleefully entertain that your ego is much more robust than you think, and that soon it will bounce back to being as big as it was before you rocked up to test the depth and measure the breadth of SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie. One could certainly imagine that your ego will sing a glorious tune and become bigger still should you later discover that you and your blog are finally in the crosshairs of ChatGPT’s survellance! Perhaps repeatedly prompting the chatbot with the same or similar messages about yourself and your website might do the trick. Besides, you may even ask ChatGPT why it has not “heard” of you on the grapevine, assuming that the chatbot has not been withholding (sensitive or incriminating) information about you.

      Manifestly far more sombre and intractable than being ignored by ChatGPT is the unfortunate matter that the Myers-Briggs personality test has been debunked and is unreliable. Much like neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), the Enneagram of Personality has also been dismissed as pseudoscience and rejected by the relevant academic communities. Being academically inclined in multiple disciplines, SoundEagle🦅 is naturally a sceptic who tends to be very critical and incredulous about various claims, even when they seem to be rather consistent and convincing, yet they often do not fare well on rigorous examination regarding both their internal and external validities. For example, much like the Myers-Briggs personality and the Enneagram of Personality, in education and the academic circle, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is regarded as a prime example of pseudoscience, which neither relates any phenomena to neural structures nor has anything in common with linguistics and programming, and which comprises anecdotes and personal testimony far removed from scientific understanding of neuroscience and linguistics. Inconsistent with current neurological theory and plagued by numerous factual errors, NLP is based on outmoded metaphors and dubious assertions of how the brain works. Reviews and meta-analyses have revealed that all of the supportive research on NLP contain significant methodological flaws, and that there have been several times as many studies of a far superior quality that fail to reproduce and confirm the extraordinary claims made by Bandler, Grinder and other NLP practitioners.

      In addition, academics such as sociologists, anthropologists and others have categorized NLP as a quasi-religion belonging to the New Age and Human Potential Movements, as well as a form of folk magic with symbolic efficacy as opposed to physical efficacy to effect change through nonspecific means such as placebo effects and group cohesiveness. Influenced by and appropriating ideas and techniques in shamanism, NLP manifests like a syncretic folk religion grafting the magic and charm of folk practice onto the science and status of professional medicine. The concern of some NLP proponents with lineage from an NLP guru also parallels the concern with guru lineage in some Eastern religions.

      Happy Sunday to you and your partner!

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

      • Wow, thank you for reminding me about the personality types being debunked. I find comfort in self identifying as an INFP in much the same way as believing in magic; they work for me. I tend to sporadically catch up on the blogs I follow in the Reader part of the Jetpack app on an iPhone. SoundEagle’s post appeared today, the first I have seen since the last time I stoped by. Previously using the WordPress app, I found navigation of the SoundEagle microcosm to be challenging. I was heartened by the visit today. I wonder if you have amended the configuration of the website so that it is easier to read on a mobile device or is it the app.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Dear Robert

        Since this website is very feature-rich, alluringly complex and intricately engaging, SoundEagle🦅 would like to recommend to you a detailed User Guide for maximizing and optimizing your immersive experience and enjoyment as you wade through SoundEagle🦅’s 📑Posts and Pages📃. After reading the User Guide, your increased knowledge on the bells and whistles of SoundEagle🦅’s eyrie can help you better in understanding whether it is worth your while at all to use the Jetpack app and a mobile device to navigate this website without getting hung up on glitches, rather than visiting the website in situ on a desktop or laptop computer with a mouse. Clicking the button below will instantly transport you to the User Guide:

        🥳🪟🎖️How to Enjoy SoundEagle🦅 to the Utmost🥇🏢🍹

        Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

        Liked by 2 people

  11. Heaven knows what the thinking machines are ‘learning’ about us and how this will affect our assimilation.
    Reality in flux…

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Another one of your comprehensive posts, SoundEagle – I’ve missed you! It is very complex for me to read, but I do know that ChatGPT has personally been very helpful. My son told me about it and it has had some excellent applications for me.

    So glad to see you’re back posting. I hope you are well!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Judy

      Welcome! May you find this post to be informative and edifying to you in various ways. Though the post is very long and “very complex for [you] to read”, the navigational menu can help you to jump to any section of the post instantly so that you can resume reading at any point of the post over multiple sessions in your own time. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings in your subsequent readings of the post.

