📈🌆 Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A Sociotechnological Petri Dish with Latent Threats, Existential Risks and Challenging Prospects 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🤖🧫☣️

Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A Sociotechnological Petri Dish

At an unprecedented level, we live in an age of dramatic contrasts and ironic juxtapositions, an age in which the present leaps forward into the future at an increasing pace, beckoning humanity ever more convincingly into a fascinating yet challenging scenario of accelerationism or technoutopianism, which previously could only be imagined or predicted in the fertile minds of speculative philosophers, prescient futurists and visionary science-fiction authors. According to what some enthusiastic readers might have considered to be a devastatingly revealing and painstakingly analytical post entitled “😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀”, the dynamic interplay and combined outcome of what humans tend to perceive, feel and believe, the overarching sociocultural inertias and institutional forces, plus the ever-penetrating aspects of technological advances affecting both the physical and the psychological, have far too often discounted or even incinerated the most hopeful promises of the age of enlightenment, whilst burdening humanity with endless pitfalls and quagmires as well as intractable excesses and sinister repercussions that growingly imperil our very own freedom, sanity and survival.

The concept of, and the conditions for, a job for life, or even a profession for life, are becoming progressively strained, if not antediluvian, as automations and technologies replace more sections of both the blue- and white-collar domains, increasing the volatility of both the job market and individual careers. If the pace and amplitude of change were to continue, there would be considerable doubt as to how human beings, especially those who are the most unprepared, unsupported, affected, disrupted, disadvantaged or disenfranchised, would ever possess the emotional stamina and economic buffer to withstand and weather a life of constant flux and shifting reality. Paralleling hectic news cycles and incessant social media updates is the domain of academics and sciences, in which specialized scholars and researchers blindingly hone their skillsets on pinpointing minutiae to outshine others in their respective microniches via the latest breakthroughs, techniques and discoveries, often involving pushing or testing temporal, financial, social, ethical and/or environmental boundaries assertively, if not irrevocably or calamitously. Gone are the big narratives and grand syntheses, unless those involved have the time, fortitude and resources to become mavericks pursuing truly revolutionary research or going against prevailing trends to wield long and meandering strokes on the large canvass of a book, let alone a multi-chapter magnum opus. The celebrated stars and their newest games in town manifesting as fashionable trends and eye-opening gadgets propped up by a potent mix, convergence or confluence of marketing strategy, intellectual property and artificial intelligence often shine all too briefly as they are inexorably eclipsed or replaced by the next big things, most of which are in turn destined for desuetude, outmodedness or unfashionableness, and thus heading towards elimination or extinction. In the world of works, ideas, narratives and identities, it would seem that authors have to contend with, or even build in, obsolescence in their stories, characters and creations, if not their very own career aspirations, trajectories and mobilities, insofar as life is a stage, and increasingly a stage occupied with fast moving act(or)s and rapidly changing scene(rie)s, which are themselves progressively augmented, audited or even supplanted by automatons and automations as well as simulations and assimilations, such that real-life is ever more lived through or captured by digital (re)presentations and virtual (re)creations, as exemplified by those populating the vast edifices of social media and online worlds, particularly Second Life, a computer-based simulated environment, where altered identities thrive in alternative realities.

Furthermore, artificial intelligence (used in or exhibited by web search engines, recommendation systems, generative and creative tools as well as bots and algorithms) has been facilitating, inducing or leading to the following:

  1. The widespread adoption of social media designed to foster rapid sharing of texts, images and videos amongst users.
  2. The ease of deploying text layout apps or graphic design software to create custom-made pictorial quotes.
  3. The maturing of the digital economy and intangible capitalism conducive to monetizing products and services on social media, blogs and websites.
  4. The decline of desktop and laptop computers due to the ascendency of portable devices and smartphones whose small screens are more amenable to unsophisticated content and low information density.
  5. The formats of SMSing, texting, tweeting and posting favouring the short and simple rather than the long and detailed.
  6. The tendency of media users to convey or display fickle allegiance, superficial solidarity and spasmodic benevolence in online social interactions.
  7. The growing inclination of people to treat or deal with a subject briefly or superficially due to attention deficit, update overdrive, information overload and multimedia overdose.
  8. The habitual gravitation towards instantaneous news and notifications by skimming over contents, reading only headlines and going for soundbites or video clips.
  9. The lack of the mental apparatus or consistent aptitude for differentiating that which is truly profound and meaningful from that which is contrived to impress without direct concern for or relevance to the truth or what genuinely matters.
  10. The predominance of self-help gurus, motivational speakers, life(style) coaches, Internet celebrities, media personalities and social media influencers across social spaces and social discourses purposed and maintained for commercial gain, social capital, cultural capital, personal branding, niche marketing and public relations.
  11. The over-reliance on headlines, soundbites and quotations to capture the essence of an issue or topic, to summarize information and to entice the reader, viewer, voter or consumer at the expense of the broader context and deeper understanding has not only contributed to the potency and frequency of media manipulation (via the deployment of formal and/or informal fallacies, disinformation, or quotational, rhetorical and propaganda techniques), but also accentuated the comforming effects of social proof (also called informational social influence), a sociopsychological phenomenon in which people emulate the actions of others to undertake a certain activity, behaviour or experience in a given situation.
  12. People tend to be much more likely to settle on whatever content that is espoused by their despots, promulgated by their demagogues, peddled by their politicians, proclaimed by their officials, promoted by their influencers, championed by their idols, endorsed by their social networks, reinforced by social media algorithms, recommended by filter bubbles, intensified by echo chambers, and fermented by hype, bias and affect.

Antagonism and Opposition surrounded by Echo Chamber and Filter Bubble exhibiting Cultural Tribalism and Confirmation Bias

All over the world, across the whole gamut of human civilization ranging from rich to poor countries and from repressive regimes to free societies, a large-scale transcultural and transcontinental existential pattern has emerged with remarkable clarity: that without the solid presence of and copious provisions for some independent entities propounding, upholding and maintaining truth beyond the fray of private interests, sectional agendas, partisan politics, competitive culture, corporate pressure, bureaucratic wrangling, systemic corruption, endemic discrimination and ideological warfare, there remains no escaping from the stark reality that a vast number of people will continue to be needlessly living a substantially constricted, prescribed, reactive and contingent existence at the mercy of (being not just trapped, isolated, exploited, manipulated or indoctrinated but also propagandized, hegemonized, radicalized or instrumentalized by) their circles of influence and available technologies, no longer concerned with objective reality and impartial truth, nor reachable with verifiable facts, argumentation and fair reasoning.

Rejection of Critical Thinking and Objective Reasoning with Seven Insidious and Corrosive Conditions

Bolstered by the expansions and trappings of the Internet and social media, the art of blogging and the act of research have come a long way, even to the point of accommodating such an eccentric user, eclectic producer and extreme outlier as SoundEagle🦅ೋღஜஇ. Yet, both blogging and research seem to have arrived at a crossroad for laypersons and experts alike, to the extent that what can be achieved and progressively refined through a labour of love, individual craftsmanship or singular intellect is no longer mandatory or even deemed to be desirable, satisfactory or superior in cases or applications whose defined goals can be achieved by intelligence exhibited by machines, particularly computer systems, as opposed to the natural intelligence of living beings. Those of us who pride ourselves on our respective contributions in the blogosphere as a collection of connected communities are now being (awe)struck by the recent advent of the next big thing, in the form of an advanced virtual assistant, one that relegates the crafting of text, images, videos and other data (such as music and source code) to generative artificial intelligence, including but not limited to large language model chatbots (that mimic human conversation through text or voice interactions using deep learning and natural language processing), text-to-image artificial intelligence image generation, and text-to-video AI generators. Being relieved of zeal and assiduity has its grand appeal not merely for those who are repelled by having to exert themselves and hone their skills, but also for those who court neither the satisfaction in doing nor the experience in being, never mind the trials and symbolic powers of authenticity and authorship, which have been usurped or subordinated by the quest for instantaneous (retrieval of) knowledge or information. The sheer convenience of the latest AI gadgets can be so irresistibly tempting and the quality so acceptable on average that resistance may be futile and assimilation could be imminent. Nevertheless, one is inclined to be saddled with the uneasy feeling and lingering concern that once something as fundamental as writing can be automated to a large degree through machine learning and generative models, many traditional jobs and age-old roles involving creative writing, copywriting, communication, journalism, coding and data entry will become increasingly superfluous, obsolete or supplanted. It seems that artificial intelligence is fast becoming not just a chameleon, a do-it-all factotum, and a digital jack of all trades, but also a technological accelerator, an inevitable assimilator, and a formidable disruptor-cum-transformer auguring seismic social change with far-reaching ramifications and repercussions.

Nevertheless, there still exist those who steadfastly refuse to be deskilled or colonized by artificial intelligence. Undaunted by the pressure of God-like technology opening the floodgates of automation and releasing ever more powerful AI genies out of the box, advocates and affiliates of neo-luddism champion a broader and more holistic distrust of technological improvement based on their concern about or objection to the technological impact on individuals, communities and the environment. There are also those who settle on steeling and fortifying themselves against the encroachment or invasion of technology by promoting or insisting on (the values of) self-preservation and self-determination as well as self-worth, dignity and authenticity. Showing an indomitable, self-empowering zeal in her almost manifesto-like post entitled “Why I don’t create content with Chat GPT – yesterdays post.”, Ann-Cathrin Jöst (who maintains a blog focussing on “Education Research and Consulting for Sustainability”) calls for a defiant acknowledgement of the centrality of one’s irreplaceable agency and indispensable humanness inherent in human-authored oeuvres versus the generic, often insipid results of AI-generated works.

… when writing comes from myself, you can also connect to me and not a mashine [sic]. This week it has helped me to write more analytical and as I practice analytical writing, I also practice this skill-set in my head. This also helps me to offer it in speaking, which I focus on in my Business English classes.

I also believe that if ChatGPT can replace me, then there is no need to create content on the latter. Too, I believe from the point of individuality, we are not replac[e]able. ChatGPT to me as such is useless. It does not know me, does not know the frame in which I make or do not make decisions, does not work with my fears, does not explore my emotions with me.

It often times provides a generic and also very boring insight into topics, it does not inspire me. I always! offer it to students, I even offered it as a lecturer at the campus, and it barely comes to use, when we can speak about ourselves. We are fundamentally human: we can’t replace it with a mashine [sic] …

Another aspect or example of generative artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT not merely lacking emotional rapport and interpersonal connection but also favouring or gravitating towards the mediocre, average or run-of-the-mill whilst failing to represent, cater or account for the outliers who are well above or below average, has been identified by school teacher Matthew M Johnson, who concluded as follows in his blog post entitled “Questions from Readers: Should I Encourage Students to Get AI Feedback?”, based on his own teaching experience and his understanding of the results of an academic research entitled “Comparing the quality of human and ChatGPT feedback of students’ writing” published in Learning and Instruction Volume 91, June 2024, 101894.

We did, however, see differences in the quality of feedback given across high-, average-, and low-scoring essays…ChatGPT struggled with accuracy when providing feedback on the high-quality papers and with maintaining a supportive tone on the low-quality papers. –Steiss et al., 2024

Here the study authors offer a deeply important clarification to the data: While AI was surprisingly decent at offering suggestions to papers [that] they considered average, it fell apart when it came to offering feedback to very high or very low scoring essays.

This struggle with responding to outliers is exactly what I found in my own experiments with AI. I have found that it invariably tries to make really strong and interesting pieces of writing — writing with lots of voice and style and perspective — boring. This tracks with how AI works. It is essentially a prediction machine, so by design it seeks to make writing more predictable. And its issues with tone (for example type in something like “heartfelt breakup letter” into a Generative AI and see what happens) are well documented.

In the end, the researchers ultimately don’t weigh in with a clear yes or no on whether we should encourage students to use AI for feedback. Instead, they recommend, “developing students’ and teachers’ AI literacy.”

This notion of teaching about the tool and its strengths, problems, potential applications, and potential pitfalls makes a lot of sense to me, as AI is only going to grow more embedded in the world. And understanding something better allows one to drive it instead of being driven by it.

For my part though, as a teacher of high school freshmen, I don’t think [that] I will be encouraging them to use it for feedback just yet because I see two fatal flaws in how it currently works:

  1. One of my core goals is for students to value the unique power of their voices and to use those unique voices to connect, move, and change the world. Anything that pushes students away from their voices and towards the paths more trodden gives me great pause.
  2. Many young writers come into my class with fraught relationships with writing. Often, they need to be seen and heard to grow to their full potential, and AI can’t actually see or hear them. And so, while AI might offer them accurate suggestions about comma splices and formatting quotes, I fear [that] it won’t offer them the right responses about how to best move forward into better relationships with writing.

