🌌🚀 One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️💫✨

SoundEagle Milky Way

I look in your eyes 👁
No more goodbyes 👋
When shall we begin 🕰
To meet again 🕺🏻🚶🏻‍♀️

One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️
Say Goodbye to Milky Way 🌌
What more is there on Earth for us 🌏
When our story stays with us 🏕
Why live on as human beings 👫
And dread the way 🤦‍♂️
Our bodies age 👩‍🚀

One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️
Travelling Far from Milky Way 🌌
What more our love could do for us 💑
When our lives are through with us 💞
Let’s aim for infinity 💫✨
To boldly go 🚀
Where spacetime ends 🎇

One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️
From Milky Way 🌌

One Day We’ll Fly Away

One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️
Say Goodbye to Milky Way 🌌

Mission is over, mission is done,
I will miss you, children of the sun.
Now it’s time to go away,
Goodbye, goodbye Milky Way!

In five billion years,
The Andromeda galaxy will collide with our Milky Way,
A new gigantic cosmic world will be born…

During the Galactic Merge

Take my wing
I’m a Stranger from Milky Way 🌌
Alone in the cosmic swing 🌐
A Stranger who flies away ✈️
If I flew starry-eyed 👁
That’s a danger from Milky Way 🌌
For mortals who stray inside 🌠
Andromeda’s bay 🌟

I saw your face 🎆
And I ascended 🪐
Out of my earthly ways 🌏
Into your flare 🎇
Somewhere in space 🛰
I stay suspended ‍❄️
Until you place 🔮
My future in good care 💞

Won’t you answer the fervent cry 🌬
Of a Stranger from Milky Way 🌌
You’ve come here to unify 💫
All the bright stars on display ✨
But open your spiral arms 🌀
To SoundEagle🦅 from Milky Way 🌌
Tell me that you see the charms 📿
In my new foray 💖

Stranger from Milky Way

93 comments on “🌌🚀 One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️💫✨

  1. Beautiful artistry my friend ❤ Yes, indeed, one day we will all fly away🕊 Oh and what a magnificent ride that will be😊

    Liked by 6 people

  2. I absolutely agree with you! Thank you for your beautiful poem!:)

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Ah…I thought I will never get to the bottom of this page.
    Why are you so far away into the future?…shutting down the milky way?
    All the same ….someday we will fly away.
    Lovely lines

    Liked by 4 people

  4. […] 🌌🚀 One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️💫✨ (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  5. […] 🌌🚀 One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️💫✨ (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  6. […] 🌌🚀 One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️💫✨ (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  7. […] 🌌🚀 One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️💫✨ (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  8. What a beautiful poem!! One day indeed we will all fly away and your words make it into a magnificent magical ride into freedom and space.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Brilliant! I hope it’s a long long time before I leave this beautiful blue paradise called Earth. The Enigma track is glorious. I should follow up 🙏🙏

    Liked by 3 people

  10. This is wonderfur Great and inspiring post.
    Laughter needs no explaations

    Liked by 2 people

  11. wonderfully constructed… It reminds me of Wishing on a Star by Rose Royce + Parliament and Funkadelic

    Liked by 4 people

  12. There’s an amazing sensation of peace that one feels in reaching out to the universe. It makes sense then to match such uplifting feelings in music with some suitable lyrics of one’s own, You put a ton of work into your posts and I can appreciate that you made this monumental effort.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear James Rogge

      SoundEagle🦅 is delighted and honoured that One Day We’ll Fly Away has elicited in you such a sense of profundity and serenity that you have even managed to fathom the deeper meanings and relevance of “reaching out to the universe”, in addition to availing oneself of the chance and mindset of contemplating existential transcendence.

      Thank you for your acknowledgement and appreciation of the dedication and artistry required to create this post, which is by no means completed, as there are still two substantial videos to be produced for the poems One Day We’ll Fly Away and Stranger from Milky Way respectively. These videos will turn the two said poems into song lyrics synchronized to two pieces of music respectively, each lasting about four or five minutes and enlivened by inspiring images and animations.