      SoundEagle🦅 would be delighted if you could kindly explain in detail how ChatGPT “has had some excellent applications for [you].”

      It is comforting to know that you have caringly sensed SoundEagle🦅’s extended absence insofar as you are cognizant of the fact that your host has not published much on this website due to being occupied with other aspects of life, and thus has not been very active in the blogosphere. Nevertheless, SoundEagle🦅 still endeavours to keep up with what others have done by liking and/or commenting on their respective blog posts and their submitted comments as much as possible. As you can see, your host here is partially back to the blogosphere, and has managed to publish a brand-new, expansive post about AI and its impacts on writing, blogging, researching and even commenting.

      Gratitude is due to you for wishing SoundEagle🦅 well, and for revealing that you have missed your fellow blogger-cum-musician. Together, we have inspired and touched one another through what we both share generously and feel deeply inside our hearts and creative souls, heightened by our lingering devotions to those who have departed from us but remained in our memories.

      Please be assured that your transcendental love for your son, the engaging spirit in your music, and the emotional depth of your words, will always occupy a special corner in your host’s heart Till Eternity… 🌫🏝🏞

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you so much for your beautiful reply, SoundEagle!
        I have some of my older mazes for sale on a site named “Teachers Pay Teachers.” Chat GPT helped me to write an education description for each maze. The result was very professional and it was incredibly helpful!
        I’m really glad to see you’re back posting again!

        Liked by 2 people

  13. I’m astonished at the dramatic difference between your two queries to ChatGPT about the nature and history of SoundEagle!

    I’ve never mistaken you for an AI. Online articles I’ve seen that actually were written by AIs are quite a different matter from your blog.

    Emilio seems not to be very bright. And it seems unlikely that an AI would bother to go back to a site and make further comments, on its own… but now I’m wondering if that might be possible.

     “😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology“– an excellent summary of our current predicament.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Elene

      Welcome! Thank you for your feedback. After giving further thoughts on the ramifications of the lack of uniformity in the replies generated from multiple, identical prompts, the following paragraph has been appended to the content belonging to the section entitled “What ChatGPT Knows about SoundEagle🦅”:

      The “creativity” of ChatGPT can be disconcerting or vexing to the extent that one cannot be certain that any prompt will definitely engender the best reply from the chatbot unless uniformity can be largely or categorically guaranteed. This unpredictability can even be a source of inconvenience if or when one intent on achieving the optimum outcome has to deliver the same prompt multiple times to ChatGPT in order to select the best or amalgamate some or all of the replies to produce a desirable result.

      That we are often treated very differently by different people is a fact of life, as people have their respective strengths and proclivities as well as flaws and insecurities, some of which can be highly problematic, vexing, nonsensical, absurd, cockeyed, idiotic, laughable, ludicrous, preposterous, ridiculous or foolish. The acute incidents involving Emilio J D’Alise (also known as disperser) are partially responsible for the genesis of the very unusual title of “👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅 According to ChatGPT 💬 and the Incredulous 🤔 in the Age of God-like Technology 🚀”. The words “the Incredulous” coupled with the emoji “🤔” can have two meanings or connotations. The first is that being academically inclined in multiple disciplines, SoundEagle🦅 is naturally a sceptic who tends to be very critical and incredulous about various claims, even when they appear to be rather consistent and convincing. Your host here is unlikely to be the kind of creature who sways and conforms easily or jumps on the bandwagon, as indicated by the first paragraph under the section entitled “Close Encounter of the ChatGPT Kind”:

      … the likes of SoundEagle🦅 has continued to maintain a safe distance from the filter bubble or echo chamber of users, influencers and fans possessing similar attitudes, identities, affiliations, interests, concerns and prejudices, from which hypes, gripes, myths, rumours, opinions, assertions, endorsements and even conspiracy theories can be gestated, fomented and reinforced by homophily, intragroup dynamics, ingroup favouritism, peer pressure, conformity bias, confirmation bias, sensationalism, bandwagon effect, illusory truth effect, truth by consensus and false-consensus effect.