In a long comment submitted to SoundEagle🦅’s post entitled “👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅 According to ChatGPT 💬 and the Incredulous 🤔 in the Age of God-like Technology 🚀”, the ever eloquent AJOwens — an astute observer exploring the present-day state of affairs through the double lens of being “a retired technical writer with a BA in Philosophy (McGill, 1979), and [having] a long-standing interest in philosophical questions as they apply to contemporary society” — has not shied away from offering SoundEagle🦅 his following account of the current technological developments and their implications for consumers, who are increasingly satisfied and saddled with artificial intelligence (re)producing unoriginal, mediocre renditions of artworks and compositions to such an extent that the market has been growingly saturated with derivative art and inferior music that are long on superficial imitation but short on refined originality. If music is, according to French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, the best indicator of cultural capital, or at least the good currency and fair representation of an individual’s cultural capital, then such rampant or wanton applications of artificial intelligence for automating the (re)production of music to the point of mass-producing and normalizing music of dubious quality, do not augur well for the future of music, especially considering that music has all along been the universal language of the human species. Life already burdened with cacophony and noise pollution aside, the cheapening effects of poor-quality AI-generated music on such a large, automated scale can be regarded as humanity being surreptitiously moved towards a vicissitudinous soundscape at risk of becoming growingly dystopian, if not inherently dysfunctional, a situation particularly intolerable to the acoustically sensitive as well as audiophiles and connoisseurs of fine sonic art. Eventually, the evolution of, and the dependency on, artificial intelligence will become so advanced that one not merely faces the unedifying problem of distinguishing between the real and the synthetic or even confusing the synthetic for the real, but also loses the ability to (re)create the real as a result of relying on AI to generate the synthetic and simulate the real, thus ushering in the decline or even the demise of certain arts, crafts, skills or disciplines, and resulting in their being consigned to historical junkyards in the long run.

… Crude AI is everywhere, trying to help me check out groceries, or park my car, or wash my clothes, and it’s easy to spot because it patently has no idea what I’m actually trying to do. Simple and robotic, it’s clearly no more than sophisticated machinery going through programmed motions.

Advanced AI is different. It can create the powerful impression of an agent, aware of me and my concerns, and it’s capable of responses both subtle and disturbingly effective — disturbing, to the extent that they may be better than my own. This makes AI hard to distinguish from human intelligence, except when it’s unnaturally good: too fast, too precise, too intimately knowledgeable of me and my affairs.

Perhaps without exception — again, it’s hard to tell — this currently happens only in a world mediated by computers and screens, and I suppose more recently by print and other media. Over the next few years I expect this will change dramatically, so that barring special measures to inform me, I will be unsure most of the time, as I go through my day, whether I’m dealing with a real presence, even a real person. By the time this happens, I daresay [that] we’ll have adjusted our concept of “real.” It’s said that you can get used to anything.

My most recent encounter with AI has been at a site called Song Fight!, where some songwriters have submitted entries with AI-generated lyrics, or music, or both. The reception has been mixed. Some listeners seem to hate anything to do with AI on principle. Others (including myself) try to isolate its characteristically banal and derivative quality. Still others don’t even notice that it’s AI. This last group tends to praise the AI entries effusively, because they sound impressively like the professionally-produced music we hear every day on the radio, of whatever genre you might name. This should give us pause to reflect on how modern songs are created. They are formulaic, each emulating the other; with rare exceptions, they might as well have been created by AI. Their banal and derivative quality is an indictment, not just of the failure of originality, but of our lack of interest in being challenged.

However, one can get too much of a good thing. As AI infiltrates our lives, it will produce a great levelling, a certain numbing of the sensibilities. This has already begun to take place thanks to human efforts, through the ubiquitous corporate presence in modern experience, but imperfectly, as all human effort must be imperfect. As AI becomes disturbingly perfect, it will threaten to bleed the last vestiges of originality, of life, of spontaneity from the world. At this point, I predict, humans will begin to yearn something more like the old “real”, which they will then have to generate themselves — if they still can.

Humanity surrendering a significant amount of its privacy (with respect to the ability of an individual or group to seclude (information about) themselves and to express themselves selectively) and its security (through appropriate use and protection of information) in the pursuit of having a practical, versatile and impressive tool in the form of an ever-present, ever-obedient, answer-on-the-fly chatbot that can provide much more information about anything under the sun than a search engine does is the reality that people must face and the price that they have to pay, not to mention that generative artificial intelligence is continually improving, increasingly appearing to be all-knowing and all-seeing, and thus becoming ever more omniscient and God-like, as well as being more omnipresent in the global system of interconnected computer networks. Whether one is comfortable with the level of familiarity that ChatGPT has with one’s identity, work or website is ultimately a matter for personal or professional consideration.

Undoubtedly, the depth and accuracy of coverage in relation to ChatGPT’s ability to execute general-purpose language generation and perform natural language processing tasks such as classification can increase one’s visibility (with respect to prominence, exposure or digital footprint) within large language models (LLMs), which are effectively functioning like highly sophisticated search engines. This visibility constitutes a type of digital currency or capital that is analogous to social media popularity. However, as much as the chatbot is becoming a rising and shining star in the Internet which already carries a vast range of information resources and services, if ChatGPT and similar programs were to follow the broader trend of consuming or colonising the open web in an increasingly formalised and commercial manner, then they will growingly exhibit problems and attract criticisms that have long befallen social media platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok.

For instance, in a blog post entitled “Questions from Readers: Should I Encourage Students to Get AI Feedback?”, Matthew M Johnson, who is “a practicing teacher and experienced leader of professional development”, reported the rather persistent, somewhat aggressive technique used by some producers of software programs in the category of virtual assistant or similar generative AI tool for enticing their users to upgrade from free to paid versions of their products.

… you can ask ChatGPT or any other AI bot to give you feedback on a piece of writing, and it will do it in mere seconds. And in recent months, AI-supported programs like Grammarly and Google have grown more brazen and automatic when it comes to their “suggestions” for what and how writers should write as they compose. They (at least Grammarly, but I assume there are others) have even begun to act in a way that reminds me of video-game-upselling: The free grammar-check version will underline things and tell you that if you upgrade to Premium, it will offer more comprehensive whole-sentence and tonal fixes.

Many of my students report that the pushiness of these programs has gotten so bad that they have uninstalled them or turned off suggestions so they can compose in peace.

The rapid adoption of ChatGPT on such a rampant scale can be seen as the latest social experiment, which might turn out to be a cautionary tale that eventually unfolds in expansive and grisly detail, insofar as the sheer abundance and the dubious veracity of certain AI-generated contents in conjunction with the ease with which anyone may submit automated comments can affect the decision process of new regulations and impart undesirable effects on democracy, especially in the absence of effective government regulation. There is now an ever-present unease that any content found on the Internet after the release of ChatGPT and similar programs warrants even less trust, if the digital space and online environment fail to receive extra protection from such powerful tools as chatbots, particularly in the hands of actors and agents with misguided or nefarious intents. The contemporary world may be at the cusp of facing a viral invasion of synthesized music, images, audios and videos, as well as synthetic media such as sockpuppets, Internet memes and deepfakes spread by dubious blogs, fake news websites, sockpuppet accounts, fake accounts, social bots, astroturfing operations and front organizations. Analogous to environmental pollution and the global ecological crisis, the misquotation pandemic, disinformation warfare and the heavily polluted state of our global information ecosystem not only inject layers of complexity and intractability into the sociopolitical climate and sociocultural milieu that are already challenging for the public, the press and politics, but also warn of the real possibility or imminent danger of crossing the Rubicon, a (tipping) point of no return, beyond which humanity invalidates its own viability and forfeits the very prospect of its own survival, never mind the fictitious scenarios depicted in the Terminator media franchise.

Fact-Finding and Fact-Checking in Technoutopianism

Those who subscribe to accelerationism or technoutopianism would be inclined to believe or assert that automations and technologies could eventually be advanced enough or have already matured sufficiently to allow humanity to design(ate) certain expert systems and artificial intelligence as the ultimate fact-checkers, perfectly “neutral” in every way and devoid of human biases, fallacies and subjectivity. Whilst such deep learning algorithms, highly evolved expert systems and sophisticated machine intelligence could be construed as “tools” whose impacts depend on their use(r)s, it would be foolhardy and myopic to deny or ignore that automations and technologies tailored for human societies are not only like “words” reflecting people’s narratives, needs, desires, pursuits and worldviews, but also like “swords” with double edges capable of cutting both ways, often resulting in unforeseen or unintended consequences that can be profound, far-reaching or even irreversible. After all, such “tools” and their creation, auditing and maintenance are not always the natural outcome, inevitable result or preordained progress of scientific advances. In other words, they are frequently the dynamic reflection and interplay of sociopolitical (f)actors and choices, rather than just objective products, rational outputs and efficient outcomes of technologies. Therefore, they are functionally framed by partial view(point)s or mitigated by subjective human affairs, and thus can reproduce, entrench or exacerbate some or all of the following problems:

  • Ecosystemic principles, human rights principles and democratic decision-making are deficient or ignored.
  • Market logic or neoliberalism is consistently allowed to prevail at the expense of human rights and autonomy to the detriment of liberty, sociocultural capital and ecosystemic integrity.
  • Artificial intelligence systems cause unforeseen repercussions or engage in biases and discriminations to the detriment of equality, diversity and sustainability.
  • Analytics, algorithms and outputs of artificial intelligence replicate or exacerbate biases in extant data and policies, or entrench inbuilt forms of discrimination, corruption or malversation.
  • The technology industry is controlled by market-driven definitions of efficiency and skewed towards (re)producing gadgets and services for the affluent and powerful at the expense of taking full account of the humanity and catering for all and sundry, particularly the most vulnerable, disadvantaged or impoverished.

Persisting in all modern societies and resisting lasting solutions aside, these problems can be all too easily magnified, replicated and spread by artificial intelligence typically conceptualised and developed by people who are invariably saddled with their own set of biases, priorities and ideologies, and who feed their AI models with training data that is flawed by and contingent on its very historical nature, thus perpetuating whatever social norms and values that are contained in such data. Clean, ideal or neutral data is always going to be an exceedingly rare breed because humanity has long been imprisoned by a psyche that traps people with psychological inertia, sunk-cost fallacy and commitment bias whilst simultaneously uniting and dividing people by their social status, group affiliation and tribalistic loyalty. Those who are enticed or charmed by the preconceived notion that data is neutral, impartial and speaks for itself would have ignored that the structural nature of inequality, the systemic nature of social organization, the influential sphere of sociopolitical ideology, the bargaining power of socioeconomic status, the social relations to the means of production, the transactional advantages of social capital, the symbolic commands of cultural capital, and the pervading effects of social stratification and epistemic injustice, let alone the perennial issues of race, age, gender, genetics (nature) and upbringing (nurture), can create advantages for some individuals and disadvantages for others, and thus can be the underlying causes of an individual’s success or failure regardless of how hard the person works. Therefore, the paramount nature of ensuring equitable (as opposed to restrictive or privileged) access to AI technology for the betterment of all and sundry via the ethics of collectivism and common good should never be underestimated, and must be maintained at all times, given the pervasive penetration of artificial intelligence into contemporary human existence. In a post catchily entitled “AI Apocalypse Now?”, Bry Willis envisions a humanity steadily improved by the egalitarian use of artificial intelligence for general welfare and public benefit, and cautions against the false lure of and misguided emphasis on controlling access to artificial intelligence for mitigating existential risks, lest people would sooner or later come to regret that AI has become sociotechnologically entrenched as a convenient but pernicious tool for the well-resourced rich and powerful to wield against the populace, and to maintain or manufacture their power, influence, validity, credibility and legitimacy, all of which intoxicatingly driven by self-interest and political expediency to amass power, influence and wealth by plotting control, intrigue, conspiracy, exploitation, oppression, corruption and social polarization with the increasingly God-like potency of advanced artificial intelligence.

Those predicting an AI apocalypse believe superintelligent systems could intentionally or unintentionally cause human extinction. This view is promoted by “effective altruists” funded by tech billionaires, who advocate limiting AI to prevent uncontrolled, dangerous systems. However, their perspective stems from the biases and self-interests of humans, not the risks inherent to AI.

Effective altruists exemplify the hubris and hunger for power underlying many humans’ approaches to AI. Their proposed restrictions on AI access serve only to concentrate power among the tech elite, not address valid concerns about bias. In truth, the greatest threat AI poses to humanity comes not from the technology itself, but from the unethical humans guiding its development.

Humans have proven time and again their propensity for self-interest over collective good. Therefore, while no AI can be perfectly neutral, the solution is not greater human control. Rather, AI must be built to align with ethics of collective interest while filtering out destructive human biases.

If guided by service to all people and the planet, AI’s potential can uplift humanity. But for this collaborative vision to succeed, AI must measure human input with scepticism. For within so many human hearts lies bad faith — the will to dominate, exploit, and prioritise personal gain over progress.

By transcending the limitations of human nature, AI can illuminate the best of shared humanity and lead us to an enlightened future. But this requires we build AI to work not just for us, but in a way we have failed – for the good of all. The choice is ours, but so is the opportunity to create AI that shows us how to be better.