      These subsequent augmentations are in keeping with the fact that SoundEagle🦅’s 📑Posts and Pages📃 are being regularly improved, updated and/or expanded regardless of when they were first published. Therefore, it can be a very good idea and a highly rewarding exercise to visit existing 📑Posts and Pages📃 on a regular basis to discover for yourself some new surprises and delights, all awaiting you there.

      Happy June to you!

      One Day We’ll Fly Away

      Liked by 5 people

  13. Claire De Lune would be my favorite music to your ethereal space images. I would just fly away to its calming sounds in the afterlife if I could.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Dear SoundEagle 🦅,
    I can’t believe that I found this strange photo. It’s young me:
    Please kindly write down in detail who you see in this photo (as if you didn’t know it was me, of course), including race, sex (gender, but I don’t like the word gender), age etc. It’s my experiment.
    I’m counting on your answer, my dearest friend.

    Best wishes!

    Yours sincerely,
    Polski Ryś

    Liked by 4 people

  15. Dear SoundEagle 🦅,
    the experiment with my photo from my youth has been completed. Only we and one another person, who is also my friend know what the result was. 8 more people saw, but did not get involved.
    That’s enough, so I deleted my post. After all, I know that people at the time thought I was a child (and I would probably have thought so myself), and I was over 20 years old and married. You were probably surprised when you read that I was over 20 in those days. People’s reaction back then was similar.
    I’ve had a lot of funny situations and mistakes, I can’t even count them. Those were really interesting times.Today I look a bit different, but also much younger than I am, and there are also mistakes and funny situations, but they cannot be compared to those from my youth.Sometimes I miss those times. It was then that I was laughing with my wife. I had a real laugh. Great times! Thank you again for participating in the experiment.
    Best wishes, my dearest friend!

    Yours sincerely,
    Polski Ryś

    Liked by 4 people

  16. And one day we’ll fly away. I like this post so very much. I read it not once or twice. Anyway, you probably know that, SoundEagle 🦅.

    Liked by 3 people

  17. great post sound eagle – artsy and creative 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  18. One day we will fly away~ 天下無不散之筵席 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  19. Happy Summer to you too!! 夏日愉快

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Beautiful sentiments hear SoundEagle so eloquently and artistically designed as we Fly with such beautiful music💖

    Liked by 3 people

  21. I find I’m reading your poem and trying to add the music and the wonderful voice of Randy Crawford to each line. Nicely done.

    Liked by 4 people

  22. Brilliantly written and amazing presentation 👏

    Liked by 4 people

  23. Sound EAGLE, another brilliant compilation of both music and poetry. Where all of us are heading no one truly knows yet I do know we are heading for a much better world.Thank you so much for sharing your talents and all the incredible hard work you do on each and every post. I have every Enigma CD and listen to their music especially when I am out in Nature. Sending you much love.

    Liked by 3 people

  24. Beautifully written and I love enigma. Lovely work my friend. Hope all is well with you my friend. Hugs 🤗 Joni

    Liked by 5 people

  25. Its go boldly not boldly go. Good poem otherwise and meaningful. We are spirits immortal just find God as our only set task on earth.Nothing else matters but that

    Liked by 5 people

  26. The good thing is that we will fly away as energy…atoms. We will finally be at one with the universe and not in opposition as we now are. Stay well and continue…

    Liked by 5 people

  27. Don’t think I’ll worry much about the impending galactic collision.

    Like the musician Larry Norman used to sing… “I’m only visiting this planet… this world is not my home.”