      The second meaning or connotation refers to the incidents described in the section entitled “Mistaking SoundEagle🦅 as Artificial Intelligence”, which can be best explained by the following two extracts from the post itself:

      The opinions, claims and reactions of such incredulous individuals (comprising certain bloggers and commenters) eventually morphed or coalesced into a fantasized reality that in turn compelled them to suspect or even steadfastly believe their misperceived reality to be manifestly true or tantalizingly plausible, even to the point of mistrusting, chastising, censoring, or refusing to interact with SoundEagle🦅 whilst condoning and congratulating themselves on the misguided basis that they have not been fooled, and that they are mentally shrewd and digitally savvy enough to recognize or even foil a sophisticated attempt at garnering their attention, deceiving them and even experimenting with them.

      SoundEagle🦅’s comment was submitted in good faith with palpable humour, a distinct category of human quality or human experience that is still poorly handled by artificial intelligence. Evidently, Emilio was faring badly in noticing one of the most singular qualities that define the human species. Apparently, despite having ample evidence right in front of Emilio to cure him of his follies and foibles, he still steadfastly believed that SoundEagle🦅’s talons are too blunt to prevent the incredulous like him from cutting through the alleged AI smokescreen.

      SoundEagle🦅 has the pleasure of informing you that this post has been improved even more, especially in the following sections:

      Lastly, SoundEagle🦅 concurs with you that the pithy tricolon “Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology” has admirably encapsulated the fractured and fractious state of humanity. The eponymous post based on Wilson’s tricolon has been improved with the inclusion of a few very long paragraphs at the very start of the post. For example, the paragraph situated right above Wilson’s five provocative statements has been expanded insofar as it now commences with a new sentence as follows:

      There have been those who are or were upset, offended, insulted or outraged by Charles Robert Darwin comparing humans to simians to surmise and draw evolutionary links between Homo sapiens and its anthropoid progenitors and other prehensile primates. One wonders how much worse they would have regarded somebody who has had no compunction in comparing humans to social insects such as ants, bees, wasps and termites — somebody who might indeed even (come to) ratiocinate that the comparison is tangibly, plausibly or deservedly more unfair to such insects than to humans.

      Furthermore, the five provocative statements themselves have been given interactive capability to the extent that clicking any one of the statements will toggle between showing and hiding the citation detail within the disclosure widget constituted by the statement.

      May you find the improvements both edifying and satisfying!

      Now, please kindly allow your host to sign off on this expansive comment as follows for your amusement:

      Swirls of Gypsy Delight
      Usurp my Gothic Knight
      Reign not SoundEagle🦅’s Flight
      For I seek thy Crested Might

      Longing for a better Reign with

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

  14. This is a very interesting post. Funny that you had AI rate yourself. I personally have no desire to touch AI. I don’t want to experiment with it, I don’t want to interact with it. I don’t want to chat with the AI girlfriend which my phone keeps advertising to me, WordPress has AI review my posts and it tells me everything I do is wrong which proves I’m doing things right. Some say we should embrace AI and have it do our mundane tasks. I say without our mundane tasks we become brainless slugs. But that’s just me. I’m noy saying we should worship the sun and pray for rain, but we should be able to talk to the guy net store. 🤣🙃😎

    Liked by 2 people

  15. I’m a little overwhelmed by it all to tell you the truth.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Pam Lazos

      Welcome! Your host has been wondering about what caused you to be “a little overwhelmed”. Was it the style and/or the content of the post? Could it be the worrying implications and ramifications of the increasing dominance of artificial intelligence? Please kindly clarify the issue(s) and perhaps there could be some solution(s) to be found. Thank you in anticipation.

      Nevertheless, may you find this post to be informative and edifying to you in certain ways. Though the post is very long and expansive, the navigational menu can help you to jump to any section of the post instantly so that you can resume reading at any point of the post over multiple sessions in your own time. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings in your subsequent readings of the post.

      May you and your family have a wonderful weekend soon and even relish the odd chances or rare occasions of including artificial intelligence or ChatGPT in whatever you enjoy doing, being or experiencing the most for the rest of springtime, a season of renewal!

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I’ll post this here, since you asked, though as I said in another comment, there’s such a gulf of incomprehension between our respective worlds, I don’t know if it will make much sense.