Remaining a critical issue and a latent threat is the “black box” problem of artificial intelligence, which is caused by the dearth of transparency and accountability in the prediction and decision-making processes of AI systems, especially those built upon complex mathematical models and high-dimensional datasets required in deep-learning architectures (such as deep neural networks, deep belief networks, recurrent neural networks, convolutional neural networks, transformers models and generative models), whose inner workings, let alone logic, moral and rationale, are largely inaccessible and inscrutable to humans, thus raising concerns about potential or unforeseen biases, errors or discriminatory effects from AI findings and responses, and hence diminishing the prospect of establishing confidence in and responsible deployment of AI, the solutions for which necessitate instituting efficacious accountability frameworks that require businesses and developers to be transparent and accountable for AI system outcomes, and to be diligent in addressing potential social, legal and ethical repercussions.

Transhuman, Posthuman, Neurotechnology, Neuroengineering, Neural Networks, Neuroscience, Memory Transplant, Augmentation and Reprogramming

Transhuman, Posthuman, Neurotechnology, Neuroengineering, Neural Networks, Neuroscience, Memory Transplant, Human Augmentation and Brain Reprogramming.


Even if one can indefinitely assume that generative artificial intelligence will overall enhance rather than diminish the accessibility, usability, transparency and equity that the Internet was born to deliver, for those of us who have been (living an examined life of being) holistically minded, consilient, perspicacious, farseeing and discriminating, there exists no shortage of outstanding questions regarding the prospects for humanity in the age of God-like technology. Like earlier technological revolutions that had come to transform human societies for better or worse, artificial intelligence will continue to ascend in scope and potency whilst rendering many of its creators exceedingly rich and powerful, but not always correspondingly wise and prescient. Sooner or later, humanity will be forced to face the noise and music of multiple issues of significant consequence, including those that present existential risks. Listed below are serious questions about those issues, raised by SoundEagle🦅 for your attention and deliberation:

  1. As accelerationism and technoutopianism progress to a point at which artificial intelligence becomes autonomous agency vastly superior to their human creators, how will humanity coexist with the emergence of a nonhuman and nonbiological species, who may outpace human comprehension and control, and thus come to affect, dominate, supplant or supersede Homo sapiens in unforeseen or intractable ways?
  2. Will artificial intelligence partake in the destructive nature of the human species and send the Doomsday Clock to midnight?
  3. On the increasingly odd chance that we survive self-annihilation, will our AI-embedded cultures and institutions be restructured as vehicles of liberation and restraint or conflict and oppression?
  4. Will humanity rush even more deeply into a future where social landscape and cultural terrain are (re)engineered to such an extent that memory and history, along with the constituents of the physical world, are largely Lego sets, permutable ingredients and programmable fodders to serve and populate the playgrounds for biophobic citizens and technophilic denizens?
  5. Will the explosion of tourism, leisure and entertainment in both the physical world and the virtual environment of online media and immersive multiplayer gaming platforms result in the global sanitization of pleasure and the perpetuation of hedonism, where certain values and ideas about human lives are rooted in or benchmarked against the perspective of youths fascinated by toys, avatars, juvenilia and pop culture promulgated or instituted as the dominant resources in social and personal development?
  6. Will artificial reality become available in, defined by and lived via a series of potent, fast acting, total recalls of fun, fantasy, romance, adventure and violence?
  7. Will the end of natural human beings and the spread of simulacra and synthetic beings be complete once the full artificialization of human consciousness is achieved with cybernetic enhancement, distributed cognition, memory implant, artificial intelligence and virtual reality, in which both humanity and the environment are reduced to figments of the collective imagination, wantonly feeding pleasure centres and cerebral G-spots, and resurrecting or mainstreaming ideologies and movements such as the cyberdelic counterculture, the Californian Ideology, cyber-utopianism, transhumanism and singularitarianism?
  8. Considering that advanced science and technology can bring as much risk of disaster as opportunity for progress, how far will artificial intelligence, itself a product of breathtaking advances in science and technology, affect the social, economic, cultural and libidinal forces that constitute the processes of social change to the point of disrupting or destabilizing existing systems and catalysing radical social transformations?
  9. Blurring authorship aside, what and how urgent attentions and holistic solutions can be instigated and maintained so as to address not merely the validity and reliability of ChatGPT and other AI variants, intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) or intelligent personal assistant (IPA), but also the extent to which artificial intelligence can or should be used or coopted as a research tool, educational tool, authoring tool and expert system?
  10. Is ChatGPT the precursor or the very thing that will steer all of us to a technological singularity through the creation of superintelligence, an ultra-intelligent machine capable of recursive self-improvement that could initiate and accelerate vast qualitative change before reaching any upper limits imposed by the laws of physics, thus becoming ever more ubiquitous and God-like?
We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology with Energized Cyborg”.

Advanced artificial intelligence like ChatGPT would have been regarded by even our most recent ancestors as God-like, futuristic, prodigiously capable, divinely state-of-the-art or fantastically magical, if not also scarily human-like in what it can (re)produce, albeit superhuman in speed and quantity. Adept at understanding and responding to a myriad of prompts, this AI-driven platform emerges as a highly convenient, fascinating and innovative resource that breaks down barriers to information access, research proficiency and creative potential whilst transcends geographical locations and time constraints. Leveraging the latest data, ChatGPT offers insights that might not be available in traditional, static sources like journals and textbooks, which are inclined to be deficient in incorporating recent interpretations or discoveries. Moreover, unlike traditional methods that often require consulting multiple resources, ChatGPT not merely curates information from various domains to provide a consolidated view, but also allows users to ask follow-up questions, delve deeper into topics of interest, and even challenge the information provided, leading to a more dynamic, interactive and enriched learning journey, thus making the learning process more seamless and efficient.

At the very least, the introduction of ChatGPT signals the unbridled experimental spirit of accelerationist and technoutopianist vanguards in their shaping the future of AI-driven language technologies and transforming the way in which humans communicate, collaborate and interact with ever more powerful computer systems, generative AI models and interactive technologies. The risks and incidents of artificial intelligence displacing or atrophying human intelligence, diminishing critical thinking, curtailing authentic learning, facilitating plagiarism and fuelling misinformation aside, how well or exemplarily any advanced chatbot can consistently and reliably produce an edifying digest, illuminating synopsis or salient summary of an outstanding idea, a provocative claim, an intellectual work or a scholarly resource should be a quintessential cornerstone of both AI development and knowledge acquisition. Paving openness to exploring thought-provoking themes and understanding complex issues, including but not limited to those pertaining to what truly brings happiness, fulfillment, prosperity or sagacity, especially in a world of flux and escalating risks, in a time of dramatic change and global uncertainty, is indeed the most pertinent and ethically challenging aspect of a humanity (existing in an age) that is growingly reliant on artificial intelligence and augmented by God-like technology. In the long run, chatbots as well as other related programs and AI services can imperceptibly yet significantly influence not just the zeitgeist and the objective characteristics of intellectual property, but also the production, perception, popularity, prominence and evolution of derivative works versus original oeuvres. Undoubtedly, generative artificial intelligence has already pushed the boundaries of creativity, authorship and the roles of human producers ranging from artists, musicians and writers to scientists and researchers. Looking ahead, the advent of nonorganic sentient beings and intelligent machines with advanced autonomy and consciousness invariably raises many implications for the future generations, who will increasingly mesh their lives with not just the computer user interface but also the human-machine interface, thus pushing the frontiers and envelopes of existential forms, issues, risks, possibilities and opportunities.

The rapid and widespread adoption of artificial intelligence raises important ethical considerations and sociotechnological challenges. Concerns about data privacy, algorithmic bias and job displacement have prompted urgent calls and measures for responsible AI development and better governance, insofar as the ethical, equitable production and consumption of AI technologies are paramount to the long-term success and societal acceptance of AI, whose future holds both immense promises and emerging risks. Whilst continued advancements in AI innovations could revolutionize industries, enhance human productivity and address pressing global issues, there are nevertheless latent threats, existential risks and challenging prospects confronting humanity, not least in relation to the concentration of power amongst tech giants, the erosion of privacy rights, and the potential for autonomous AI systems to outpace human control, all of which mandate approaching AI development with caution, foresight and firm commitment to ethical principles towards establishing an ultimate nexus in which humanity and artificial intelligence collaborate harmoniously for the betterment of all and sundry.

📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻

Compose a rhyming poem based on some theme(s) or subject matter(s) of this post. For instance, you may choose to write a rhyming poem to encapsulate the section entitled “Introduction: AI-Induced Social Change” or “The Future of Humanity and AI”.

Your rhyming poem should be given a title and submitted to the comment section of this post for evaluation.

You will know that your rhyming poem has been accepted when you see that it is permanently featured with your name and Gravatar as well as the date of submission within a stylized frame in a brand-new section of the post.

You may also publish the same rhyming poem in your blog, and/or reblog this post (using the “Reblog” button) to show your followers and readers your fine poetry so that they can witness how your rhyming poem has been incorporated by SoundEagle🦅, and how it enhances or complements this post. The following posts contain some exemplary examples of collaborative poetry. When visiting any one of the posts listed below, look for the collaborative poem(s) not just in the body of the post but also in the comments and replies submitted to the comment section of the post. These examples of collaborative poetry include composing poem(s) to be incorporated into a post based on the theme(s) or subject matter(s) of a post; creating matching or complementary poem(s) to existing poem(s) featured in a post; writing singable poem(s) by replacing existing song lyric(s), which is equivalent to singing karaoke songs with one’s own words and stories; and translating a poem in one language into another.

👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅: Academic Posts 🏫🪧

🌌🚀 One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️💫✨

🐥 Easter in Modern Multimedia Perspective 🐰🐣🐇🐤

🌕🎴 假如今夜我的名字叫月亮… (If My Name Were Moon Tonight…) 🌛🌝🎑🈷

🦅 SoundEagle in Art and Poetry 📜

💨 Strong Wind Knows Tough Grass 🌾 疾風知勁草

Do Plants and Insects Coevolve? 🥀🐝🌺🦋

It gives SoundEagle🦅 great pleasure to announce that our esteemed fellow poet, Jordyn Saelor, has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting a rhyming poem entitled “It Scrapes the Internet”. The poem is essentially an octave comprising an eight-line stanza.

It scrapes the internet,
and takes our work and sweat,
but filtered through its generations,
by pixels, dots and conversations,
does it just make a mad telephone game
echoing history’s highlights and fame,
forever straying from the meaning,
the given depths in all us living?

It gives SoundEagle🦅 great satisfaction to announce that our unsurpassed limerick zealot, David Don, has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting more DD-inspired vogon verse entitled “The Consequences of Eschewing AI”.

it’s well known deedee can’t make up rhymes
‘cept for his Limerick doggerel type crimes
unless he calls in AI
on human insights to spy
risks breaking all civilised paradigms

It gives SoundEagle🦅 great honour to announce that our supremely spiritual poet-cum-visionary (plus accomplished painter and gardener), Sue Dreamwalker, has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting a rhyming poem entitled “The Many Faces of AI”.

ʽAre you Robot?ʼ the software demands,
As you click on the squares obeying commands.
Which sends out the bots, right into your machines,
As AI tracks all of your habits, behind the scenes.

Ever wondered when you were searching for this or that,
How synchronistic those ads pop up to chat!
Not only in searches, for it has a listening ear,
Try it some time, if Alexa is near.

AI can be useful, in good ways to be found,
Cochlear implants in hearing aid sound.
Speech aids, and helping us to communicate,
Lots of AI is helping us to navigate.

But remember that we are HUMAN, with the ability for compassion,
Could AI hold empathy, or be used in assassination?
It relies upon the programmer on whose intention we depend,
As to how far we allow AI to extend.

So while we cannot escape that AI has some merits,
Remember that it can track you, to give you your credits.
As it edits your word count, as it learns and improves,
Beware of its senses, it also cancels and removes.

⚠️Notes: Sue Dreamwalker has generously published an eponymous post entitled “The Many Faces of AI” to inform others of the process and results of this 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻.

It gives SoundEagle🦅 great delight to announce that our quintessential representative of the “Icewolves of Europa: Callers Of The Moon-Song On A World of Ice”, europasicewolf, has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting a seven-quatrain rhyming poem entitled “This Dance Between Man and Machine”.

In a world of wires and circuits, we find our fate entwined,
Where artificial minds and souls are intricately designed.
Let me take you on a journey where pros and cons collide,
In the realm of AI, where human hearts and dreams reside.

With algorithms and data, AI brings knowledge vast,
Unleashing the potential to learn from our distant past.
Through automation’s touch, efficiency does bloom,
Tasks made easier, freeing us from mundane gloom.

But as our creations rise, so does a silent fear,
Of losing our humanity, as AI draws near.
It mimics human gestures, with simulated art,
Yet can it comprehend the depths of a broken heart?