    Liked by 5 people

  28. One day,
    We can fly to…
    The Centauri system…
    It has three stars.
    One a Red Dwarf,
    With an habitable planet.
    And that would mean,
    That we mastered our demons,
    And daemons.
    This is the hardest step,
    My friend,
    The hardest step we can imagine,
    No more fighting,
    Plenty of science…
    Science we can’t imagine,
    Enough science to survive
    Ecological, and economic collapse.
    And wisdom,
    Enough wisdom that
    The commons can’t even guess,
    Wisdom so strong,
    It will blow all traditions away.
    After all that,
    It will all be very simple.
    Flying away from the galaxy,
    Will question what “We”
    Could possibly mean.
    Travelling far away,
    Is not just a trip from a place,
    But also from our very nature.
    So it will be.
    Because so it already was.
    Out of Africa, and,
    Out of our minds.
    We have always travelled,
    Travelled from there,
    And travelled away from us.
    We are forces that go.
    Minds that blow.
    Spirits who must,
    Dare to be,
    What we are not yet,
    Far away from the past,
    Sparks of hope,
    Songs of joy.

    Liked by 5 people

  29. Love your graphics and love your lyrics ❤️ keep it up.

    Liked by 4 people

  30. TO be young and have the world ahead of you instead of looking back and wishing you could have a due over, wonderful art work. Looking forward to more

    Liked by 4 people

  31. Hello SoundEagle – I realize this is more my problem than yours, but your site consistently fails to load with any readable alacrity! It’s all the flashing doodads I guess. But cheers to you anyway.

    Liked by 4 people

  32. Sounds wonderful right about now….

    Liked by 3 people

  33. So good to see your beautiful art and flying to those heights. Made me think of Bezos though flying away from the earth for too short a time.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Welcome back! 21 months have passed since we last communicated with each other here. Do you prefer the first poem named One Day We’ll Fly Away or the second poem named Stranger from Milky Way?

      In order to see all of the animations, please make sure that you view the post in situ, avoiding the WordPress Reader. Another post replete with animations pertains to the special rendition of “Clair de Lune” presented in a visually striking format, where the power and allure of the scintillating Full Moon as portrayed by the Music Animation with Dynamic Visualization in conjunction with the twelve-stanza rhyming poem and eye-catching animations distributed throughout the whole post are even more expansive and spirited.

      To enjoy this said post in which the Full Moon comes alive right before your eyes, click the following golden title:

      🎴 If My Name Were Moon Tonight… 🌛🌝🎑🈷 with Clair de Lune 🌕

      As you advocate that “Nature needs Nurture” with repect to “The House and the Environment” at Navasola, let us broach the very topic of venturing into outer space, as some of the billionaires have briefly launched themselves and the selected few above the Earth. Given the escalating social problems and ongoing environmental crises on Earth, sometimes SoundEagle🦅 might indeed feel that it would be very nice to join Roy Neary in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and to leave the Earth for good to achieve or awaken interstellar or (inter)galactic spiritual revolutionaries!

      However, the language and stance adopted by those billionaires are very much in the realm of technoutopianism fraught with various issues, oversights and assumptions. Moreover, despite years of fleshing out the (conceptual, philosophical, ethical, practical and/or social) framework in examining the possibility or plausibility of environmentalism meeting the needs and expectations of all humanity to help us to survive as a species, fundamental progress is still far too slow. There may be no hope for humanity on Earth as we continue our wasteful and non-sustainable existence plus over-population.

      As you can see, the Astronaut👨‍🚀 in the background image signifies that humanity is at the cusp of moving into space. Many utopians and technocrats are often too conveniently optimistic about the future of the human species. The repeated statement “We are a perfectly good model for the psychology of an advanced civilisation…” shows such a high degree of conceit, if not a kind of delusion. Humans are doomed if they cannot learn to behave sustainably as individuals and as a species. Given that the environmental, social, political and economic issues and problems seem to be getting larger (and in many cases more dire) by the year, SoundEagle🦅 seriously wonders whether space travel is even affordable and/or sustainable in the future, even when there are many who reckon and advocate that going into space is the (only) solution. The problem is whether humans could leave the Earth before they wreck it, and before serious disasters cause the decimation or even extinction of the human species.

      Besides, since the human species has not (always, adequately and/or consistently) been a good custodian of the environment and the Earth (not to mention countless wars, atrocities, resource depletions, species extinctions, environmental degradations and so on, plus an area of rainforest as big as 100,000 football fields is being cleared or destroyed everyday), there is no guarantee that once the human species migrates to another planet, the same problem would not again surface and plague that planet, perhaps at an even quickening and/or devastating pace as a result of better and greater expansion, production and technology. It seems that humanity would export its baggage and problems to other worlds!