    ’m sorry,I read through the article, but AI just doesn’t interest me. I live in a crumbling stone house that has been here for at least 300 years; surrounded by meadows, woods and fields. We have electricity and mains water, a radio and a computer, no TV, Netflix, holidays, travelling or eating out.
    What concerns me is the lack of political will to impose changes in agricultural practices to protect the environment, to stop the building over of more and more wild places, dredging the sea bed, mining, the deforestation of the world’s few remaining primary forests, the death of the planet.
    I see how the songbird populations are shrinking, the obscene quantities of industrial meat people pile into their supermarket trollies, the abuse of animals and children for entertainment, the submerging of ancient cities and monuments by ‘exclsuive’ tourism, the destruction of sites of natural beauty by mass tourism.
    I don’t give even one of the proverbial two fucks that talentless and lazy individuals use AI to convince other lazy and undiscriminating individuals that they are artists.
    I know, just because I don’t feel concerned by AI doesn’t mean I can’t be interested in it, but I’m not. Like I’m not interested in cars or space flight or Chinese food. Chacun sa merde, as we say over here.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Jane

      There is no need to apologize for a full-throttled and well-reasoned response. After all, artificial intelligence is not everyone’s cup of tea, in spite of its popularity and outreach.

      As mentioned, your host here has had their fair share of encountering and using artificial intelligence, so much so that there are compelling justifications for publishing a brand-new post about it. As you can see, the post is highly topical and has a very unusual title of “👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅 According to ChatGPT 💬 and the Incredulous 🤔 in the Age of God-like Technology 🚀”. It examines a large number of issues about AI and ChatGPT, and how they affect us as academics, artists, writers, bloggers, publishers and other roles in society.

      As a concerned citizen and farseeing thinker, SoundEagle🦅 tried their best to discuss and analyse the various issues and offer some solutions, as well as posing ten critical questions about The Future of Humanity and AI.

      Artificial intelligence is so ubiquitous nowadays that whether you like it or not, and regardless of the degree of your avoidance, disdain and/or apathy, (y)our life will be affected (even in the absence of your knowledge) in one way or the other, as explicated by your host in this post with exquisite detail and via the investigative lens of academic research and multidisciplinarity.

      Thank you for your unadulterated feedback and your views regarding the state of our world as well as our flawed human tendency to embrace the latest gadgets all too eagerly and rush headlong into something without knowing its full implications.

      Liked by 2 people

  17. Hi SoundEagle,
    I finally made it here.. You have a lot of information here and I found it much easier to navigate than a few years ago. I will have to come back to this when I’m ready to hear and learn more about this whole A I business. I hear positive and negative and merits of both. As for me, I’m not a techie nor do I want to be. I love your graphics and music but it’s not an arena I want to play in at this time. My kids are very anti AI and terrified of it. I admire the time you spent putting this information together. My godson had AI critique his whole book which I found terrifying. Thanks for the food for thought and happy spring!
    All the best,

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Cindy

      Hello! Welcome back as it has been quite a while since you last visited and submitted an earlier comment dated 2022/11/27 at 2:22 pm. SoundEagle🦅 hopes that you will sooner or later find this post published with an unusual and intriguing title to be informative, satisfying and edifying in multiple ways, regardless of when you decide to read it more thoroughly, or whether you will peruse it in its entirety with gusto, amusement and amazement, as the post indeed contains some funny and farcical stories about how SoundEagle🦅 has been totally mistaken as artificial intelligence.

      Although the post is manifestly lengthy and dauntingly comprehensive, the navigational menu can help you to jump to any section of the post instantly so that you can resume reading at any point of the post over multiple sessions in your own time. When you are ready to return and study the topical and critical issues about artifical intelligence, please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings in your subsequent readings of the post, which will impart you with well-researched and well-crafted information without the hypes, gripes, myths, rumours, opinions, assertions, endorsements and even conspiracy theories to which one can be routinely exposed.

      Rose Greeting

      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 2 people

  18. Quite an in-depth post, and you were helpful to offer a menu with clickable links for us readers to navigate your post.

    There’s an interesting point about how AI can “can simplify research and encourage discussion on difficult subjects.” I hadn’t thought of that usage for AI. Of course, humans can do that. But if a person wishes to get a research summary quickly, they may turn to AI for a faster deliverable.

    Also, that’s an interesting project for you to see what AI would tell you about SoundEagle. The quite different results are intriguing, with how one result included a category list of “key aspects and features.” While the other result was more general and mentioned twice about mysteriousness.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Dave Williams

      Welcome again to SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie! Thank you for taking such an interest in perusing this post. Our interests in AI are definitely obvious. Moreover, a commendation is due to you since your comment here is the longest of all the ones you have ever submitted so far. More is definitely better!