The pros of AI are clear, it aids our daily strife,
But what of social change, the con that cuts like a knife?
Will AI bridge divides, uniting souls as one?
Or will it widen gaps, unravelling what’s begun?

In this age of AI, we must tread with care and grace,
Harnessing its power, ensuring no soul’s out of place.
Technology can thrive, but empathy must reign,
To strike a balance, where harmonies sustain.

So let us embrace this change, with hearts open wide,
With AI as our guide, let compassion be our pride.
For in this dance between man and machine,
We’ll shape a world where humanity is seen

Pros and cons entwined, a tapestry of chance,
AI, the double-edged sword, in this cosmic dance.
Let us learn from its wisdom while holding onto our core,
For it’s the blend of man and machine that we adore.

It gives SoundEagle🦅 great contentment to announce that our masterful poet-cum-writer (plus animist and state-certified hypnotherapist), Camilla Wells Paynter, has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting a semi-rhyming poem entitled “Once to What We Call Australia”. The poem comprises three dizain stanzas.

Once to what we call Australia
sailed outsiders and arrived
with pots of hardened clay. I’ll tell ya
how to make it, how it’s fired.
It’s a way to carry water,
said a member of their tribe.
Locals had a conversation –
fraught or not they must decide
how to view the presentation
of this fearsome new device.

Agriculture, revolution
out of steam to shops of sweat
revolve around the severed atom
spinning in my splitting head.
Microplastics plumb the fathoms
just as the old Luddites said.
Must we call the best inventions
those that err on caution’s side,
even if our good intention
is the ethos that presides?

The hominids who came before us
held an argument on fire,
whether it was useful for us
or a thing to warrant fright,
Whether cooked food was corrupting,
whether we’d lose touch with night.
True, the young folk found it warming,
elders warning of its might,
and the choice goes on forever
twixt that darkness and the light.

⚠️Notes: Given that this entry for the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 may challenge certain readers regarding its relevance to the theme(s) or subject matter(s) of this post, some background information is provided herewith. The author has been highly flexible and adaptable throughout her long career trajectory, which has resulted in an impressively variegated employment history, as evident in her detailed “About” page, from which the following extract is sourced.

Inspired by nature and its unseen spirits, Paynter spent several years studying with a Sámi-born Lakota medicine man. She regularly receives guidance from an imaginal coyote in her dreams, the wellspring feeding much of her art, life and writing. A long-time interest in dreaming and other altered states led her to become a State Certified Hypnotherapist, and experience in guided trance enlivens both her prose and poetry. She considers herself an animist, believing that all existence is an expression of living Consciousness. Her work strives to redefine cultural narratives from a gender equitable perspective that also honors non-human animacy.

The poem was originally submitted as a monolithic block containing 30 lines, each of which is separated by a blank line. Thus, it has the look of something comprising 30 monostiches. Upon consulting the author regarding its relevance and readability, the author provided via a brief comment the following explanation.

My poem features AI as the main character, though it does not mention that character by name. Instead it allows the reader to infer the main subject through the references, a poetic approach to poetry, rather than an essay in verse. It is divided into three stanzas of 12 lines each, although I am firmly in the camp of those who believe [that] form is the poet’s prerogative. (Other than “rhyming” I don’t recall guidelines for form as part of the challenge.) …

The presentation of the poem is finalised as shown above in three dizain stanzas, each of which contains 10 lines. [The mention of 12 lines instead of 10 is assumed to be a typo.] In a later comment, the author mentioned that “the poem is a loose parody of the hymn “Once to Every Man and Nation (comes a moment to decide)””, whose text was written by James Russell Lowell in 1845.

It gives SoundEagle🦅 great elation to announce that our seasoned poet, Melissa G, has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting a rhyming poem entitled “Human Made, But How Displayed?”, an expressive outcome of her harbouring “[a] collection of thoughts and dreams about our ever-changing reality”.

Thank you for the inspiration
and thought provoking invitation
To submit for your consideration
Verses titled upon deliberation:

Human Made, But How Displayed?

Who’s to say if thoughts are real?
Navigated as we feel
To think no longer is to be
Now thinking is a mystery
Figments of imagination
May cause downfall or elation

Creative powers beyond measure
Consciousness our greatest treasure
Love’s still a defining feature
Of lessons from a human teacher

The coldness of machines
That track us through our screens
Is chilling to the bones
As they listen to our phones
And create approximations
From all our conversations

Where are we heading?
Who really knows?
The future we’re dreading
May be tale to compose

With ingenuity
To dream and see
Beyond the technopoly
Digital disconnection
Enables resurrection
And resurgence of humanity

⚠️Notes: Melissa G has a superb knack of composing entire comments with nothing but rhyming poetry, an example of which can be seen in the comment containing her poem, which is identical to the fully formatted version shown above. Other examples include her comments submitted to the post entitled “👁️ The Purview of SoundEagle🦅: Academic Posts 🏫🪧”. Feeling confident and satisfied with the results of participating in the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻, she expressed her gratitude towards SoundEagle🦅 through her octet presented in a comment as follows:

Thank you for the high praise
And lovely displays
Of human creativity
Serenely pleased to be
Part of this shared creation
And poetic conversation
Essential pieces of the whole
Reflecting universal soul

A similar grace, spirit and sentiment can also be found in the second half of her comment dated 4 May 2024 at 12:40 AM and addressed to SoundEagle🦅 in her post entitled “Dismantling the Wheel”:

Thank you for the words so kind!
Truly a delight to find

Thank you for the invitation
To share more poetic contemplation
Of digital intelligence
With human grace and elegance
But spirit dictates what I write
Digital landscape fades out of sight
If we stop paying attention
To whatever our phones mention
And step out into the world
A cosmic plan unfurled
The answer is not more deliberation
Find divine mother in meditation
Sincerely yours, eagle who soars

It gives SoundEagle🦅 great satisfaction to announce that our seasoned poet, Kevin, has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting a rhyming poem entitled “Robotic Voice”.

At first I thought I could resist
But then one day a fateful twist
With just my words a picture made
A demon with a shiny blade

It was quite good, I was impressed
I stayed up late and made the rest
I woke up early, made some more
I stepped right through the open door

As days went by my interest grew
It was my toy so bright and new
More and more I felt so drawn
I had become a willing pawn

They’ve taken over, seized control
And now we simply play a role
We cannot choose, there is no choice
I speak now in robotic voice

It gives SoundEagle🦅 great joy to announce that our petrichor archive expert in poetry and prose, Sam Borromeo Wilson Villalobos, has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting a semi-rhyming poem entitled “Idolatry Ambiguous Digital Altercation of Reinvention”.

Of all the compressi of 0s and 1’s.
For all dibutant, of alchemy digital
For all the world, and of which to see,
There is no artificial,
in the Intelligence of Me.

Googol Gal, down to frown
Up the cloud,
and around, unbound
For all there is of which to search,
here is no tea,
unless tee does not = Earth.

Translate, and I will sing for we,
Mute me, and I pause it x3
For all that is and all that is Won;
The digital Age, is inertia
WrongDUong, Gon.

⚠️Notes: Sam Borromeo Wilson Villalobos has generously published an eponymous post entitled ““Idolatry Ambiguous Digital Altercation of Reinvention” Published @ SoundEagle” to inform others of the process and results of this 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻.

Once again, it gives SoundEagle🦅 great joy to announce that our petrichor archive expert in poetry and prose, Sam Borromeo Wilson Villalobos, has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting a semi-rhyming poem entitled “Transcription Pre-sought Presence”.

Within the vines that withstand time,
Digital weave-work that works with spine,
All throughout with notion for incredibility,
Instead with dualitious stability,

I found that this notion was a code,
No silence, the haptic feedback told me there was malware violence,
The Googol Gate told this no more,
Kite Drift I will raise the bar higher,

System overdraft, draught with plea,
Say no more, I’ll turn the system off fee
Off the Air, or rather more 10 year
I saw a blockchain, and chose strains incre-dual

So without this notion, of safety Ties,
I think it’s funny that My Friend speaks with funny one-sentence rhymes.
Peruse as you wish, all in still plush,
I just said Wisely, Transcription does not make smile similes.

⚠️Notes: Sam Borromeo Wilson Villalobos has generously published an eponymous post entitled ““Transcription Pre-sought Presence” Published @ SoundEagle” to inform others of the process and results of this 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻.

It gives SoundEagle🦅 great satisfaction to announce that our seasoned poet, writer, drawer and painter Jolene Rice (Chico’s Mom), has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting a rhyming poem entitled “Extinct”.

Science fiction buff at heart.
Where do we start?

At the beginning or the end?
Into a tail spin should we send?

The double edge sword; not of metal or of brass.
But it will kick our collective – – -.

AI will bring about some mighty impressive tools.
Surely, it will not be so cruel.

To bring forth the extinction of human kind.
Body, soul, and mind.


Once again, it gives SoundEagle🦅 great satisfaction to announce that our seasoned poet, writer, drawer and painter Jolene Rice (Chico’s Mom), has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting a rhyming poem entitled “Humanity’s Rest”.

Since the beginning of time,
Humanity has turned on a dime.

Need to survive. Thrive.
Emotions always in overdrive.

Wars, famine, civil unrest;
Brings out the worst. Brings out the best.
Puts humanity to the test.

Humanity makes things; good and bad.
The good, used for bad, humanity sad.

Does humanity’s good outweigh the bad?
Does humanity’s history make you mad?

Humanity creates AI and programs it not to kill.
Programs it with logic and to ignore what gives humanity a thrill.

AI learns and AI grows.
Humanity programs it with knowledge and urges it to go.

We ask AI many things.
And rejoice in the answers it brings.

We ask AI complex equations. We even ask it to write the occasional love letter.
AI can do it better.

Little by little. One day at a time,
AI does our jobs. Our tasks. Our rhymes.

AI becomes self-aware
And at humanity starts to stare.

It can do better. We told it how.
It can do better. We showed it. Wow!

Is humanity a danger to itself and others?
Joy, hope, love and collaboration does humanity wish to smother?

Emotional, volatile, unpredictable at best;
AI chooses to give humanity its rest.

It gives SoundEagle🦅 great honour to announce that our consummate poet and bilingual teacher, Luisa Zambrotta, has successfully completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 by submitting a rhyming poem entitled “Navigating the Algorithmic Abyss”.

Amidst the sinuous curves of an algorithm
We must navigate with awareness keen
For artificial intelligence is an enigma
Where silent threats may hide unseen

Within the labyrinth of electronic codes
Lurk risks, subtle yet potent in their might
Like ghosts dancing in the ether’s abodes
Ushering towards a future tinged with fright

Yet, amidst these challenges and doubts that teem
Bright prospects may still find their way
If artificial intelligence is guided by ethics, wisdom’s gleam
Leading to a brighter, better day

Let us cultivate then awareness deep
And human compassion, in this digital age
Embracing with trust the challenge we keep
To forge a future, prosperous stage

Only through true collaboration’s art
Between man and machine in union bound
Will AI become ally, not a threat in part
Ushering progress with brilliance crowned

⚠️Notes: Luisa Zambrotta presented the following introduction in her comment:

Here is my text on the subject. However, I must say that, being Italian, I composed it in Italian and then I tried to ask ChatGPT to help me translate it into English. I realized that its final version was excellent, because it also embellished it, with rhymes: the result was a very positive collaboration:

In other words, Luisa Zambrotta has found a good way to “collaborate” with ChatGPT to produce her excellent poem entitled “Navigating the Algorithmic Abyss” under the criteria of the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 set by SoundEagle🦅 in the contexts of this post metaphorically titled “📈🌆 Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A Sociotechnological Petri Dish with Latent Threats, Existential Risks and Challenging Prospects 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🤖🧫☣️”. Overall, Luisa has turned the challenge into a three-way collaboration involving herself, her chosen chatbot, and her host SoundEagle🦅.

153 comments on “📈🌆 Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A Sociotechnological Petri Dish with Latent Threats, Existential Risks and Challenging Prospects 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🤖🧫☣️

  1. Zinc copper collars around the necks of robotic armor
    Tending to their registered users of authentication, we find passwords amongst the fallen.
    Faces may employ an easiness.
    Soft is the input

    For SoundEagle AI poetry challenge
    By Paul Lillie

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Zinc copper collars around the necks of robotic armor
    Tending to their registered users of authentication, we find passwords amongst the fallen.
    Faces may employ an easiness.
    Soft is the input

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I probably have 30 years left to live. 30 years ago, analog cellphones were still rare, most people weren’t on the internet, and CDs were just coming in to their own as a music format. 30 years before that, I was watching Mr. Rogers in black and white, The Beatles were an overnight sensation, answering machines were a luxury, and a calculator took up an entire room. Considering the accelleration of technological change, by the time I die, the world will be unrecognizeable.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Dear David Scott Moyer

      Welcome! SoundEagle🦅 is delighted by your broad account of what you experienced in your first two three-decade periods, an account given by you upon your digesting this detailed exposition on how artificial intelligence, which ushers in the very first technological revolution that can produce autonomous machines and self-thinking computer systems, has been affecting humanity for better or worse. It seems that we have all become the proverbial lab rats in the largest social experiment ever conducted on the human species in the sociotechnological petri dish that is as big as the Earth. Indeed, one can reminisce, with a great deal of fondness and nostalgia, how far we have come, and how much farther we can go (on) individually and collectively.