      Perhaps we could liken humans to cancer cells on the petri dish that is Earth. Extinction is a euphemism for extermination, considering how many and the manner in which members of many endangered species have met their fate and untimely end.

      In the broader scheme of things, there is the really sobering fact that 99% of all species that ever appeared on Earth since life began are already extinct. The average lifespan of a species is one million years. Humanity (counting the early hominids) has lasted six million years. Extinction is the rule; survival is the exception.

      We desperately need a lot more dedicated people and efficacious measures to save the Earth from human follies and transgressions, now causing the sixth extinction, as discussed in the the last section named Denouement : Democracy, Education, Legislation & Sustainability within the post entitled 💬 Misquotation Pandemic and Disinformation Polemic: 🧠 Mind Pollution by Viral Falsity 🦠, which you are most welcome to peruse.

      Happy August to you!

      Rose Greeting
      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 2 people

      • I cannot believe it is 21 months! I think I have seen posts. Yes, I will avoid word press reader it is not very user friendly and often crashes for me on this iPad nearing its extinction time. You certainly present the long view of life on Earth. As a species we are endangering so many but seem to persist at this moment in time. But not with great grace. I am not sure we should try and leave this planet until we use our skills to heal it. I think we may have been given some limitations so we cannot continue our path of destruction away from our own precious planet! I will look more on my lap top which is where I usually write as think that is better for your visual sound combinations. Greetings from a wild wood.

        Liked by 3 people

  34. Those picture are really so much awesome and really one day we all fly away.. Your imagination are too much beautiful.. Keep going ❤

    Liked by 4 people

  35. Such beautiful poems! Nice work here 😘

    Liked by 4 people

  36. that was artistic and emotional!_!

    Liked by 4 people

  37. Dear Soundeagle, I just wanted to come to let you know once more apprecciation for your very intelligent words (like in the article about misinformation about the pandemic or the coexistence of pants and insects).
    The reason I come so rarely is because normally I despise reading and your articles are simply too long for me. But I just reread a comment you made on my site and found it fascinating and profound, so I post it here again. You wrote:

    I am very much delighted and reassured by your ability to discern the many temptations and arrogance out there, even in those who are purportedly kind, spiritual and benevolent.
    The ability to doubt and step back withstand you in good stead regardless of your path or stage towards enlightenment. (Re)examinations and (re)evaluations of one’s life, goals and activities are and should be ongoing, even when we (seemingly) feel most at ease about a state or situation, as there could still be some hidden oversight and cost.

    I see in both of us a great intellect, artistic talents and diversity with which we could accomplish tremendous things – would it not be for the vast amount of informations which paralyze us by flooding through us.
    After two decades working intensive on them with yoga-mediation I slowly come out the other end and seem to be able to focus on the most immediate tasks at hand (which usually are the most boring ones).

    I wish you lots of success in form of favourable conditions and also breaks from inner turmoils so that you have the inner space to rise to your full (and maybe still hidden) inner potential.

    Liked by 5 people

  38. Hahaha, I had to read my phrase twice again until I realise what I said there 😉
    Maybe this was a hint of the universe for you to buy those:

    Liked by 3 people

  39. Such talented beautiful soulful creations.

    Liked by 4 people

  40. Thank you for liking my comment dear sister we are all of us one family created by God . Doubt it not we will know it in the end and the beginning as the door opens before you .I passed through saw what I know was heaven and was told not my time. I woke up being stitched by surgeon who was surprised to see me alive.Field hospital Iran 1998. Shot twice and survived without pain

    Liked by 3 people

  41. Amazing music, amazing graphics! Loved it! Thanks for posting and liking my post.

    Liked by 3 people

  42. Beautiful selection of words. Indeed, life is temporary. One day we’ll fly away when heaven call our names.

    Liked by 4 people

  43. How older we get, as more we see fly away, until we do it self….. 😞😁

    Liked by 3 people

  44. I keep coming back to this track! Brilliant! 🙋‍♂️

    Liked by 3 people

  45. Wonderful creativity.

    Liked by 3 people

  46. There is poetry and there is philosophy, and when both work together well we have such a beautiful symphony. You have so wonderfully captured the thought behind the thoughts, one just cannot escape the ultimate reality. We all try to be in some world of our own and get wrapped with things of daily routine we miss seeing the big picture.