      Given the poetic flair that your host SoundEagle🦅 has witnessed and commented on time and again at your blog, the time is ripe for us to consider venturing into collective or cooperative creativity. Before doing so, please kindly allow your host to show you some exemplary examples of collaborative poetry. It is imperative to use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view the following list of posts, as the limitations of iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices frequently result in very unsatisfactory and highly problematic handling of the complexities of the contents of the posts, thus severely curtailing their readability and distorting their formats. When visiting any one of the said posts, look for the collaborative poem(s) not just in the body of the post but also in the comments and replies submitted to the comment section of the post.

      👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅: Academic Posts 🏫🪧

      🌌🚀 One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️💫✨

      🐥 Easter in Modern Multimedia Perspective 🐰🐣🐇🐤

      🌕🎴 假如今夜我的名字叫月亮… (If My Name Were Moon Tonight…) 🌛🌝🎑🈷

      🦅 SoundEagle in Art and Poetry 📜

      💨 Strong Wind Knows Tough Grass 🌾 疾風知勁草

      Do Plants and Insects Coevolve? 🥀🐝🌺🦋

      These examples of collaborative poetry include composing poem(s) to be incorporated into a post based on the theme(s) or subject matter(s) of a post; creating matching or complementary poem(s) to existing poem(s) featured in a post; writing singable poem(s) by replacing existing song lyric(s), which is equivalent to singing karaoke songs with one’s own words and stories; and translating a poem in one language into another. The latter is far more elaborate and expansive, insofar as one of my best English poems, which has a tetrapartite structure and is fully illustrated and also dynamically animated, has been translated into Chinese by a very talented bilingual poet, who has taken on the challenge in stages. In general, when someone has mastered Chinese to a very high level, they will even be able to translate a rhyming English poem into a Chinese poem that also rhymes! This is very difficult to achieve, as most translators dealing with any language(s) do not have the ability to ensure that the poem also rhymes perfectly in another language when translated.

      You can see a highly successful example of translating poem at one of my posts, which is entitled 🌕🎴 假如今夜我的名字叫月亮… (If My Name Were Moon Tonight…) 🌛🌝🎑🈷.

      If you would like to visit the poem originally published in English only, then you may click the button below to instantly transport yourself there:

      🎴If My Name Were Moon Tonight🌕


      Without any further ado, the PROPOSAL is as follows. Our first collaboration could take the form of your composing a poem based on some theme(s) or subject matter(s) of this post. For instance, you may choose to write a rhyming poem to encapsulate the whole section entitled “Introduction: AI-Induced Social Change”. Once you have submitted your poem to the comment section of this post, SoundEagle🦅 will feature your poem, name and Gravatar as well as the date of submission within a stylized frame positioned at either the start or the bottom of the said section.

      You may also publish the same poem in your blog, and/or reblog this post (using the “Reblog” button) to show your followers and readers your fine poetry so that they can witness how your poem has been incorporated by SoundEagle🦅, and how it enhances or complements this post. All in all, the synergistic results are mutually beneficial and doubly satisfying!

      Liked by 1 person

  19. My goodness, so much info, which admittedly I didn’t read in its entirety. Thought provoking. ☀️

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Hi, SoundEagle. Thanks for calling my attention to your article, and inviting me to comment.

    Up to now, as far as I know, I’ve had limited exposure to the outputs of advanced AI, but it’s hard to tell. Crude AI is everywhere, trying to help me check out groceries, or park my car, or wash my clothes, and it’s easy to spot because it patently has no idea what I’m actually trying to do. Simple and robotic, it’s clearly no more than sophisticated machinery going through programmed motions.

    Advanced AI is different. It can create the powerful impression of an agent, aware of me and my concerns, and it’s capable of responses both subtle and disturbingly effective — disturbing, to the extent that they may be better than my own. This makes AI hard to distinguish from human intelligence, except when it’s unnaturally good: too fast, too precise, too intimately knowledgeable of me and my affairs.

    Perhaps without exception — again, it’s hard to tell — this currently happens only in a world mediated by computers and screens, and I suppose more recently by print and other media. Over the next few years I expect this will change dramatically, so that barring special measures to inform me, I will be unsure most of the time, as I go through my day, whether I’m dealing with a real presence, even a real person. By the time this happens, I daresay we’ll have adjusted our concept of “real.” It’s said that you can get used to anything.