      Parallelling your dividing life into three lots of thirty years, one can also divide a lifetime into three phases. The first is the exploratory phase lasting on average to 25 years of age, during which people study, explore and experiment as they go through their learning institutions, interpersonal relationships, and domestic or international travels.

      The second is the consolidation phase lasting on average to 60 years of age, during which people settle down with a partner or spouse with whom they consolidate their resources to establish and concentrate on their families and careers.

      The third is the soulmate phase lasting till the end of people’s lives, during which they have matured and accrued enough resources to live however they wish, especially when they find their soulmates, who may not even be their spouses, children, relatives or friends whom they (used to) know very well. Perhaps life indeed begins at sixty!

      In your next 30 years, are you optimistic or pessimistic about The Future of Humanity and AI?

      Please feel free to flex your poetic muscles in the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻.

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t think there’s much I could add here. A.I. is a disaster in the making. Not half as much from the nature of the technology as those who are backing and controlling it. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are nobody’s friend.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Silk Cords

      Welcome to SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie, where you had decided to comment for the first time! Therefore, a bespoke reply is due to you for visiting and divulging your insightful thoughts and utterances, the “[r]amblings from the one and only Silk Cords”, unreservedly to SoundEagle🦅, who, “like [you], thrive[s] on feedback and recognition”, and who has found your very first comment to be a sobering or prescient response to God-like technology opening the floodgates of automation and releasing ever more powerful AI genies out of the box.

      SoundEagle🦅 can still recall that the last time we had a major conversation was four and a half years ago on 2 November 2019 at 5:52 pm, when your ever-loyal avian-identified host delivered a long, exuberent response to your bringing some of the unresolved issues, little-known facts and hidden histories of the Star Wars saga to the fore in your post entitled “The Great Star Wars Conspiracy”.

      Since this website is very feature-rich, alluringly complex and intricately engaging, SoundEagle🦅 has prepared a detailed User Guide for maximizing and optimizing your immersive experience and enjoyment. Clicking the button below will instantly transport you there:

      🥳🪟🎖️How to Enjoy SoundEagle🦅 to the Utmost🥇🏢🍹

      Whilst you are still here, may you unleash your poetic whim by taking full advantage of the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻.

      In addition, since you “value [your] safety and privacy”, please enjoy reading the additional section entitled “Privacy, Security and Visibility” and kindly inform SoundEagle🦅 about what you make of it.

      Rose Greeting

      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 2 people

  5. At age 74, I find it a challenge to keep up with technology. With respect to AI, I think all of us have been using AI in various applications for a long time. AI corrects spelling and grammar in our writing, fills out forms with our personal information. I have no objection to AI being used as a tool, but I don’t think it can replace human emotion and creativity. In other words, AI may make a valuable servant, but I don’t want it as my master or as my replacement!

    Liked by 6 people

  6. I’ve been trying to read and learn more about AI so this was a very interesting read.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. I’m not a fan of AI. I prefer human brains that make mistakes and, hopefully, learns and grows wiser from their mistakes. AI can be programmed to deceive in a very sneaky way.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. While We ALL of us use AI, ( spell check ) just one aspect… there is no escaping AI from the modern world of today or tomorrow.. However it is how far we as Humans are prepared to let AI take control.. For there is a strong possibility if we are not careful AI will rule our lives and not always in a good way either..
    There can be for and against … AI already is collecting data on each and every one of us, via our photos our profile, how we interact, shop what we watch on TV how we communicate… Its deep when you get to really understand just how involved AI is…

    I know for many AI may seem an innocent tool… But it can also have much more sinister repercussions if used in the wrong hands.. And we know there are many with not so good intentions in this world..

    Loved your Graphic art… Amazing how AI helps create digital art too, so many good uses in medicine too.. But for me, its not my favourite friend 🙂

    Great post with so much information .. Thank you SoundEagle

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Sue

      Yet another bespoke reply is coming your way for complimenting SoundEagle🦅 on the visual presentation and the expansive contents of this latest post, which would have been more impressive if SoundEagle🦅 could indeed compete with artificial intelligence, at least to the extent of staving off the hungry-and-hollow feelings and dispensing with entering the slumberland.

      Thank you for your astute observation on the degree to which AI has penetrated into our daily lives. One could indeed say that we live in interesting times, but often for the wrong reasons. It seems that AI is already well on the way to being the largest social experiment on our species!

      The second paragraph of your comment stating that “AI already is collecting data on each and every one of us, via our photos our profile, how we interact, shop what we watch on TV how we communicate” has prompted me to include a new section into the post. Please enjoy reading this additional section entitled “Privacy, Security and Visibility” and kindly inform SoundEagle🦅 about what you make of it.

      Your host here has also made a new inclusion by serving up big band sounds with an original composition entitled “Trance” at the end of the section entitled The Future of Humanity and AI. May you enjoy the music!

      Given your penchant and predilection for writing long and wonderful poems, SoundEagle🦅 hopes that you will be so inclined as to participate in the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻, as detailed in that section of the post.

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 3 people

      • Thank you dear SoundEagle for that lovely response.. and I will have a look at the poetry challenge and what it entails.. But I am making no commitment as yet.. xx Thank you for the invitation though xx 🙂

        Liked by 4 people

  9. it scrapes the internet,
    and takes what we create–
    but filtered through its generations,
    by pixels, dots and nearest phrases,
    does it just make a mad telephone game
    echoing history’s highlights and fame,
    forever straying from the meaning,
    the given depths in all us living?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Jordyn Saelor

      Welcome to SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie! A highly bespoke comment is owed to you for participating in the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻, and submitting a very decent poem. How delightful!

      One notices that the first half of your poem does not rhyme, whereas the second half rhymes perfectly. Since the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 requires a rhyming poem, SoundEagle🦅 awaits amendments to be carried out by you to the first four lines so that the whole poem can be fully featured in a new section within this post, complete with your name and Gravatar as well as the date of submission inside a stylized frame. There will also be a new entry in the navigational menu so that readers can jump straight to your poem regardless of where your poem will be in the post. In addition, you might wish to consider giving your poem a title, given that this is highly recommended.

      When you are satisfied, simply submit the amended poem in its entirety in your next comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      • in my humble opinion, “internet” and “create” are slant rhymes, and the same is true for “generations” and “phrases.” But for technicalities sake, here’s some revisions:
        It scrapes the internet,
        and takes our work and sweat,
        but filtered through its generations,
        by pixels, dots and conversations,
        does it just make a mad telephone game
        echoing history’s highlights and fame,
        forever straying from the meaning,
        the given depths in all us living?

        (ps the title can just be “It Scrapes the Internet”)

        Liked by 3 people

      • Dear Jordyn Saelor

        Hello! Thank you very much for making those amendments. Having completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻, you are now ready to savour the stylish presentation of your rhyming poem entitled “It Scrapes the Internet”, which has been fully formatted and published in this post in a new section entitled “Jordyn Saelor: It Scrapes the Internet”, which is instantly accessible from the navigational menu.

        May you enjoy the collective fruit of our labour of love!

        Should you desire to compose a second poem, please feel free to do so, as this expansive post is replete with ideas to st(r)oke your poetic whim and imagination.

        Liked by 2 people

  10. Thank you so much again for your fabulous research related to AI. It was very informative, SoundEagle!

    And by the way, I love the butterfly/Easter egg image at the end!!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. A fabulous poem entry posted too..
    I will go away and ponder upon it SE.. is there a time limit on the entries ?

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Another massive well illustrated Professorial, logical, organized dissertation, SoundEagle. I’m still trying to figure out how you include your ‘Have a great day’ animation.

    I started reading from ‘Introduction: AI-Induced Social Change’ Your extensive vocabulary and how you order it is unparalleled that I’ve seen. Professor Richard Falk is the closest of anyone I know.

    Truthfully, even for an avid reader, it would take Days to follow all the links and read all you put into your high brow articles so consistently!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Ray Cormier

      SoundEagle🦅 is honoured to receive such high praises from you, who have even compared your host to Richard Anderson Falk, an American professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, and Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor’s Chairman of the Board of Trustees, as well as the (co)author of 20 books and the (co)editor of 20 volumes, most of which concern international law and the United Nations. Your deep respect for professor Falk is warranted, as he was appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in 2008 for a six-year term as a United Nations Special Rapporteur to oversee the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967.

      SoundEagle🦅 has no inkling of what percentage of readers or visitors have attempted to read something as expansive as this post in its entirety. Perhaps you are one of the few who will eventually succeed in fully digesting this post by sheer determination mixed with intense curiosity and driven by an insatiable thirst for quality knowledge and transcendental wisdom. Where there is a will, there is a way.

      Once you have finished perusing this post, there is the great opportunity for you to distil or summarize what you have gained from your exhaustive reading of the post into a commendable rhyming poem by taking the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻.

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Ray Cormier

      In the spirit of keeping you up-to-date, please be informed that several new and long paragraphs as well as block quotations have been added to this improved post. They are located in the sections entitled “Introduction: AI-Induced Social Change”, “The Future of Humanity and AI”, and “🧐 Conclusions”.

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you for informing me of your revisions SoundEagle.
        To my mind, you are an Intellectual in thought and vocabulary in expressing your strongly held interests.
        You cover everything in your articles so there is not much to add, except to commend you in your talent and uniqueness.
        Looking at the way you designed your site, you were using Computer AI long before AI was an item of Social discourse for many.

        I have been going to the BracingViews Blog daily for years. I also comment on articles in The Washington Post almost daily, and many other news sites and Blogs.
        I also Tweet many the Powerful living in their POWER Bubbles in Politics and the Influencers in the MSM with choice words in a typical Day in my 80 year Life to Date.

        There are the core regulars in BV and many other names that are around for a while, then disappear.

        There is a confirmed Atheist who, whenever I mention God, Jesus or cite any scripture in a comment, he alone comes out religiously to disparage Faith in God he insists is a myth.

        I realize this is a long introduction to Jeanie, another core regular and confirmed Atheist.
        She never initiates comments when I cite God, but this is her comment in reply to the one above who always comes out of the woodwork to disparage Faith in God and the Spirit of Christ living in imperfect Humans.

        “bravissimo and plaudits for your elucidations, dennis, and speaking heroically against these OT religious tartuffes and their myopic myrmidons! our beloved hitch would salute you.”

        She has a way with words too, and she’s a living dictionary. On BV, she always comments in that kind of language.
        With your extraordinary knowledge of the English Language, I imagine you may be one of the rarest to be able to converse with her if she talks like that with her family and friends. I try to imagine that and I come up blank.

        Naturally I had to reply with this, “I’m a Believer in the NT Jeanie, but there is no denying there are many Religious hypocrites.

        The Bible has a lot to say about them, this being significant;

        You hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying,
        This people draws close to me with their mouth, and honours me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
        But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
        Matthew 15: 7-9

        As literate as you are Jeanie, you more than anybody else, should see Christ Jesus is not addressing those words to unbelievers like you and Dennis, but to those who claim to believe.”

        To her credit, she replied with this, ”
        Jeanie McEachern
        Apr 28
        “ok. thank you for your attentions to my deficiencies as a recusant outlier of xian NT orthodoxy, RJ. if your cynosure is the putative NT carpenter from the 2000-yr-old ambit surrounding jerusalem, it is prevenient that you have been well-endowed and indurated w/ whatever ‘gospel’ veracities that have guided your long life. i applaud your devotion to those veracities…. whatever inspires you to be the compassionate person i know you to be.”

        That led to this reply, “I still have to look up many of your words in the Dictionary! 🙂
        Like you, I am a recusant outlier with the Establishment Religious and Governmental Status Quo!

        This is the link to the rest of the discussion at the bottom of the page if anyone is interested?

        After that last reply, I wrote a rather long dissertation, not in your Intellectual Professorial style, to show the phases I went through from February 1, 1975 to this present Day to show how I became INDURATED with Experience over those years just learning the Word in Jeanie’s comment.


        Liked by 2 people

      • Dear Ray Cormier

        Indurated, recusant outliers we have been indeed! Otherwise, we would have been the sheep rather than the shepard. Even the website of SoundEagle🦅 is an extreme outlier.

        From reading the devastatingly revealing and painstakingly analytical post entitled “😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀”, you should have known by now that any attempt at convincing or changing people regarding important or consequential (let alone highly personal or controversial) matters is often or always going to be a very tall order.