    There is this cosmic perspective, it is from where we have come from and it is there where we will finally go. We get mesmerized when we see the beauty of Milky Way, just that we don’t realize that we such an integral part of that body of space, we are all a tiny piece in that space-time grid of universe.

    How often do we pause and ponder on such profound thought, rarely so and even we do we don’t know what to do and how to respond to such a probing state of mind we literally remain clueless. Even though we all know less is more but we keep accumlating things and try to distract ourselves from facing the harsh reality and we keep running the rate race to escape the truth of life always there staring at us, and we get stuck.

    Indeed the journey of life is such a fascinating tale to tell, the more we listen the better we can narrate our side of the story…

    Liked by 3 people

  47. One day we all will fly. But you made that fly something special by portraying it as blissful enough to be in milky way than on earth. So lovely.🤩👍👌

    Liked by 2 people

  48. […] 🌌🚀 One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️💫✨ (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  49. So beautiful ,Iam just astonished , I can only say let’s fly to infinity. Where we will find a peace. You are very talented 🙂☺️🙂💐❣️💐🌹🌷🌷

    Liked by 2 people

  50. Beautiful!
    And I love the theme song from Moulin Rouge: my favorite movie.

    Liked by 2 people

  51. Love the artwork, the videos, and the music! Very soothing.

    Liked by 2 people

  52. Hi SoundEagle! I believe you are correct – one day we’ll fly away. This one really resonated with me as I feel we are learning about flying as opposed to dying. We came here not knowing what to expect, nor how dark and oppressive this place had gotten, we are having to learn first how to exist in this density, then ultimately flying out of here, past the milky way!! Thank you for your profound words!

    Liked by 2 people

  53. Lovely, this reminds me of Jim Reeves “I’ll Fly Away”. Thanks for sharing.😊

    Liked by 1 person

  54. Beautiful poems of escaping earth and the Milky Way. Almost as good as never aging and remaining young.

    Liked by 2 people

  55. As I was first entering this galaxy, some years ago, I observed all the nebulae and constellations and other spacial structures and I even noted the various planets where various forms of life had been discovered and the thought came to me, “We, as individuals, are infinitesimally small in the vastness of endless space and when one gets a few light years away from a particular celestial body … earth included … the life forms on those planets are so very small as to be totally unperceived by any but super-telescopic vision devices …and so what does our daily thoughts, worries and struggles, our desires, passions, ambition … what does any of it matter at atl to anything or anyone besides some egregiously large and in any physical manner egocentric entity far beyond anybody’s ability to explain?

    Liked by 2 people

  56. I like your poetry. As a child I was enthralled with thoughts of space. In those days reruns of a black and white Flash Gordon and the puppets of Fireball XL5 saved the Universe over and over. I have not lost my fascination of life beyond Earth. I am enjoying The Three Body Problem currently on Netflix having read the book a few years ago.

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Thank you for the Link … a wondrous poem indeed … I often ‘flyaway’ in my spacecraft “Itmims” … Ivor’s Time Machine In Micro Space …
    I’ve put a gas mixture of star-sparkles and faerie-dust in my spacecraft, and my Pablo Picasso wings are on the steering wheel, and I am ready to spiral beyond the Milky Way, oops, I’ll have to feed Frankie first before we leave … 🛸🌏😉

    Liked by 1 person

  58. Deep cut and very old plug, very nice, SoundEagle. That was nice for me to see and I still have the memory on this one – no archive necessary!!

    Liked by 1 person

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