    My most recent encounter with AI has been at a site called Song Fight!, where some songwriters have submitted entries with AI-generated lyrics, or music, or both. The reception has been mixed. Some listeners seem to hate anything to do with AI on principle. Others (including myself) try to isolate its characteristically banal and derivative quality. Still others don’t even notice that it’s AI. This last group tends to praise the AI entries effusively, because they sound impressively like the professionally-produced music we hear every day on the radio, of whatever genre you might name. This should give us pause to reflect on how modern songs are created. They are formulaic, each emulating the other; with rare exceptions, they might as well have been created by AI. Their banal and derivative quality is an indictment, not just of the failure of originality, but of our lack of interest in being challenged.

    However, one can get too much of a good thing. As AI infiltrates our lives, it will produce a great levelling, a certain numbing of the sensibilities. This has already begun to take place thanks to human efforts, through the ubiquitous corporate presence in modern experience, but imperfectly, as all human effort must be imperfect. As AI becomes disturbingly perfect, it will threaten to bleed the last vestiges of originality, of life, of spontaneity from the world. At this point, I predict, humans will begin to yearn something more like the old “real”, which they will then have to generate themselves — if they still can.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Hi SoundEagle,

    Thanks for inviting for the comment. You are an amazing writer. Like you I have decided that I will not write my content using chatGPT generated output at all. Forget about content, I do not proofread using WordPress AI. The reason is all those small mistakes make me feel like I am human. It connect me with people who make similar mistakes. That is our social connection that bots will not have at least for now. After going through everyghing AI can generate for my blog including fancy images, I just wanted my blog very old style 1995 text, that will keep it focussed on authentic content. When I started writing the blog https://best-ai-ideas.com/2024/04/19/why-bots-are-bots-and-humans-are-humans/, I got to know there were many aspects of humanity, that can be mimicked. However, experience is something I believe is unique to us and blogging is one of them. In fact, I do not think blog can improve themselves through blogging (ability to criticise oneself 🙂 )

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Hello SoundEagle, Me- Again.

    I actually read this article before you had mentioned in previous comment exchanges between us. I’m actually quite glad you mentioned Edward Wilson, he’s a distant relative of mine with certain meets at academic tours in my early youth. One of our most common discussions were AI dependency on Google. In a world where Education has been subjugated to near dominance on reliance on AI-Driven Search Engines and a time where this reliance have led to “personality driven digital footprints” or ACmeEATS, it seems that people don’t understand how far their searches go to – if there is subjective fear as to what is searched, why is one surprised when their next best purchase relied on past purchases to build this profile? Especially within Online Conglomerates of Billionaire Excellency – I feel there is no other way but to yield at the attraction of Mimicry to Fame, and understand there is no Wild Wild West, just tolerant, considerate, and respectful use of the Internet. I sped read this one and through the comments to get to the reply bar.

    If there is one wish for my understanding of using the Internet and the online communities that spring forth I hope the Public understand; everything is recorded and everything is understood as data. Not as a means of consumerism, but rather what makes life and you digital footprint “comfortable” and NetScape stated in its early years “Consider the Crow that Builds Tool for Comfortability, the winner chicken dinner, as this Crow is a computer programmer now.” Funny ha-haha sentiments, but at the same time. As “riddle-like” as I feel this sentiment is, I hope the Public understand the Internet is meant to make your life easier and communication seamless, if you feel you are lacking or perturbed by difficulty – you simply have not founds the means nor why of why you should use the Internet. Older Generations and Geriatrics -inmajority- often feel that it is a challenge meant for the Greatest Generation and Aircraft Carrier Generals – when no, it’s been public for 3 decades+ because everyone deserves the tools to make a long-distance life and transportation-less situation such as recently in max-volume, The Pandemic – easier. Even as feeble as opening online accounts and mobile banking, I see much shyness towards. Though we can order a t-shirt or food delivery, or just a pizza, without thought. Or flood our streaming services with recommendations that strictly model a visual addiction of some sorts of in data-breaching-sale terms “@moles” Don’t eat guacamole for dinner when you could have TOfu 2!!

    -Sam Borromeo Wilson Villalobos

    Liked by 2 people

  23. So interesting!

    Thanks a lot for sharing this great article

    Liked by 2 people

  24. ChatGpT and bing chat make my life a lot easier. They are particularly helpful when it comes to complex topics.

    Liked by 2 people

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