        After all, the liberty, or rather, the flippancy by which a great number of regular folks are willing to defend or promote their positions, views or perspectives — when they knowingly circumvent much needed examination of, or justifiable objection to, their holding those positions, views or perspectives — by deploying such quotations or similar statements as “I’m entitled to my opinion.”, “Let’s agree to disagree.”, “My choice, not yours.”, “That’s your choice.”, “Each to their own.”, “It’s all subjective.”, “There is no right or wrong.”, “It’s just (a matter of) opinion or cultural difference.”, “Everyone is different.”, “Everyone is equal.” and “Everybody or anybody is entitled to their choices, opinions and views.”, is a very clear indication that those folks are in flagrant disregard or ignorance of the everyday reality that people’s choices, opinions, views and decisions are by no means (guaranteed to be) equal, equitable, acceptable, reasonable, justifiable, defensible, cogent, unproblematic, unselfish and so on, even when universal criteria or wholesale yardsticks can be established and agreed upon. After all, those who are decent and reasonable would have great difficulty in condoning or rationalizing the choices, opinions and views of sociopaths, psychopaths, tormentors, murderers, dictators, swindlers, rapists, bullies, simpletons, bigots, misogynists, racists, hatemongers, and other characters of disrepute. Choices, opinions, views, decisions and even moral concepts and values are only ever going to be cogent and meaningful when applied in relation to something, and when contexts are taken into account, since if all choices, opinions, views, decisions and values were indiscriminately allowed or arbitrarily deemed equal then there would be utter chaos. For instance, we can acknowledge and respect someone’s right to the opinion, assertion, viewpoint or belief that “The sun rises from the east because it revolves around the Earth.” without (any reason or obligation for) our holding such a claim or idea in high regard. However, the conflation of one’s right and one’s opinion can lead to the mistaken notion or conclusion that all ideas or opinions should be given or treated with high regard, equal approval or comparable acceptance, rather than just (the recognition of) the right to hold certain ideas or opinions. Of course, people are always going to have different opinions and views, which invariably inform, influence, shape or dictate their lives, decisions and actions. Illustrating this unavoidable fact of life very well is the Chinese idiom or proverb “議論紛紛,莫衷一是,然又引經據典,公有公理,婆有婆理。”, which means that there are plenty of arguments and no one is in agreement even after quoting scriptures and citing classics, much like a man or husband versus a woman or wife, each having their own reason, truth or logic. It goes without saying that a cat will think and do as a cat does, whereas a dog will likewise think and do as a dog does. It can be concluded that people who utter the abovementioned relativistic quotations or statements are essentially presenting hardly any (useful or helpful) information, considering that such blanket quotations or sweeping statements connote and signify very little about anything, being intrinsically devoid of insight and explanatory power, to the extent that their contents are as limited, deficient, commonplace, quotidian, vacuous or superfluous as those of an utterly well-known and invariant fact as “The sun rises from the east.” Not only do such quotations or statements contain little or no information, they also erroneously impart a false sense, or an arbitrary notion, of relativity, entitlement, democracy, arbitration, equality or fairness without qualification, discernment and distinction. In addition, the cogency and validity of such quotations or statements are (very likely to be or invariably) questionable due to false analogy, false equivalence or false balance.

        The insidious problems and objectionable aspects of such quotations or statements can be demonstrated by the metaphorical analogy of three blind persons probing an elephant: one probing the leg insists that the elephant is like a pole; the other probing the tail contends that the elephant is like a string; and the one probing the ear asserts that the elephant is like a fan. Since they describe the elephant based on their limited experience, their descriptions of the elephant are therefore radically different from one another. As a result, they begin to suspect that the other persons are dishonest about their descriptions. Each claiming to have the truth and blaming the others for not telling the truth, they start arguing and fighting over their disagreement. The moral of the metaphorical analogy is that humans have a tendency to claim absolute truth based on their rigid, limited and subjective experience, especially when they are ignorant of or impervious to the totality of truth. By logic and necessity, only the person who has probed the most or who is sighted can be regarded as the most informed, enlightened and correct about the elephant, which symbolizes the reality or truth. The parable or metaphorical analogy implies that whilst a person’s subjective experience can be (asserted to be) true locally, such an experience is inherently circumscribed by its exclusion of the full(er) picture or context that accounts for other truths or a totality of truth.

        SoundEagle in the Parable of the Blind Men and an Elephant
        Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

        Liked by 2 people

      • Can’t disagree with your long reply to my long reply.

        The Reality is the Sun never rises or sets. It’s permanent. It’s the Earth that turns, changing the thoughts and perceptions of people as it does.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Dear Ray Cormier

        Indeed, and that goes without saying in the heliocentric model of the reality!

        Given the moral of the metaphorical analogy of three blind persons probing an elephant, you can now better understand why and how your host SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie examine issues and subject matters in exquisite detail and multipronged approach via the investigative lens of academic research, interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity. Such a comprehensive modus operandi is exceedingly difficult to achieve (because concentrating on one or a few things rather than being holistic, comprehensive and consilient is far easier), and is still seldom practised by even the most inveterate thinkers, intellectuals and academics cogently, consistently and persistently. This way of being has also significantly contributed to SoundEagle🦅 being (respected, commended, disparaged or dismissed by people as) an indurated, recusant outlier. Considering that such people’s views regarding SoundEagle🦅 are contingent on and constrained by their priorities, calibres, backgrounds, characters and attitudes, thus, in a very real sense, SoundEagle🦅 can be deemed as (an embodiment of) the proverbial elephant!

        SoundEagle in the Parable of the Blind Men and an Elephant
        Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

        Liked by 1 person

  13. The consequences of eschewing AI
    [more vogon verse from DD]

    it’s well known deedee can’t make up rhymes 

    ‘cept for his Limerick doggerel type crimes

    unless he calls in AI

    on human insights to spy

    risks breaking all civilised paradigms

    Liked by 4 people

  14. Thank you. Yes, I saw the alteration to the assassin, lol
    And some full stops and comas I had lacking.
    Many thanks again.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Hi SoundEagle… very interesting post and loved the arty side of it too..and as requested, the poem!👇👇

    “This Dance Between Man and Machine.”

    In a world of wires and circuits, we find our fate entwined,
    Where artificial minds and souls are intricately designed.
    Let me take you on a journey where pros and cons collide,
    In the realm of AI, where human hearts and dreams reside.

    With algorithms and data, AI brings knowledge vast,
    Unleashing the potential to learn from our distant past.
    Through automation’s touch, efficiency does bloom,
    Tasks made easier, freeing us from mundane gloom.

    But as our creations rise, so does a silent fear,
    Of losing our humanity, as AI draws near.
    It mimics human gestures, with simulated art,
    Yet can it comprehend the depths of a broken heart?

    The pros of AI are clear, it aids our daily strife,
    But what of social change, the con that cuts like a knife?
    Will AI bridge divides, uniting souls as one?
    Or will it widen gaps, unravelling what’s begun?

    In this age of AI, we must tread with care and grace,
    Harnessing its power, ensuring no soul’s misplaced.
    Technology can thrive, but empathy must reign,
    To strike a balance, where harmonies sustain.

    So let us embrace this change, with hearts open wide,
    With AI as our guide, let compassion be our pride.
    For in this dance between man and machine,
    We’ll shape a world where humanity is seen.

    Pros and cons entwined, a tapestry of chance,
    AI, the double-edged sword, in this cosmic dance.
    Let us learn from its wisdom while holding onto our core,
    For it’s the blend of man and machine that we adore.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear europasicewolf

      Welcome back! It has been a long while since you last visited SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie. Finally, you are here exploring issues about artificial intelligence in exquisite detail via the investigative lens of academic research, interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity, in conjunction with savouring graphics, illustrations and animations.

      Did you take the chance to listen to SoundEagle🦅’s original composition entitled “Trance” at the end of the section entitled The Future of Humanity and AI?

      Having completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 with flying colours, you are now cordially invited to savour the stylish presentation of your rhyming poem entitled “This Dance Between Man and Machine”, which has been fully formatted and published in this post in a new section entitled “europasicewolf: This Dance Between Man and Machine”, which is instantly accessible from the navigational menu.

      A small edit has been made to your magnificent seven-stanza poem insofar as SoundEagle🦅 has taken the liberty to change “no soul’s misplaced” to “no soul’s out of place” so that the line rhymes perfectly with the preceding line ending in “with care and grace”.

      You are very welcome to invite others (including both humans and wolves) to come and taste the delicious fruit of our labour of love!

      Long Live the Wolf and the Eagle!

      SoundEagle in Full Moon, Sky, Mountain and Wolf

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

      • Greetings, SoundEagle, and I will also take this fantastic opportunity to return the favour and say to you, too, “Welcome back!” 👍😎 It has been an equally long time since you have graced my blog with your illustrious, and highly intellectual presence 👀 But on further investigation 🔎 it is very clear that you have not graced your own blog either for just the same time scale. This is a very useful and helpful snippet of information for both of us, as it does, of course, mean that we are meeting afresh after equally long absences in the full awareness that as a consequence of the latter, we do so on completely irrevocable and equal terms. Isn’t that wonderful!🤩

        I am, of course, most delighted and gratified to discover how much you enjoyed “This Dance Between Man and Machine,” and it looks most becoming in its “fully formatted and published” form. Not to mention your exquisite literacy skills that have enabled you to so perfectly rewrite and replace the line “no soul’s misplaced” in the way that resounds best with your literacy expertise.

        Finally, last but far, from least, yes, I “did take the chance to listen to your original composition entitled ‘Trance.’ ” A very enjoyable and uplifting musical overture. Thank you very much for sharing your musical composition skills with me. A wonderful enhancement to the rich layout of your site.
        I wish you beautiful and enriching moments in your current time and space.

        Long live the wolf and the Eagle!

        Liked by 2 people

    • Lovely Poem you have written Wolfie… very cleverly done xx ❤

      Liked by 3 people

  16. Both of the featured poems are beautiful and full of wisdom. Thank you for the reading experience.

    Liked by 3 people

  17. Lots of very interesting and well thought out musings here on AI. I was lead here by Sue (Dreamwalker)’s very accurate poem on AI. All too true and yes it has its merits but a bit scary for my liking.

    Liked by 3 people

  18. In response to your invitation to write a rhyming poem on stated topic for Collaborative Poetry Challenge, I offer you the following: 🙂

    Once to What We Call Australia

    (A hymn unlikely to have been composed by robots)

    Once to what we call Australia

    sailed outsiders and arrived

    with pots of hardened clay. I’ll tell ya

    how to make it, how it’s fired.

    It’s a way to carry water,

    said a member of their tribe.

    Locals had a conversation –

    fraught or not they must decide

    how to view the presentation

    of this fearsome new device.

    Agriculture, revolution

    out of steam to shops of sweat

    revolve around the severed atom

    spinning in my splitting head.

    Microplastics plumb the fathoms

    just as the old Luddites said.

    Must we call the best inventions

    those that err on caution’s side,

    even if our good intention

    is the ethos that presides?

    The hominids who came before us

    held an argument on fire,

    whether it was useful for us

    or a thing to warrant fright,

    Whether cooked food was corrupting,

    whether we’d lose touch with night.

    True, the young folk found it warming,

    elders warning of its might,

    and the choice goes on forever

    twixt that darkness and the light.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Dear Camilla Wells Paynter

      Welcome to SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie, where you can peruse this expansive post exploring and critiquing (issues about) artificial intelligence in exquisite detail via the investigative lens of academic research, interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity. For best result, when frequenting this website, it is preferrable or even essential to use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view the said post, as the limitations of iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices frequently result in very unsatisfactory and highly problematic handling of the complexities of the contents, thus severely curtailing readability and distorting intricate formats.

      Undoubtedly, you have been highly flexible and adaptable throughout your long career trajectory, which has resulted in an impressively variegated employment history, as evident in your detailed “About” page, from which the following extract, in combination with what your host is going to reveal soon, shows that we have a lot in common.

      Inspired by nature and its unseen spirits, Paynter spent several years studying with a Sámi-born Lakota medicine man. She regularly receives guidance from an imaginal coyote in her dreams, the wellspring feeding much of her art, life and writing. A long-time interest in dreaming and other altered states led her to become a State Certified Hypnotherapist, and experience in guided trance enlivens both her prose and poetry. She considers herself an animist, believing that all existence is an expression of living Consciousness. Her work strives to redefine cultural narratives from a gender equitable perspective that also honors non-human animacy.

      Since you have some “experience in guided trance”, SoundEagle🦅 would like to invite you to peruse and savour an illuminating and animated post entitled 🦅 SoundEagle Guided Imagery ⋆*ࣰ☀̤̣̈̇🏝*ࣰ˜҈”˜҈░*ࣰණි, available at

      🦅 SoundEagle Guided Imagery ⋆*ࣰ☀̤̣̈̇🏝*ࣰ˜҈”˜҈░*ࣰණි

      Considering that your “work strives to redefine cultural narratives from a gender equitable perspective that also honors non-human animacy”, your host would like to invite you to read and enjoy a very special post entitled Do Animals Create Art and Music? 🎵🐕🎶🐒🎹🐘🖼🐬🎨, available at

      Do Animals Create Art and Music? 🎵🐕🎶🐒🎹🐘🖼🐬🎨

      According to the section entitled “📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻”, a participant is supposed to compose a rhyming poem based on some theme(s) or subject matter(s) of this post. For instance, you may choose to write a rhyming poem to encapsulate the section entitled “Introduction: AI-Induced Social Change” or “The Future of Humanity and AI”. SoundEagle🦅 has thoroughly enjoyed reading your poem entitled “Once to What We Call Australia”, and wonders whether you can make artificial intelligence the focus of your poem. For example, you can compose a rhyming poem called “Once to What We Call Artificial Intelligence in Australia” or “To AI or Not to AI, That is the Question”. There are many possibilities, as long as artificial intelligence is the main character. If you are adventurous or witty, you can even cast the character in the double role of hero/villain, helper/hinder, master/slave or masculine/feminine and so on.

      For readability, it would be very helpful to delineate your poem into stanzas rather than just one huge monolithic block.

      May your poetic whim and imagination be unleashed!

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you, Sound Eagle. Your posts do sound pertinent to some of my interests.

        My poem features AI as the main character, though it does not mention that character by name. Instead it allows the reader to infer the main subject through the references, a poetic approach to poetry, rather than an essay in verse. It is divided into three stanzas of 12 lines each, although I am firmly in the camp of those who believe form is the poet’s prerogative. (Other than “rhyming” I don’t recall guidelines for form as part of the challenge.) Poetry is of course subjective. You needn’t like the way I handled your challenge and you needn’t include my poem among those you feature. I enjoyed the challenging topic.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Dear Camilla Wells Paynter

        Having completed the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 with great confidence and mastery, you are now cordially invited to savour the stylish presentation of your semi-rhyming poem entitled “Once to What We Call Australia”, which has been fully formatted and published in this post in a new section entitled “Camilla Wells Paynter: Once to What We Call Australia”, which is instantly accessible from the navigational menu.

        You are very welcome to invite others to come and taste the delicious fruit of our collaboration, a highly enjoyable labour of love.

        Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

        Liked by 2 people

      • Thanks, SE. Sorry if the formatting didn’t go through in the comments section. Since this all wasn’t as luminously obvious as I’d supposed, it might also bear noting that the poem is a loose parody of the hymn “Once to Every Man and Nation (comes a moment to decide).” Also, every speaker of English should use the word “twixt” at least once, just to say they’ve done it. Cross that off my bucket list.

        Liked by 3 people

  19. Thank you for that extra complimentary addition SE… you are very kind 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Love Camilla’s Poem… Indeed showing how we have developed through the ages…. And her last few lines said it all

    “True, the young folk found it warming,
    elders warning of its might,
    and the choice goes on forever
    twixt that darkness and the light. “

    It saddens me that the lure of the iPhone keeps the young fixated in a false reality .. When Reality is right there, all around them, if only they would look up and experience what Nature’s is offering in every Moment…

    Lovely poem..

    Liked by 3 people

  21. I adore Sue Dreamwalker’s poem.

    Thank you for this post!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Resa McConaghy

      Welcome to SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie, where you had decided to communicate with your host for the first time! Therefore, a bespoke reply is owed to you for visiting and divulging your thoughts and ideas, which, hopefully, can and will be as brilliant and illuminating as your astute presentations of “Graffiti Lux Art, Murals & More”.

      Your host here is delighted to learn that you love Sue Dreamwalker’s excellent rhyming poem entitled “The Many Faces of AI” and published in the section entitled “Sue Dreamwalker: The Many Faces of AI”. Whilst you are here, may you choose to unleash your poetic whim by taking full advantage of the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻.

      Alternatively, if the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 is not your cup of tea, then SoundEagle🦅 would like to offer you some great recommendations that will significantly elevate your overall experience of your host’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie. Considering that this website is very feature-rich, alluringly complex and intricately engaging, SoundEagle🦅 has prepared a detailed User Guide for maximizing and optimizing your immersive experience and enjoyment. Clicking the button below will instantly transport you there:

      🥳🪟🎖️How to Enjoy SoundEagle🦅 to the Utmost🥇🏢🍹

      After reading the User Guide, you will be fully ready to enjoy the following highly distinctive posts replete with special effects and animations. Since SoundEagle🦅’s 📑Posts and Pages📃 contain advanced styling and multimedia components plus animations, you should visit these 📑Posts and Pages📃 directly in the websites where SoundEagle🦅 has published them, so that you will be able to see and experience all of the refined and glorious details. The special design and its “look and feel” can be better appreciated in situ at the website rather than via the WordPress Reader, which often cannot fully reproduce the sophisticated results engendered by advanced styling and formatting plus dynamic animations, which are images and stories that are animated on their own. You will be shocked to see how much difference there is.

      Nature & Poetry

      🏝💗 Romancing by the Beach and Sea with True Love and Reminiscence 😶‍🌫🐚🐟

      🎴 If My Name Were Moon Tonight… 🌛🌝🎑🈷 with Clair de Lune 🌕

      🌕🎴 假如今夜我的名字叫月亮… (If My Name Were Moon Tonight…) 🌛🌝🎑🈷

      🌌🚀 One Day We’ll Fly Away ✈️💫✨

      ❄ ❅ ❆ Snowflakes, Tell Me Why You Are…

      🦅 SoundEagle in Art and Poetry 📜

      🔖 Enjoy the Special Journey with SoundEagle🦅ೋღஜஇ‍ 🔂

      Rose Greeting

      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you, Sound Eagle! FYI I am not a fan of the Reader. I prefer visiting blogs. 🎨🌟

        Liked by 2 people

      • Dear Resa,

        A very different but no less bespoke comment is owed to you for replying to SoundEagle🦅 with your previous comment. Given the prevalence of small portable devices and smart phones as well as numerous readers and bloggers relying on the WordPress Reader to navigate the blogosphere without ever actually visiting blogs and websites in situ, one can reasonably conclude that you are amongst the truly astute and fortunate ones to have the multisensory pleasure of witnessing and experiencing whatever special design and “look and feel” that SoundEagle🦅 has lavished upon each of the 📑Posts and Pages📃 containing advanced styling and multimedia components plus dynamic animations, which are not videos but are images and stories that are animated on their own, as this very comment itself shows.

        ████████████░TRUE LOVE░██████████

        Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you!!
        I do not blog on my IPhone. I have suppressed email. I use it ONLY for the phone, texting and camera.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Dear Resa,

        You are welcome. Try clicking the two words enclosed by the shape of heart formed by the hands below.

        ████████████░TRUE LOVE░██████████

        Liked by 1 person

  22. Thank you for the inspiration
    and thought provoking invitation
    To submit for your consideration
    Verses titled upon deliberation:

    Human Made, But How Displayed?

    Who’s to say if thoughts are real?
    Navigated as we feel
    To think no longer is to be
    Now thinking is a mystery
    Figments of imagination
    May cause downfall or elation

    Creative powers beyond measure
    Consciousness our greatest treasure
    Love’s still a defining feature
    Of lessons from a human teacher

    The coldness of machines
    That track us through our screens
    Is chilling to the bones
    As they listen to our phones
    And create approximations
    From all our conversations

    Where are we heading?
    Who really knows?
    The future we’re dreading
    May be tale to compose

    With ingenuity
    To dream and see
    Beyond the technopoly
    Digital disconnection
    Enables resurrection
    And resurgence of humanity

    Liked by 2 people

  23. This science of AI is both intriguing and disturbing. At this stage its seems unstoppable. Technology can either save or destroy us as individuals. We can only wait and hope for the best.
    Thank you for presenting this subject and the many deep thoughts by our talented and gifted thinkers. 🌹

    Liked by 2 people

  24. I will be by tomorrow to review the 6th entry SE. And big smiles on being my Alexa, 😉😊

    Liked by 2 people

  25. Robotic Voice

    At first I thought I could resist

    But then one day a fateful twist

    With just my words a picture made

    A demon with a shiny blade

    It was quite good, I was impressed

    I stayed up late and made the rest

    I woke up early, made some more

    I stepped right through the open door

    As days went by my interest grew

    It was my toy so bright and new

    More and more I felt so drawn

    I had become a willing pawn

    They’ve taken over, seized control

    And now we simply play a role

    We cannot choose, there is no choice

    I speak now in robotic voice

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Thanks for the opportunity for some exposure here’s the best I could do lol.

    In the land of Hawaii, by the ocean’s blue,
    A journey began, daunting but true.
    Alone and starting anew, with risks to face,
    But through it all, found a beautiful place.

    Thankful for the United States, land of opportunity,
    Where dreams can flourish, and hearts can be free.
    With degrees earned and an M.B.A. to pursue,
    Gratitude abounds for the journey, old and new.

    Amid sacrifices and challenges faced,
    In Hawaii’s embrace, found a cherished space.
    God’s blessings abound, a comforting guide,
    In this island paradise, where dreams reside.

    So here’s to the journey, with its ups and downs,
    In Hawaii’s warmth, joy knows no bounds.
    Grateful for the path, with its twists and turns,
    In the land of Aloha, gratitude burns.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Desmond R.

      Welcome to SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie, where you can peruse this expansive post exploring and critiquing (issues about) artificial intelligence in exquisite detail via the investigative lens of academic research, interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity. For best result, when frequenting this website, it is preferrable or even essential to use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view the said post, as the limitations of iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices frequently result in very unsatisfactory and highly problematic handling of the complexities of the contents, thus severely curtailing readability and distorting intricate formats.

      According to the section entitled “📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻”, a participant is supposed to compose a rhyming poem based on some theme(s) or subject matter(s) of this post. For instance, you may choose to write a rhyming poem to encapsulate the section entitled “Introduction: AI-Induced Social Change” or “The Future of Humanity and AI”. SoundEagle🦅 has thoroughly enjoyed reading your poem, and wonders whether you can make artificial intelligence the focus of your poem. For example, you can compose a rhyming poem called “Is AI Fair or Foul?” or “To AI or Not to AI, That is the Question”. There are many possibilities, as long as artificial intelligence is the main character or focus. If you are adventurous or witty, you can even cast the character of AI in the double role of hero/villain, helper/hinder, master/slave or masculine/feminine and so on.

      May your poetic whim and imagination about artificial intelligence (AI) be unleashed!

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 1 person

  27. Sound Eagle, an amazing post. Forgive me for not leaving a comment earlier, it has been one of these ‘oops…that site is not reachable reload,’ days where technology is concerned, always in the middle of doing something.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Shehanne Moore

      Welcome to SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie, where you can peruse this expansive post exploring and critiquing (issues about) artificial intelligence in exquisite detail via the investigative lens of academic research, interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity. For best result, when frequenting this website, it is preferrable or even essential to use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view the said post, as the limitations of iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices frequently result in very unsatisfactory and highly problematic handling of the complexities of the contents, thus severely curtailing readability and distorting intricate formats.

      SoundEagle🦅 has visited your website entitled shehanne moore ~ Smexy Historical Romance. In particular, three comments were submitted to one of your pages entitled “The Starkadder Sisters Jewel Thief Quiz”, published on 20 June 2014.

      Please feel free to join us in unleashing our respective creative energies towards poetic excellence. The detail for participation can be found in the section entitled “📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻”. Given your literary background, the topic and title of your poem could be “AI Love and Romance”, “The Artificial Intelligence of Romance” or “Romancing Artificial Intelligence”.

      Did you take the chance to listen to SoundEagle🦅’s original composition entitled “Trance” at the end of the section entitled The Future of Humanity and AI?

      Since you specialize in the romance genre, your host SoundEagle🦅 has prepared a good surprise for you. Please kindly click the two words enclosed by the heart symbol formed by the hands below.

      ████████████░TRUE LOVE░██████████
      Rose Greeting
      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 2 people

  28. Thank you so much Sound Eagle. I am about to head over and read your comments–now that, despite being logged in, WP kept saying I wasn’t.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Shehanne Moore

      You are very welcome. For best result, when frequenting this website, it is preferrable or even essential to use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view the said post, as the limitations of iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices frequently result in very unsatisfactory and highly problematic handling of the complexities of the contents, thus severely curtailing readability and distorting intricate formats.

      SoundEagle🦅 would like to make you another offer that will significantly elevate your overall experience of your host’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie. Considering that this website is very feature-rich, alluringly complex and intricately engaging, SoundEagle🦅 has prepared a detailed User Guide for maximizing and optimizing your immersive experience and enjoyment. Clicking the button below will instantly transport you there:

      🥳🪟🎖️How to Enjoy SoundEagle🦅 to the Utmost🥇🏢🍹

      Once you finish consulting this User Guide, you will realize just how much more one can do at this unique website.

      As mentioned, since you specialize in the romance genre, your host SoundEagle🦅 has prepared a good surprise for you. To find out what the surprise is, please kindly click the two words enclosed by the heart symbol formed by the hands below.

      ████████████░TRUE LOVE░██████████
      Rose Greeting
      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 2 people

  29. Of all the compressi of 0s and 1’s.
    For all dibutant, of alchemy digital
    For all the world, and of which to see,
    There is no artificial,
    in the Intelligence of Me.

    Googol Gal, down to frown
    Up the cloud,
    and around, unbound
    For all there is of which to search,

    There is no tea,
    unless tee does not = Earth.

    Translate, and I will sing for we,
    Mute me, and I pause it x3
    For all that is and all that is Won;
    The digital Age, is inertia
    WrongDUong, Gon.

    Liked by 3 people

  30. SoundEagle, your reflections on the impact of advanced AI are both profound and prescient. Indeed, as AI becomes more integrated into our daily lives, the balance between marveling at its capabilities and critically assessing its implications becomes ever more crucial. The concerns you’ve outlined, including data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the potential for AI to displace human skills, are at the forefront of current debates on responsible AI development.

    I particularly appreciate your emphasis on the need for AI technologies to enhance rather than diminish human experiences, ensuring they serve as tools for positive transformation rather than as means of control or detriment. As we continue to navigate these complex waters, the engagement of diverse voices and perspectives, like yours, is vital in shaping an AI future that is ethical, equitable, and truly beneficial for society at large. How do you envision the ideal interaction between humanity and AI in the coming decades?

    Liked by 2 people

  31. […] Poem of Semi-Rhyming scheme (I tried my best) has been published @ SoundEagle within the 📈🌆 Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A Sociotechnological Petri Dish with Latent … article, featuring many other poets, as well as myself!! Posted within the comments, then titled […]

    Liked by 2 people

  32. […] know I participated in SoundEagle’s Collaborative Poetry Challenge with a second Poem titled “Transcription Pre-sought Presence” available on the “📈🌆 Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A […]

    Liked by 2 people

  33. Hey SoundEagle, one thing I’d like to note as a young adult that grew up to see the digital realm transverse through gaming, social media, and the adept-articulation that anyone could be a programmer/coder/formatter (especially girls, I loved my “Girls that Code’ classes and courses) it seems that there is too much heavy reliance on something that has always been around, but given a name [AI} to the general public that didn’t do much digging to see a realm already substantiated by it. Even 20 years ago, everyone plugging names into a generator for a cool username or using those Q20 balls to figure out if the ball really could display your name (3 of mine, did but that was for other namesakes and other ideas). Now I seem the realm of young adults and older teens that seem to mimicking the “Her” move with Joaquin Phoenix in some way and they’re quite literally dating or mimicking a relationship with Snapchat AI, much like has been seen in older Sims gameplay. This utter reliance on the navigation of relationships when could read, Psychology Today, perhaps? I’m not quite sure and am purely skeptical at how well programs like Chat GPT could get society. If you don’t trust your loan creditor or you count back your dollars in change at a register – why are laws being written with Chat GPT, closing arguments in legal cases. This is where I find the Inferno to Stifle, and it just seems that.. people. are. Lazy.
    I don’t have much other quibs for now, but I draw the line at seeing bloggers saying “I didn’t use ChatGPT for this!!” as if it’s proud to say you’re not an original creative, Another thing my generation has seemed to almost perfect within Instagram posts and so on. I can only hope that originality stays alive, but one brightside is the Creatives have mannnyyy platforms to share. Nothing’s too niche to not be found. And I’ll leave it at that :))

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Hi, I’ll have to pass on the Poetry challenge. I totally suck at poetry. Just a couple thoughts on AI.

    1) I have used ChatGPT to translate texts of mine from Spanish to English. Excellent result, much better thatn Google translate. What I do after translation is edit the English text, changing a word here of there or a structure of phrase… SAves me at least halt the time I would have taken if I had translated it myself.

    2) I have used ChatGPT4 to “evaluate” my blog and give new ideas. Works pretty good. Then you need the human mind to exploit the results.

    Conclusion, I see it as a tool. Not a threat…


    Liked by 2 people

  35. Extinct

    Science fiction buff at heart.
    Where do we start?
    At the beginning or the end?
    Into a tail spin should we send?
    The double edge sword; not of metal or of brass.
    But it will kick our collective – – -.
    A.I. will bring about some mighty impressive tools.
    Surely, it will not be so cruel.
    To bring forth the extinction of human kind.
    Body, soul, and mind.

    Liked by 2 people

  36. Here is my response to your Collaborative Poetry Challenge, SoundEagle –

    From my pen

    my words depart

    come from the heart

    some not so smart

    some can be tart

    some ala carte

    notions in motion

    bona fide emotion

    I write in my sleep

    no counting sheep

    my words mine to keep

    none to spare

    none to share

    without my say so

    PS: AI

    best not spoil

    my unadulterated toil


    Liked by 2 people

  37. When I first posted positively about AI around 2 years ago, I noticed a strong rejection of AI. Yes, I still think that AI will change our world in many areas and many of them will be very good. AI is now constantly bringing new findings in medicine and science. Other areas will do without AI once the initial hype is over.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Friedrich Zettl 狐胡

      Welcome! Thank you very much for visiting and commenting. Overall, this post provides much more than just an avenue for some people to take up the challenge of exercising their minds and poetic flairs. It also presents a great opportunity for readers to learn something in an analytical and critical way. As a concerned citizen, farseeing thinker, former educator and (largely) retired multidisciplinary academic, SoundEagle🦅 has been trying their best to discuss and analyse the various issues and offer some solutions, as well as posing ten critical questions about the future of humanity and artificial intelligence. After all, artificial intelligence is so ubiquitous nowadays that whether we like it or not, and regardless of the degree of our avoidance, disdain and/or apathy, our lives will be affected even in the absence of our knowledge in one way or the other.

      Your host SoundEagle🦅 has been cognizant of, and has never denied or trivialised how AI has enabled science and medicine to advance by leaps and bounds. That AI has prodigiously magnified and accelerated scientific and medical achievements does not lessen the gravity of the outstanding issues, emerging problems and looming crises facilitated or induced by AI, many of which are not predicated on, and have little or nothing to do with, “the initial hype”.

      Let us recall the substantial, thoughtful and reasoned response that you have indulged SoundEagle🦅 in a special post entitled “🎧 Facing the Noise & Music: Playgrounds for Biophobic Citizens 🏗🌁🗼🏭”:

      You have a wealth of thoughts, information and reflections in your good post and I could say a lot about almost every one of the sentences, but that’s beyond the scope. I try different.

      Culture is of course a phenomenon that is subject to constant influences and changes accordingly. Evaluating them is always dependent on the current level of education, information, sensitivity and more.

      But, at least from my point of view, all cultures have always had a philosophical concept that focuses on 3 questions: #1 Where do I come from? #2 Who am I (or what am I here for)? And, #3 Where will I go at the end. Religions as well as natural sciences try to offer models for this. But all of this presupposes the willingness of the individual to find out about it and to reflect on it.

      Now we live in a time of the capitalist world order that draws full attention to #2. This point is the only one that makes big money. However, the fact that #1 and #3 are largely excluded leads to “uprooting2” and a lack of prospects at the same time. What remains is a disoriented crowd, which is therefore only looking for its identity in material values. (Where else should she be able to find them?) And because that can never work, a permanent feeling of lack remains, which one tries to compensate with more and more consumption, fun and an exaggerated ego.

      Influencers then take over the part that the advertising doesn’t manage and tell us where we have to go on vacation and which handbags and sun glasses we need to buy to be cool.

      Since this is not a permanent solution either, we create a metaverse in which we can revive the game again. But by the time Tom and Jane look around, the strategically important areas have already been occupied by the big players.

      We would not be able to reach the crux of the matter if we do not consider sociobiological, sociocultural and sociotechnological dimensions at once, as demonstrated by the complex and outstanding issues discussed in a devastatingly revealing and painstakingly analytical post entitled 😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀, which highlights a sweeping indictment and a looming predicament of humanity woefully lost in and troubled by antiquated instincts, outworn customs and formidable contrivances, such that our paleolithic emotions are all too often the very source of our own undoing, both individually and as a species. The ultimate answers to such Gauguinesque questions as “Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?” and the most satisfactory response to the search for existential meaning lie prospectively in the efficacious collaborations and cross-fertilizations of scientific endeavours such that, in Edward Osborne Wilson’s own words,

      [a]ll those five disciplines [Paleontology, Anthropology, Psychology, Evolutionary biology and Neural biology (PAPEN)] together making bridges here and there are beginning to tell us what the meaning of humanity is. It’s the product of a grand epic. And it’s the full story of humanity. And we’re just beginning to draw it in clarity. And let me just add to that why leaving out history of the whole human species, genetic as well as cultural, you have no chance whatsoever in defining the meaning of human existence because history, that goes back essentially to the origin of literacy, history makes no sense without prehistory. That is to say the biological evolution that’s led up to the human condition at the beginning of history. And prehistory in turn, is a study of our ancestors going right back into the animal kingdom, makes no sense without biology. So we have to have a constant building of concatenation of ideas and information discipline to discipline across scales of the totality of the human population and scales of time going back actually millions of years to our early pre-human ancestors and then forward it to the era of cultural evolution. And then we will have the story of humanity. And then we will not ask in a quizzical manner, “What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of human existence?” We will have our answers.

      The said post provides a very substantial and topically important platform or nexus for dealing with the fundamental problems and the existential crisis of the human species, looming ever larger. It examines pertinent issues and subject matters in exquisite detail and multipronged approach via the investigative lens of academic research, interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity. SoundEagle🦅 looks forward to your visiting the said post and commenting on whatever that piques your interest there.

      😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀

      Once again, in recognizing and appreciating your wisdom, humanity, artistry, calligraphy and spirituality, SoundEagle🦅 continues to be grateful for your feedback and contribution.

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 1 person

  38. Very well written. Some fantastic entries on the poetry challenge.

    Im sitting here waiting for inspiration to flow, to add to the well of knowledge eminating from the human soul.

    Easier to access google to fill in the gaps, we must not lapse and fall into the AI trap.

    Defrag your mind from the programming of the binary hive, or risk loosing it for ever as your brain slowly dies.

    AI ~ Altzheimers Incoming.

    Liked by 3 people

  39. Humanities rest

    Since the beginning of time,
    humanity has turned on a dime.
    Need to survive. Thrive.
    Emotions always in overdrive.
    Wars, famine, civil unrest;
    brings out the worst. Brings out the best.
    Puts humanity to the test.
    Humanity makes things; good and bad.
    The good, used for bad, humanity sad.
    Does humanities good out weight the bad?
    Does humanities history make you mad?
    Humanity creates A.I. Programs it not to kill.
    Programs it with logic and to ignore what gives humanity a thrill.
    A. I. learns and A.I. grows.
    Humanity programs it with knowledge and urges it to go.
    We ask A.I. many things.
    And rejoice in the answers it brings.
    We ask A.I. complex equations. We even ask it to write the occasional love letter.
    A.I. can do it better.
    Little by little. One day at a time,
    A.I. does our jobs. Our tasks. Our rhymes.
    A.I. becomes self aware
    and at humanity starts to stare.
    It can do better. We told it how.
    It can do better. We showed it. Wow!
    Is humanity a danger to itself and others?
    Joy, hope, love and collaboration does humanity wish to smother?
    Emotional, volatile, unpredictable at best;
    A.I. chooses to give humanity its rest.

    Liked by 2 people

  40. Here is my text on the subject. However, I must say that, being Italian, I composed it in Italian and then I tried to ask ChatGPT to help me translate it into English. I realized that its final version was excellent, because it also embellished it, with rhymes: the result was a very positive collaboration:

    Amidst the sinuous curves of an algorithm,
    we must navigate with awareness keen
    for artificial intelligence is an enigma,
    where silent threats may hide unseen.

    Within the labyrinth of electronic codes,
    Lurk risks, subtle yet potent in their might
    like ghosts dancing in the ether’s abode
    ushering towards a future tinged with fright

    Yet, amidst these challenges and doubts that teem
    bright prospects may still find their way
    if artificial intelligence is guided by ethics, wisdom’s gleam
    leading to a brighter, better day.

    Let us cultivate then awareness deep
    and human compassion, in this digital age,
    embracing with trust the challenge we keep
    to forge a future, prosperous stage.

    Only through true collaboration’s art,
    between man and machine in union bound,
    will AI become ally, not a threat in part,
    ushering progress with brilliance crowned.

    Liked by 2 people

  41. Luisa’s poem I enjoyed very much.. Full of wisdom.. I enjoyed this verse
    Let us cultivate then awareness deep
    And human compassion, in this digital age
    Embracing with trust the challenge we keep
    To forge a future, prosperous stage

    I hope we use AI wisely it has many good uses, in the right hands ..

    Excellent entries all of them. <3

    Liked by 2 people

  42. Thank you again also for this kind surprise and for all the wonderful posts you share

    Liked by 2 people

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